3 New Dutton Epoch SACDs - All Recent Classical Recordings (Sept 2018)


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Oct 12, 2011
Southern Illinois
Just popped up on their Facebook page, don't see it live yet. "New Dutton Epoch SACD & Quadraphonic Releases." However, the quad mixes are all of their own recent recordings - the music is early 20th century British composers.


Wonder if this batch is September's new QUAD releases from D~V [no new Pop/Jazz QUADS?]

Am interested though in the Vaughan Williams and Julius Caesar mch SACDs.
Wonder if this batch is September's new QUAD releases from D~V [no new Pop/Jazz QUADS?]

Am interested though in the Vaughan Williams and Julius Caesar mch SACDs.
I suspect so, but who knows. I'm mildly interested in the RVW stuff, might get it on sale or as part of a bigger order. Their original recording projects of late have really focused on obscure British composers/works, especially completions of RVW and Elgar, along with composers like Havergal Brian, who I feel lukewarm about.

That said, a proper surround presentation of Brian's massive "Gothic" Symphony would be very interesting.
I suspect so, but who knows. I'm mildly interested in the RVW stuff, might get it on sale or as part of a bigger order. Their original recording projects of late have really focused on obscure British composers/works, especially completions of RVW and Elgar, along with composers like Havergal Brian, who I feel lukewarm about.

That said, a proper surround presentation of Brian's massive "Gothic" Symphony would be very interesting.

I did immensely enjoy the COMPLETE Scott of the Antarctic score but some of the other D~V Epoch releases not so much.

I know a lot of QQers [including myself] will be disappointed if these DO REPRESENT September's Surround releases but that's what D~V normally does.......POP/Jazz then Classical. Was hoping for some more of those discrete SONY/RCA QUADS, especially Bernstein's MASS especially considering it's his centenary.
I think just doing reissues gets a little boring, and I suspect making new recordings has much more of an interpersonal and creative element. I just hope there's more classical quad reissues coming - the last ones were October/November.

As Jon Urban intimated, I think D~V just might form that alliance with Warner/Rhino and surprise us with some more choice titles in time for the holidays. And I wouldn't rule out more titles from the Columbia/RCA QUAD catalogue.
As Jon Urban intimated, I think D~V just might form that alliance with Warner/Rhino and surprise us with some more choice titles in time for the holidays. And I wouldn't rule out more titles from the Columbia/RCA QUAD catalogue.
Cool! And I'm really happy people are getting the 70s pop/rock quad stuff they always wanted. A lot of it is of pretty tangential interest to me, but I'm trying not to rain on people's parade because more stuff being reissued is a good thing, regardless of what it is. Even the MOR stuff is a good thing even if I've tried it and really don't like it. But I'm going to keep watching for more classical stuff quad reissues - there's so much in the vaults.
Cool! And I'm really happy people are getting the 70s pop/rock quad stuff they always wanted. A lot of it is of pretty tangential interest to me, but I'm trying not to rain on people's parade because more stuff being reissued is a good thing, regardless of what it is. Even the MOR stuff is a good thing even if I've tried it and really don't like it. But I'm going to keep watching for more classical stuff quad reissues - there's so much in the vaults.

Since I appreciate ALL genres of music,I do feel classical is more than amply represented by BIS, Channel, Ars, Pentantone, et alia. In fact, there are way more mch classical releases than all the other genres combined. And now with DGG, Decca and Philips releasing more and more on BD~A, another vast cornucopia of classical riches coming our way.
Since I appreciate ALL genres of music,I do feel classical is more than amply represented by BIS, Channel, Ars, Pentantone, et alia. In fact, there are way more mch classical releases than all the other genres combined. And now with DGG, Decca and Philips releasing more and more on BD~A, another vast cornucopia of classical riches coming our way.
There are a lot of classical mch releases, but there's also a lot in the vaults of classical quad mixes, and the newer performances aren't fungible for older ones. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the major labels of the early 1970s were dealing with musicians/orchestras at the absolute top of their game, while the niche labels still releasing SACDs are frankly more variable - there's a lot of recordings of 3rd tier provincial orchestras on SACD. There are obvious exceptions, including the LSO and Budapest Festival Orchestra, but an awful lot of the classical music on SACD is mid-tier performancewise.

We have some great recordings of Stravinsky's Firebird on SACD, including Litton on BIS and Fischer on Channel. But you had better believe I still want the quad of Boulez leading the New York Philharmonic in that work. Maybe we'll never get it on SACD, but I'm going to keep watching this space for recordings like that on digital formats.
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I did immensely enjoy the COMPLETE Scott of the Antarctic score but some of the other D~V Epoch releases not so much.

I know a lot of QQers [including myself] will be disappointed if these DO REPRESENT September's Surround releases but that's what D~V normally does.......POP/Jazz then Classical. Was hoping for some more of those discrete SONY/RCA QUADS, especially Bernstein's MASS especially considering it's his centenary.
Scott of the Antarctic was fantastic. I really enjoyed that one.
Not sure ubertrout, but D~V did tout it as THE COMPLETE VERSION unheard since it's original scoring. Hey, for £11.99???????
I'll probably get it eventually. But I have over 1,000 classical SACDs, and listen at least as much to music over streaming at the office / in the car, so I need something to really grab me to pick it up. I've already been collecting Chandos's cycle, and will probably get that first (issued last year).
