Some tidbits about this one....... :banana:
Overall, I am quite pleased with these mixes.
To give due credit though, some of the 5.1 mixes were not my mine,
(notably Big Shot, My Life & Honesty.These were done by Frank Fillipetti for the 52nd St SACD.)
I don't remember how all of them were dealt with, but many of these videos had live vocals, (recorded during the video shoot), that had to be inserted over the new 5.1 instrumentals. Finding and syncing up these vocals was quite a chore. I know Honesty and Baby Grand are two of them, though there are at least 3 or 4 others, I just remember which.
"James" only existed as a mono(?) live performance video tape.
We never could find the correct Los Angelenos multis for the performance you see.
The reason they used the Yankee Stadium "Piano Man" instead of the music video you may have seen, is that Billy doesn't like that video, (or so I was told after having already mixing the studio/music video version).
Also interesting is that the piano on the "Piano Man" album was only recorded in mono. This was normal practice at the time, though questionable in retrospect.
The International version of this is called the "Ultimate Collection" and has different bonus material. I don't think I woked on any of those bonus tracks.
None of these are problems with the disk, as far as I'm concerned, just little bits of trivia.
Now for my problems with this disk....
Without getting too detailed....
I had never dealt with much post mixing (lots of dialog, FX, etc.) before this.
The engineer who did this work therefore mixed it at broadcast levels, and a bit compressed to help make the dialog & FX sound better compared to the music. (Just the way he always mixed music video for broadcast!).
This also matched the levels of the stereo tracks on the master videos, which were at broadcast levels.
This had a very severe effect on the sound quality of the Dolby encode, (and would have in DTS also!).
A solution would have been mastering, but none of this was mastered.
This was a live and learn thing for both him and me, as I have done more work with this same guy many times since and have been very happy with the results. I now also oversee, question & approve everything from start to finish.
None-the-less, and as I said before, I am quite happy with the mixes.
(as a matter of fact I went and listened to the unencoded/unpostmixed raw mixes before posting here just to make sure I wasn't insane, (insaner?!?!

@: )
(Maybe I'll add a little more info later as time allows)
I give it a weighted score of 7.
Favorite tracks: The Longest Time, Goodnight Saigon.
Hope you enjoy it if you get it.
PS - Am working on a rarities box set of Billy's.
Nearly done with it.
Mostly outtakes, bsides, unreleased rough song ideas.....
Will probably include two songs you can mix yourself (UMixIt Software).
It is also slated to have a new live DVD from the River Of Dreams Tour.
I really like this show, (Frankfurt Festivhall 1994), the hall sounds great and the crowd is really into it. I shouldn't say this but I think it's better than the Yankee Stadium DVD.