"Parsons Thibaud" is the next DVD-A release from QuadroSurround


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Forum Curmudgeon
Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
Hello all,

Dietrich kindly sent me a copy of the latest release on his label in Germany, which is a 4 channel mix of the album "Parsons Thibuad - Transcontinental Voices", and I really like it. It's a very easy and pleasant listen, the surround is top notch, and the musicmanship is excellent. All of the songs were written by the two artists, and sung in English. The style is guitar driven melodic tunes with vocal harmonies as well as guitar harmonies.

This album had a stereo release in 2011. You can read about it and the artists on their websites at the following links. The surround disc is NOT available from the artists directly.



The surround field is well thought out, like I may have done. Each singer is in his own front speaker, which makes the harmonizing sound terrific. Their respective guitars are in the rear opposing speakers, with the drums in the front center, and for the later tracks, the electric guitars fill in. It is a VERY open sound stage, and for those who play guitar you can really hear the minutia of each player in his own speaker.

The first 7 tunes are acoustic, the last 4 go electric. I found myself gravitating to the acoustic tunes on first listens. They are well written and catchy. These two performers have obviously played together for quite a while and it sounds it. Very relaxed, very confident, and very very good.

For those who haven't tried a QuadroSurround DVD-A yet, this one is a no brainer if you like this kind of music. It's hard to describe, as it could be considered folk, or country, or pop/rock. There are a wide variety of styles on the disc, but it's truly a singer-songwriter kind of vibe.

Those interested can order the disc from the QuadroSurround website:


One song that I liked right away, and still do, is Track 3, called "Drowning". I created a DTS Sample for you to download and play to get a feel for the type of music and the excellent musicmanship on this disc. This track was written by Joseph Parsons, and has a Neil Young kind of feel to it, a Harvest-era NY. I like it a lot.
This is a DTS encoded wav file. So you can play it in Foobar or burn it to a CD or DVD, but you cannot play it in Media Player.


Parsons Thibaud Front 600.jpg

Parsons Thibaud Back 600.jpg

Parsons Thibaud Inside 600.jpg
Here's a DTS sample from one more track, called "Tell Me Hello". This is a folky type tune, showing off the vocal harmonies of the artists. Again, each singer in his own front speaker, and each singers quitars in their own back speaker. Very nice! (y)

Remember, this is a DTS wav file:

Both artists, Joseph Parsons and Todd Thibaud are Bands from the USA and play often separate. Sometimes they have concerts in Germany. Jodseph Parsons for example has produced meanwhile 12 Stereo-CD's and in the internet are thousands clicks for their free music offers.
One of their newer concerts, an association of members from both bands, has been so impressive, that we have made a contract, so that we could now make a quadraphonic surround version. Look to our webside www.quadro-surround.de in both languages for looking and may be for orders. Till now we have only delighted feedbacks, because each of their songs are a catchy tune.

Anyone listen to the DTS samples? I'm curious as to what you all think.
For those, who can't listen the DTS surround-sound, as Jon has made in a kindly manner as a helping collaborator , they (you) can listen 3 stereo samples on our web-side www.quadro-surround.de (if needed, at beginning with http://) It is written in german and english for a select. You can listen the 3 songs by " music samples". This week we start with the quadraphonic mix for a further 4-channel surround-production. So we work really for an quadraphonic sound in our present time.

Thanks to Jon for the recommendation and to Dietrich for the excellent service and his dedication to making this stuff available.

Nice album with a good surround mix. (y)
Thanks to Jon for the recommendation and to Dietrich for the excellent service and his dedication to making this stuff available.

Nice album with a good surround mix. (y)

Too bad that they can't hook this disc up on Amazon or somewhere, as it's good enough that it deserves a much wider release.
Hello Jon,
you make really a helpful work for us with the announcing of each of our new productions. But I am surprised about the low interess of many surround-fans. And I can't understand, that they even don't listen (for nothing) your DTS conversations.

It seems, that some of them are living further on in the quadraphonic past or there are a lot new quadraphonic productions from Warner or RCA in the shops. So they don't need our productions. Or any mean, that real quadraphonic sound can be produced only in the USA. When the 5th ot 6th version from Pink Floy or Eric Clapton is released for many more mony as our price is, then there is a big hello. It seems, that rarities are for some more important as new surround-sound productioins. Let them do as they like. But for me the idea of Quadraphonic Surround must live with actual productions. Not only in the past. And we make not music for tastes of a niche, but those, that nearly each can listen it well. Those, who sell our productions are always very satisfied. I and we don't want to intrude the other fans with our productions by a situation of quadraphonic glut - which I may have overlooked.

We have also plans to offer this by Amazon, but the quadraphonic fans there may be most also in this forum. Together we will introduce our Label and production by Youtube. So far I have fun with the quadraphonic productions I make it further on. The next is a second Production of Latin Music from the Frank Valdor Orchester and then we have hard Rock by OGRE. Let's see, how it further on runs.

I think part of the problem is the website is a little confusing. For instance, when you find the page with the price listed there is no obvious place to click a link to actually purchase anything. http://www.quadro-surround.de/english/avaiable_productions.html The price is listed, but the only active links just launches a box with more info about the artist. I'm sure this is operator error on my part, but if I'm having the problem others likely are as well. I would guess that way more people might give these titles a try if they were offered on a platform that everyone was familiar with, like Amazon. I enjoyed the music samples on the website, but I still have no idea what it would cost with shipping in US currency or how you actually go about ordering anything.
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Some of the early releases from QuadroSurround were targeted towards a specific type of music (Spanish, Dance Hall, etc), but I can assure you that their Classical disc and this disc are top notch and just as good as anything you'd find in retail. This particular disc should resonate with the demographic here, as it's in English, sung by Americans, it's folk/rock, and the songs are well written, very musical and catchy, and the harmonies are spot on.

It's a disc worthy of a wider distribution

PS - The DTS Samples I created are not complete tracks, but samples of the two songs, each under 2 minutes. Enought to get a feel for the songs and the harmonies.
I think part of the problem is the website is a little confusing. For instance, when you find the page with the price listed there is no obvious place to click a link to actually purchase anything. http://www.quadro-surround.de/english/avaiable_productions.html The price is listed, but the only active links just launches a box with more info about the artist. I'm sure this is operator error on my part, but if I'm having the problem others likely are as well. I would guess that way more people might give these titles a try if they were offered on a platform that everyone was familiar with, like Amazon. I enjoyed the music samples on the website, but I still have no idea what it would cost with shipping in US currency or how you actually go about ordering anything.

I can't really speak for Dietrich about shipping costs to the States but the 22 Euro price quoted covered postage from Germany to the UK. The ordering process was quite easy: I e-mailed my name and address to Dietrich using the e-mail address quoted at the bottom of the "Available productions" page and sent the 22 Euros to the same address via PayPal. The disc arrived a few days later. Despite the falling pound, the total cost worked out at just over £16 which seems quite reasonable to me for a privately produced product.

Perhaps it would help other potential customers if Dietrich could let everyone know if the 22 Euro charge for discs includes postage to customers outside Europe?

All I can say is that I'm happy I made the effort.
That is the important fact by our Label, that a fan of Quadraphony can talk with us and gets also an answer - in contrast to the big labels. I don't believe, that most managers there will give answers to their customers. Who has asks or suggestions, may write us. We, I and my collaborators, are also privat enthusiastic fans of the quadraphonic sound already in the 70's and on the other hand my helpers are at the same time professionals in audio and video production. One was even manager of the geman RCA - has produced one of the first CD-4 records in Germany and has prepared the first CD-4 sampler here. There is no a difference by our working to the other labels. Alltogether we are probably the only actual label worldwide, which produced especially and only quadraphonic music in the section popular. $ 22 (including mailing) or € 22 should not too expensive for such new and special quadraphonic productions, when a few old hats are selling for $ 100 etc.

Buying our productions is also very easy. Click our web-side www.quadro-surround.de (may be also together with http://), then go to the us-english page and look to music examples (if you will listen) and for buying to the button "how to sell". Write your address to me and pay by paypal with my e-mal address [email protected]. Where is the problem?

We make not such niche productions, which are or was sometimes offered from the big labels, but we make music for many sorts of music taste. I don't believe that all music listeners have only the same taste. This would be monotonous and dull. Such music is often to listen by the radio and TV stations. But of course each has one or a few very prefered tastes for his beloved music.

So each can talk also to us about this theme. May be, Jon could make an inquiry, which sort of music is most popular b the quadraphonic fans: Klassik, Jazz, Latin, Dance, Hard-Rock, Soft-Rock (Folk), Reggae or Blues and Soul.

We are proud, that we have without any target for a profit, made meanwhile 7 quadraphonic productions in only a few more as only one year. And also, that each, who had buyed our DVD-Audios, was enjoyed. We like of course also the old quadraphonic productions from the 70's, but on the other hande we like to make actual quadraphonic productions for the present time of 2013!Those, who are willig to help by this unique project, are always wellcome.

I am going to quote Jon from other posting in Ogre thread:
Jon says:
Hi Ross,

Welcome to QQ. Glad you found us and have posted. As soon as I get my copy, I will create a poll and post scans of the disc and case. It would be great if this release helped to get more people to listen to the great work Dietrich has been doing with Quadro-Surround. I realize that members seem to have a hard time getting his releases, but many are well worth it.

I am truly saddened that more members have not heard the Parsons Thibaud DVD-A, because I feel it stands on its own as one of the best surround DVD-A's I've ever heard.

Here's hoping that your release gets the word out and this becomes their biggest seller. "

I can only speak for myself, I had no clue who this artist(Parsons Thibaud) is and I mean there are so many artists and everyone has to pick and choose who they are going to zero in on and listen to, its impossible to buy every album done by every artist out there.
Having said that I just listened to the samples and I am very intriqued, sounds really good, definitely one of the styles of music I like to listen to.
Not sure who it reminds me of but people that have a better ear, maybe name drop like what Cdbaby has done they have listed that Parsons Thibaud recommended for people that like Crosby & Nash,Crowded House,Simon & Garfunkel. Reason why I say that I search QQ all the time and I thought I read most posts but I totally missed this thread. As well had I done a search for Crosby I would have came across this thread as a example.
I do want to order this now for sure and Ogre and maybe even David Celia as he has a sound that I like to listen to as well.
The first few Quadio releases are not up my personal listening alley, I can appreciate the music(Latin,Jazz,Swing) but it wouldn't be something I would listen to so I didn't order and didn't check again to see what they are selling.
I do love rock\pop\folk\punk\indie rock,progressive and come to think of it guess thats why progressive might be one of most interesting to me as an example it could even include jazz,latin,swing in song writing but its not a whole album of the same style of music so I can take that better in smaller doses for some styles of music.

I might be wrong but my guess is that there are many 100's(maybe more) of members from this site that just like me might have missed/written off Quadro project as something to eclectic and as artists are not very well known that are being chosen, we just don't give them the time of day. Another reason is I thought why is this in quad only as 5.1 gives even a bigger sound field.

Just read a description at Cdbaby for David Celia, "Refreshing feel-good but think music, a mix of roots pop folk rock. You'll dig it if you like the Beatles, Neil Young or music that isn't crap", sounds good to me.

I trust Jon's opinion, if he says this is one of the best Dvda's he has heard, I'm sold, wish I had read this post when it first came out, then I could have been listening to this in the Acura,home setup even sooner.

Dietrich, question for you, is the cost exactly the same per disk for someone ordering from Canada if for example I order 3 or 4 of your titles?
Can someone buy your releases in a music store somewhere in Germany or is it online as well for people from Germany(reason why I ask I have a friend in Germany right now on business for another week).
Dieter of Quadro Surround has sent a leaflet announcing a second Parsons Thibaud quad disk, "More Transcontinental Voices". In fact you can find it here.
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I purchased the two Parson & Thibuad 4.0 albums - and they are both great, excellent surround and great music. Recommended :)