Rob Reed (Magenta mastermind) Sanctuary, solo album in 5.1


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Robert van Diggele

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
QQ Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Woerden, The Netherlands
In the latest issue of Prog magazine is an article on the forthcoming solo album of Rob Reed called Sanctuary. We all know Rob as the mastermind behind the Magenta albums and the Kompendium project, which gave us already a number of great surround releases.

The album is a Tubelar Bells type of affair, with Rob playing all instruments on this instrumental album. The only singing is by Synergy Vocals, the group that also sang on Beneath the Waves, the Kompendium album

At the end of the article, it is mentioned that Simon Heyworth mastered the album, and also created the 5.1 mix. I hope that latter is a mistake and that Rob himself did the mixing, as he is one of the best.

The album will be out on the 7th of July 2014.

Searching on the web, I cannot find anything yet about this release. Does anybody here have more info, Neil Palfreyman perhaps?
Simon mastered it, Rob mixed it, we're putting it all together.
It will of course be a full DVD-A/V title - will post more as I get the info.
Thanks for the update on this Robert V. and Neil W., this will be a must buy for me, like stuff Rob Reed has put out so far with Magenta and Kompendium.
I can't check this from work but does the Magenta website have a preorder for it as bought magenta and Kompendium from there?

No pre order yet. Not even a mention about this project on It seems Rob has been working in relative silence on this project.

There is a topic on the Magenta forum, and a reviewer is commenting saying

Yes - there is a master plan, and we all know that Rob is not a man to spill the beans early...and he doesn't do social networking.

I've reviewed it in the next CRS magazine and I think there's mega-coverage due in the next Prog as well...

Oh, it's marvellous, by the way.


P.s CRS mag is Classic Rock Society mag.
Being as the word is out I guess I can tell you that I was fortunate enough to playtest the surround mix and imho it's the best Rob has done to date. By quite a margin. Yes, it's even better than "The Twenty Seven Club." :yikes

Rob told me it was recorded specifically with surround in mind and it shows in the mix. It's really staggering and a feast for the ears. In terms of style it's quite a departure from Magenta. Rob's always been very open about being a Mike Oldfield fan and this record is *very* heavily influenced by Mike's sound.

Quite simply; it's a "must buy."
Being as the word is out I guess I can tell you that I was fortunate enough to playtest the surround mix and imho it's the best Rob has done to date. By quite a margin. Yes, it's even better than "The Twenty Seven Club." :yikes

Rob told me it was recorded specifically with surround in mind and it shows in the mix. It's really staggering and a feast for the ears. In terms of style it's quite a departure from Magenta. Rob's always been very open about being a Mike Oldfield fan and this record is *very* heavily influenced by Mike's sound.

Quite simply; it's a "must buy."

Thanks for that update Neil, Is the July 7th date possible as that is less than a month away.

Forgive me if I don't say more or answer questions - it's either (most likely) because I don't know or it being unfair to "leak" info that Rob will release in due course, but I don't think you will have to wait long. :)
More info and a teaser just released here.

Including "Sanctuary is released on July 21 via Tigermoth Records." :)

Watching the teaser video will give you a very good impression of the feel/style of the record. It's all easily as good and in many places even better than the clip. :)

Thanks Neil, just listened to it, very nice, it does have a very Oldfiedish feel to it.
July 21 won't come quick enough.

Order completed. It doesn't say Dvd Audio, shame to me again as that was only thing from 27 Club that was missing as it also was a DVDV only as can't play those disk's in the car, sure wish Rob would skip the video's and rather put the Dvd Audio layer on, oh well, guess you can't have it all. I know the sound of 24/96 Dts is pretty close, if there was a choice between a Dvd Audio with no videos and the Dvdv with videos I know which I would choose.

PZ, see LK refering to NW :) it will be dvda/v

Thanks, I have reedited my post, DUH, Neil Wilkes did mention its a full DvdA this time.
It was because I didn't see it mentioned on the order page as you would think it should say DVDA, that I went into complain mode.
No complaints any more, really happy with preorder on this, :)


Rob, thanks for replying at SHF post that I put in as I think if a few of us spread the word over there hopefully a few more people will order this.
