Simply random stuff


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
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Apr 23, 2013
Central Illinois
Sometimes, I just want to put out a random comment, that may, or may not have anything to do with music. Sorry, it happens. Yesterday, I drove down to Arkansas to look at soybean plots. Northeast Arkansas is the king of cotton. Here's a picture of a cotton field that is ready for harvest. Took it today, mid afternoon.
Northeast Arkansas is the king of cotton. Here's a picture of a cotton field that is ready for harvest. Took it today, mid afternoon.
I will admit my ignorance on this issue. Didn't realize the US was such a big player:

"In marketing year (MY) 2019—August 2019-July 2020—the United States produced nearly 20 million bales of cotton, representing about $7 billion in total (lint plus seed) value"
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I will admit my ignorance on this issue. Didn't realize the US was such a big player:

"In marketing year (MY) 2019—August 2019-July 2020—the United States produced nearly 20 million bales of cotton, representing about $7 billion in total (lint plus seed) value"

Cotton may have been the number one cash crop in the US in the pre-civil war south.
Now of course it's cannabis. :)
Boy haven't seen one of those in many years. My Mother's oldest Sister and husband were cotton farmers in N Alabama. My Grandpa pulled Mom out of school after 3rd grade so she could help pick the cotton/hunt for food/etc. Since we're just floating along here, I'll also mention my Great Grandmother was Cherokee Indian. I suppose I have a lot of distant relatives up that way since a sizable number of kin live up thataway. (redundant? it's early)
Skynryd says it's a real nice place but it ain't nothin' to me. *j/k
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I ahhh, am every so often at a cotton farm in Western Queensland, Australia, with family. Different world out there. Super controversial crop because of water and it being disturbingly dry most of the time. Can't relate it to music unless someone is familiar with Slim Dusty---
Sometimes, I just want to put out a random comment, that may, or may not have anything to do with music. Sorry, it happens. Yesterday, I drove down to Arkansas to look at soybean plots. Northeast Arkansas is the king of cotton. Here's a picture of a cotton field that is ready for harvest. Took it today, mid afternoon.

The photo reminds me of marshmallows on a plant!

.....and Cotton has a lot to do with music! Lightnin' Hopkins - Cotton Field Blues - YouTube
South Texas has always had huge cotton fields. You could drive past them for miles on the way to Corpus Christi or the Rio Grande Valley.
We were surrounded with cotton and corn as well as sorgum and other crops here in North Texas when I was a kid. My father would pull off to the side of the road and snitch ears of corn fresh off the stalks. Good eatin'! My pet hamster loved a nice fresh head of sorgum. Nowadays all that's residential, or commercial industrial. The lot my house is on used to be part of a cotton field. Apparently eons ago it was under the sea. I dig up little seashells.
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Here is something random that I think would interest most people here, UCR's "Rock's 40 best long songs" list. It's a decent list although I am sure we can all find fault with it....
What's the size limit for uploading an MP3 file here? I see the Frampton Comes Alive "Do You Feel" listed, but the one that got huge airplay here was recorded at January Sound Studios and broadcast over KZEW FM. I have it on a reel to reel recorded off the radio and converted to MP3 but it's over 12 megs.

There's slower tempo studio version I found on YouTube but that ain't it.
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What's the size limit for uploading an MP3 file here? I see the Frampton Comes Alive "Do You Feel" listed, but the one that got huge airplay here was recorded at January Sound Studios and broadcast over KZEW FM. I have it on a reel to reel recorded off the radio and converted to MP3 but it's over 12 megs.

There's slower tempo studio version I found on YouTube but that ain't it.
If it's copy righted material used with out permission the file size is zero.
Never mind it was just to share not to resell. They were pushing the limiters and compressors pretty hard that night anyway.

BTW when I accidentally click on the next text box down how do I delete it? I just did it again.
Never mind it was just to share not to resell. They were pushing the limiters and compressors pretty hard that night anyway.

BTW when I accidentally click on the next text box down how do I delete it? I just did it again.

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