HiRez Poll King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King (2009) [DVD-Audio]


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Solid 10. It's essential listening for any surround fan. The music is more accessible than expected! Love Greg Lake's vocals.

Biggest highlight so far is "Epitaph". Those wide stereo-panned acoustic guitars just rip through the speakers.
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Not familiar with the King Crimson bought it cuz others said it was good. Got the cd/dvd version.
Like the music...pretty mellow but not really my cup of tea
Gave it 7
Yes I know I'm VERY late to the party on this one. Had it for about two weeks and I'm still playing the heck out it.

The long version: just read post #29. That's what swayed me.

The short version:

Solid 10. Essential listening for any surround fan. The music is more accessible than expected. Excellent vocals by Greg Lake.

The highlight: "Epitaph". Those wide stereo-panned acoustic guitars just rip through the speakers.
Epitaph is indeed an incredible song that really shines on this release. Written so long ago and yet totally relevant today!

My biggest issue with this release, and I can't fault SW, is the drum sound. I'm sure Michael Giles wasn't playing cardboard drums, but that's what they sound like to me. And I absolutely love Giles' performance here. Slight bummer for an otherwise great DVD-A release. I rate it a 9.
I'm sure Michael Giles wasn't playing cardboard drums, but that's what they sound like to me. And I absolutely love Giles' performance here. Slight bummer for an otherwise great DVD-A release. I rate it a 9.

Speaking of Michael Giles -- I'd love to have a surround version of his venture after KC, when he broke off from Fripp with fellow bandmate, Ian MacDonald (who rather incongruously went on to Foreigner . . . wah?).

Anyway, to take the edge off that jones, there's the excellent HDCD double CD of MACDONALD AND GILES. Ian MacDonald did something of a sequel with DRIVERS EYES years later, but Giles seems to have found a rock to hide under (or maybe I'm out of the loop -- any recent news there?).
I voted 10. I can't comment a whole bunch but the music and the surround is like snorting Cocaine for the first time, wonderful. I am an absolute beginner to King Crimson and unlike Cocaine I think this will be a new thing for me.
I voted 10. I can't comment a whole bunch but the music and the surround is like snorting Cocaine for the first time, wonderful. I am an absolute beginner to King Crimson and unlike Cocaine I think this will be a new thing for me.

A solid 10 from me as well, Markie. Can't imagine how Steve Wilson's upcoming 'improved 5.1 remix will sound ..... but you have to purchase the box set to find out.
A solid 10 from me as well, Markie. Can't imagine how Steve Wilson's upcoming 'improved 5.1 remix will sound ..... but you have to purchase the box set to find out.
You know Ralph I am buying all these 40th Anniversary editions, I have read from the mouth of SW that he would like to redo, BUT, do you think that will happen? How much could he improve and at what cost to the business of King Crimson, they most certainly would not get much more sales that the 40th?
You know Ralph I am buying all these 40th Anniversary editions, I have read from the mouth of SW that he would like to redo, BUT, do you think that will happen? How much could he improve and at what cost to the business of King Crimson, they most certainly would not get much more sales that the 40th?

Markie, it's a done deal. The album was already remixed by Wilson and he stated that with 10 years of remixing experience he learned a great deal and applied his 'experience' to the new remix. Hope it's also offered as a stand alone disc as a lot of the KC titles have been released.
Markie, it's a done deal. The album was already remixed by Wilson and he stated that with 10 years of remixing experience he learned a great deal and applied his 'experience' to the new remix. Hope it's also offered as a stand alone disc as a lot of the KC titles have been released.
Well if that is fact it makes no sense to buy anymore?
As I understand the press releases, the 40th Anniversary Series is being closed out with the 2 new CD/DVD releases and the corresponding big box on the 7th .
I'm also hoping that the new SW remix is released in the standalone CD/DVD pack like all the 40th releases, but I would not be surprised or offended if it is only part of this big box which is a 50th Celebration release.

I suspect we will find out soon enough.
Markie, it's a done deal. The album was already remixed by Wilson and he stated that with 10 years of remixing experience he learned a great deal and applied his 'experience' to the new remix. Hope it's also offered as a stand alone disc as a lot of the KC titles have been released.
Hope Steven can do something about the dreaded cardboard drum sound that marred the 40th anniversary 5.1 release, although I don’t think he’ll be able to. Bummer because Giles played his butt off.
Are all these in the QQ surround poll the 40th Anniversary? If SW does his re-release will all these be re-released, still confused.
You have to type King Crimson in the surround poll
It's with a heavy heart that I vote 6 on this.
That's the bottom of my recommend range.
I only recommend it from a perspective of curiosity and comparison. I've always found passages of this version harsh and barely tolerable.
The 2019 remix is a 9 or 10 for me, and sooo much more enjoyable. Just trying to be honest and fair.
It's with a heavy heart that I vote 6 on this.
That's the bottom of my recommend range.
I only recommend it from a perspective of curiosity and comparison. I've always found passages of this version harsh and barely tolerable.
The 2019 remix is a 9 or 10 for me, and sooo much more enjoyable. Just trying to be honest and fair.
I think you are totally right... I've only listened to the 2019 stereo remix so far, but I have the feeling that this first listening session has immediately changed my previous appreciation for the 40th AE. I originally voted 10 on this, probably driven by enthusiasm, but I'm now realising this is the only KC surround remix that never gets played in this house... following remixes are far more enjoyable. It could still be a 7, given than 6 represents a borderline pass, but now in 2019 I would not recommend this to anyone. I've changed my vote to 7, despite having enjoyed the remix years ago. My main problems were with the vocals, (being too loud in some passages, especially in Epitaph and Moonchild), and with some instruments, which were far too loud in the mix (acoustic guitar in Epitaph and mellotron). This has now been fixed, at least in the stereo remix. Will comment more once I've heard the 5.1.
I bought the 40th CD/DVD Court like a month before the 50th Bluray thing was announced; thankfully the 40th series has been kept in print and available which is rare for multichannel albums... Cardboard drums I agree, but I thought the 40th 5.1 was really stupidly good, Schizoid Man is one of the best uses of centered vocals I've heard. A 9 so I'm skeptical, is the 50th that much better? It's $40 up here in Canada versus the $20 for the 40th.