SoundForge 12?


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Jun 10, 2016
A question for you audio engineers--pros and hobbyists--on QQ:

I bought SoundForge 8 years ago, when it was still a Sony product, and I still use it occasionally. (I don't do any quad conversions, multi-channel mixing, etc.--yet. Just stereo podcast/radio-type recording: spoken text, laying down voice over music beds, that kind of thing.) I also have the latest version of Audacity, and I recently picked up Audition 3.0, too, when I learned here on QQ that Adobe was giving it away.

Here's my question: SoundForge has been hounding me to upgrade to the latest release--12.0--and teasing me with a "special" discounted price of $29.99. Can anyone who has used SoundForge 12 tell me whether there's any real reason for me to spring for the upgrade, or should I just stick with what I have?
I would fall into the hobbyist category, I use SF10 all the time, it works seamlessly with pro tools and I wouldnt bother upgrading to 12. I am not a fan of audition but that's just my personal preference. There are many that like audition. So between the two of them I think you are covered well enough. And I am a firm believer in the "if it ain't broken don't fix it" rule.
I go back with Sound Forge to Version 4 when it was from a company called "Sonic Foundry" (remember that?), way before Sony bought the product. I have purchased every upgrade since, all the way to SF 11. And guess what I use mostly? Sound Forge 10. I don't really like the visuals on 11, so I stick with 10.

As for MAGIX, I have no idea what they've done to SF12, or what improvements they've made. For me, I'm sticking with SF10. Yes, they will hound you everytime you start your old version. That's a pain. But I think if what you have works, stick with it.

Owning software is becoming a thing of the past. They all want you to subscribe, so they have a continuing flow of income coming into their bucks bucket. Big companies like Microsoft, Adobe, AutoDesk, and others have made the move. Soon most will.

Stick with what you have and paid for. At least you know what you have, and it's yours.
WOW, Just checked their web page and Sound Forge Audio Studio 12 is stereo only!

It's actually a scaled down version of Sound Forge Pro - so PASS.
Completely missed that, myself--that's the clincher, then.

Sounds as if it would be nice to be able to upgrade to v. 10, but 8 does what I need it to do, so I'll definitely stick with it. (And yes: I'd forgotten about Sonic Foundry! I think my first version of SoundForge was pre-Sony, too...)

The perpetual-payment model is really insidious. I was livid when Adobe disabled their authentication servers for CS3, which effectively turned an entire suite of programs into crippleware on at least one of my workstations. Some consolation in being able to install CS2 for free, at least...

Thanks, both of you, for your input!

WOW, Just checked their web page and Sound Forge Audio Studio 12 is stereo only!

It's actually a scaled down version of Sound Forge Pro - so PASS.
Owning software is becoming a thing of the past. They all want you to subscribe, so they have a continuing flow of income coming into their bucks bucket. Big companies like Microsoft, Adobe, AutoDesk, and others have made the move. Soon most will.

Stick with what you have and paid for. At least you know what you have, and it's yours.

Don't you just love it when they announce something that benefits the companies but not the customer and say its a great new enhancement to your service. I have some Mathematics Software and they have moved to a Subscription 'Service' (or yearly rental downgrade as it should be called!), I have a perpetual license for the software but I need to move that to the new PC, but they have to produce the license file, so I see some 'fun' brewing for me. :(
i used to have soundforge 10 then i moved on to another product needed more features. i still love the software and it is so user friendly.