HiRez Poll Birdsong at Morning - A SLIGHT DEPARTURE [Blu-Ray Audio]


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Rate the BDA of Birdsong at Morning - A SLIGHT DEPARTURE

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  • 1: Poor Content, Poor Surround Mix, and Poor Fidelity

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Hi-Res Moderator
Staff member
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Oct 31, 2008
Middle TN
Please post your thoughts and comments on this 2016 release containing a 5.1 surround mix of the album "A Slight Departure" by the band Birdsong at Morning.

Here's a link to purchase this CD/Blu-Ray set from the band's official webstore:


(n) :) (y)
After listening to this a half dozen times or so, its very hard for me to find fault with this release. The sonics are very good. Maybe not the jaw dropping, "Brothers in Arms" kind of awesome, but still very good. While some might nit pick the lack of center channel use on some of the tracks, the mix is discreet and quite effective. Very immersive and non-gimmicky. I wouldn't change a thing, empty CC or not. The performance and musicianship is top notch, as is the songwriting. Several of the cuts like "The Great Escape" and "Devils Stomping Ground" seem to linger in my memory. Very catchy but not overtly pop-ish. The extras like the videos, on screen lyrics, and nicely done packaging make the release even more desirable. For a release like this to be put out by a relatively unknown band is pretty amazing. Ill be on the lookout for more Birdsong in the future, especially if its in surround. I want to give it a 9.5, but since we deal with whole numbers here in QQ I have to round up to a 10. Thank you QQ member Peterzach for bringing it to our attention.
I knew once I heard the first song on this album, "The Great Escape", that this would be an album that I would greatly love.
Things I am a huge fan of: well-arranged songs with great melodies that are well sung and exquisitely recorded.
I'm happy to say this album ticks all of those boxes, and it's mixed in surround!
What more could you want?! (Answer: NOTHING!)

I give this release a '10' as there's no way it deserves any less than that.

(PS When I first created this poll, I made sure to provide a link to purchase this release from the band's own webstore as it's very inexpensive for US customers and their service is excellent!)

I'm agreeing 100% with all that has been said so far. While I cannot pin point it, whatever this music has...is exactly what I love. Mysterious, beautiful and haunting. Devi's Stomping Ground encapsulates everything I love in a wonderfully recorded song. Call me crazy, but for some reason, parts of that song remind me of Kashmir by Zeppelin. And I mean that as a great compliment.

The vocals are top notch, the written music is top notch, the mix is excellent. I have to vote a strong 10.
This one should simply not be missed.
Not sure why I haven't voted yet.
10 all the way as great song writing and very discreet and fidelity is excellent.
I might have done a few things differently if it it was my surround project but what has been done here is very tasteful and there is very much to enjoy.
This is a pleasant surprise, a lot of well produced strings and yes there is a hint of Kashmir in devils stomping ground. The surround mix is good and overall I give it a 9.
Stormchaser has some 'splaining to do!;)

I still haven't voted, and I really haven't had the chance to give this the time it deserves, so I've wanted to give it a few more spins.

Honestly, though, I don't know what I'm waiting for. It's a near flawless release, and it's a 9 to a possible 10 material.
Stormchaser has some 'splaining to do!;)

I still haven't voted, and I really haven't had the chance to give this the time it deserves, so I've wanted to give it a few more spins.

Honestly, though, I don't know what I'm waiting for. It's a near flawless release, and it's a 9 to a possible 10 material.

After reading your post I just figured out how to see who voted in the poll. I never realized it did that, but figured you did it some how...so :ugham:

Anyway Storm must not like the material. Its pretty hard to fault the mix and fidelity.

I can understand that. I'm struggling with it now with the new Yes - Tales release. Love the sound.... but??? The truth is I got part way through the 3rd track and had to abandon it for some "Close to the Edge" ...:couch
After reading your post I just figured out how to see who voted in the poll. I never realized it did that, but figured you did it some how...so :ugham:

Anyway Storm must not like the material. Its pretty hard to fault the mix and fidelity.

I can understand that. I'm struggling with it now with the new Yes - Tales release. Love the sound.... but??? The truth is I got part way through the 3rd track and had to abandon it for some "Close to the Edge" ...:couch

How do you see "who voted what" in a pole? (I've always wondered... thought it might be helpful for figuring out who has the same "surround taste" as myself!)
At the top of the page, click 'View Poll Results'

Or sometimes (though I haven't figured out when), you don't see that option. You can simply click on one of the numbers in the far right. In other words, if 7 people voted a 10...click on the 7 and then it shows who voted what.
I've noticed once you vote, the option to see who voted what seems to disappears. It's odd, and really seems like it should be other way around...
I've noticed once you vote, the option to see who voted what seems to disappears. It's odd, and really seems like it should be other way around...

Wow, just voted for the first time on another thread, and you're correct.
Didn't know that was how it worked here, not likely to do much more voting.
I'd rather be able to hold the pontificators accountable than throw in my opinion.
After you vote you can still see who else voted. Just click on one of the blue numbers in the second column from the right.

Up will pop the voter names.
Wow, just voted for the first time on another thread, and you're correct.
Didn't know that was how it worked here, not likely to do much more voting.
I'd rather be able to hold the pontificators accountable than throw in my opinion.