HiRez Poll King Crimson - Red [DVD-Audio/Blu-Ray Audio]


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Rate the DVD-A/BDA of King Crimson - RED

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'Trio' is a track on 'Starless & Bible Black' , not Red.

The 'trio' versions of 'Red' and 'Fallen Angel' on the Red 5.1 set are previously unreleased...and have no violin... so I'm guessing you mean maybe...'Providence'? Or 'Starless'?
Finally got around to listening to this today. Now, I've heard In the Court through Starless and Bible Black in 5.1 and they are amazing! And so is this, but there is a problem. In fact, looking through the comments, I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this. Does nobody else notice the obvious lack of acoustic guitar during the verses of Fallen Angel? I couldn't for the life of me hear it during any of three verses in the song. Other than that, I thought the new mix was great, even though it was the most radically different mix I've heard so far of a King Crimson album.
Finally got around to listening to this today. Now, I've heard In the Court through Starless and Bible Black in 5.1 and they are amazing! And so is this, but there is a problem. In fact, looking through the comments, I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this. Does nobody else notice the obvious lack of acoustic guitar during the verses of Fallen Angel? I couldn't for the life of me hear it during any of three verses in the song. Other than that, I thought the new mix was great, even though it was the most radically different mix I've heard so far of a King Crimson album.

HH i only bought this on teh strength of the 5.1 and have never listened to it in Stereo or teh original mix so I would not notice something like that :)
I had never really heard of/listened to King Crimson (other than of course familiarity with 21st CSM) until these discs started coming out. A fan of everything Steve Wilson, I had to check these all out. I have not been disappointed yet! Amazing surround, crisp, clean mixes that for the most part take full advantage of all speakers. Some caution though, if you like to listen with the volume turned up to 11, the volume of songs can vary from very quiet to very loud sections...sometimes catching you off-guard (just a consideration when others are in the house!)...
I can hardly play my King Crimson albums because of wife's complain (of weird noises)...
Today I gathered some courage and played it for 4th time may be...
Gave it a 9.
Don't know if the mod(s squad) ;) think that
"The Road to Red"
deserves another poll... but I think it does.

IIRC, the DVD-A features the 30th Anniversary remaster Stereo Mix in 96/24 and the SW 5.1 in 48/24,
but, TR2R
features the new Stereo mix along with the 5.1 both in 96/24 -plus "Providence"(complete) and "A journey to the center of the Cosmos" (one of my faves from "The Great Deceiver" box set) in full 5.1 96/24 glory (plus all the vinyl transfers available which INCLUDE the clicks and pops!!!! that will give your ClickRepair something to do!)-
and .....and lemme tell ya, the difference in sound quality regarding the surround mix is ..well... HUGE!!!!

To me, the difference between 48 and 96 is minimal, but still there...
but on BD the 5.1 SHINES!!!!!!

I do find the other BD with 192/24 resolution quite overkill, but hey, I don't care...even if I have to reset the BD player every time I listen to it we got concerts from MULTITRACK!!!!...

Still struggling with the CDs, at least I'll have plenty of music for my work commute...and go over the LTIA ones too...

I know the price is steep but, for a real fan , it is WAY worth it...


:friday: :smokin
Still undecided whether to go for the Road to Red or not. I'm a massive Crimson fan, but I already have the 2009 40th anniversary set of Red, Asbury Park, and the Great Deceiver box set. Its not the money, its finding the hours in the day to listen to all this stuff (with a musically conservative wife and a 1 and a 3 year old at home!!).

I value the opinion that you gave kap'n. Does anyone else have a view on the comparison of Red on the 2009 set against this new version?
Still undecided whether to go for the Road to Red or not. I'm a massive Crimson fan, but I already have the 2009 40th anniversary set of Red, Asbury Park, and the Great Deceiver box set. Its not the money, its finding the hours in the day to listen to all this stuff (with a musically conservative wife and a 1 and a 3 year old at home!!).

I value the opinion that you gave kap'n. Does anyone else have a view on the comparison of Red on the 2009 set against this new version?

"Ello Guv"....


Most discs say "Disc (X) taken from a band cassette soundboard recording..." :mad:@: Nuff said.

No 5.1 live stuff??? :howl

What looks fantastic is the new 2.0 mix by SW. It had to have been done from the multi-track so it will be much cleaner sounding that any uber-high sampling of a 40 year old hissy 2.0 tape. This 2.0 mix would be the quietest/most dynamic mix ever(mind you it is a different mix obvioulsy...)

I have a 3 year old at home as well and a very patient prog wife(YES-ELP-GENESIS-FLOYD = OK to play BUT King Crimson, Gentle Giant, Pat Metheny = NO to play).

So I can relate to the limited time frame to listen. Me personally, I am backed-up with new tunes to listen to, so the question is:

Do you need those dozen or so concerts presented in soundboard cassette purgatory?

Is the immaculate & quiet 2.0 new mix worth 150.00?

My advice is:

Use your limited time to rock-out in 5.1. Save your 2.0 music for your grandkids! :phones
"Ello Guv"....


Most discs say "Disc (X) taken from a band cassette soundboard recording..." :mad:@: Nuff said.

No 5.1 live stuff??? :howl

What looks fantastic is the new 2.0 mix by SW. It had to have been done from the multi-track so it will be much cleaner sounding that any uber-high sampling of a 40 year old hissy 2.0 tape. This 2.0 mix would be the quietest/most dynamic mix ever(mind you it is a different mix obvioulsy...)

I have a 3 year old at home as well and a very patient prog wife(YES-ELP-GENESIS-FLOYD = OK to play BUT King Crimson, Gentle Giant, Pat Metheny = NO to play).

So I can relate to the limited time frame to listen. Me personally, I am backed-up with new tunes to listen to, so the question is:

Do you need those dozen or so concerts presented in soundboard cassette purgatory?

Is the immaculate & quiet 2.0 new mix worth 150.00?

My advice is:

Use your limited time to rock-out in 5.1. Save your 2.0 music for your grandkids! :phones

I think you're very lucky to have a wife/sig. other who is OK w/ these, but find it curious that PM is on the don't play list. In my (admittedly not huge) experience, PM is much better liked by females than the vast majority of prog bands.
I think you're very lucky to have a wife/sig. other who is OK w/ these, but find it curious that PM is on the don't play list. In my (admittedly not huge) experience, PM is much better liked by females than the vast majority of prog bands.

Fair enough. American Garage is safe to play sure enough, buy Pat goes off the deep end pretty quick on later albums. I saw him in 2005/2006 and he was almost too much for me! :mad:@: LOL That guy is unreal.
"Ello Guv"....


What looks fantastic is the new 2.0 mix by SW. It had to have been done from the multi-track so it will be much cleaner sounding that any uber-high sampling of a 40 year old hissy 2.0 tape. This 2.0 mix would be the quietest/most dynamic mix ever(mind you it is a different mix obvioulsy...)

Do you need those dozen or so concerts presented in soundboard cassette purgatory?

Is the immaculate & quiet 2.0 new mix worth 150.00?

My advice is:

Use your limited time to rock-out in 5.1. Save your 2.0 music for your grandkids! :phones

Thanks, I agree with you on the live stuff.

The new 2.0 mix by SW - yes, sounds interesting (and can be purchased as a stand alone double cd set). BUT the 2009 40th anniversary set included a SW 5.1 mix, and presumably this mix was also done from the multi-track and would also be uber quiet and dynamic? I have to say that Red is one of my all time favourite albums, and the 40th anniversary 5.1 mix is one of my favourite 5.1 discs. I understand that this new mix would slightly re-assess the songs, but would it improve the sound quality?

Grandkids?! My kids are only 1 and 3, so that's way off yet!!
Thanks, I agree with you on the live stuff.

The new 2.0 mix by SW - yes, sounds interesting (and can be purchased as a stand alone double cd set). BUT the 2009 40th anniversary set included a SW 5.1 mix, and presumably this mix was also done from the multi-track and would also be uber quiet and dynamic? I have to say that Red is one of my all time favourite albums, and the 40th anniversary 5.1 mix is one of my favourite 5.1 discs. I understand that this new mix would slightly re-assess the songs, but would it improve the sound quality?

Grandkids?! My kids are only 1 and 3, so that's way off yet!!

Oh, yes, you said your "kids". So what I meant is that we should be blasting all of our 5.1 mixes and lobby the known universe for more and just stuff our old 2.0 mixes in the attic for our grandkids to discover decades later and wonder "What are these funny round plastic discs?"

As far as Crimson, they seem to have offered RED so many ways that there is quite a bit of duplicity, no way to avoid that. To answer your question of how quiet the new 5.1 & 2.0 mixers are? I would say. Me, personally; I hate tape hiss. So whoever made the original 2.0 mix in the 1970's was stuck with tape hiss/noise that came from the multi-track, regardless of what noise reduction was used during the mixdown. Going from tape to tape is never a good thing. Plus every 2.0 2nd gen master has lost something after 40 years!. So anything that is ripped from the original multi-track into digital can be cleaned up sonically and mixed into 5.1 or 2.0 virtually noise free. This gives a level of dynamics & silence that simply can't be obtained from any original 2.0 mix down tape. So for me, I gladly give up the fact that it is a different engineer mixing, when we get something that sounds so fantastic. Tull Aqualung in 5.1 comes to mind. I would jump into a volcanic lava bed before I ever listen to an old LP or CD of that record again!

So whatever on RED that was ripped from the earliest gen multi-tracks and SW did his mixing in digital would be what I would salivate over. 5.1 or 2.0.
Can anyone shed some light for me. . . Does the Road to Red contain exactly all of the same material on the CD/DVD that is on the new CD/DVD of USA in the same respective format on on both sets? Thank you in advance!
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