Owen Smith
2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Your post count is a lot higher than mine, I might need moderation with URLs as a new user.
Not sure which test tones your talking about, the V2 ones (which are the only accurate test tones to use, not counting the officail CBS ones) are not mp3:
Tone sequence is:
Centre Front - Right Front – Centre Right – Rear Right – Centre Rear – Left Rear – Centre Left – Left Front – Centre Front
5 seconds of each. The tones are phase & amplitude correct, produced digitally. If your decode does not work as intended, it is not this set of test tones !
The matrix nature of SQ makes it impossible to do a proper job, .
Thanks for the SQ test tones, I have downloaded them. I'm aware that a standard SQ decode provides only 3db front to back seperation. I'm OK with that.
If you can suggest something which does the job as a easily as SQDecode but gets the decode right then I'll happily use it. I'm even prepared to spend money. What I'm not prepared to do is a complex sequence of steps (which can easily be done wrong) as appears to be needed with Adobe Audition.
It turns out a Queen 1973 BBC broadcast "1973.09.13 London, Golders Green Hippodrome" was SQ encoded. .
Are there any official decodes of these available so I can see if my decodes are producing the same results? [...].
Here you go!
The two samples were created with the SQplus script
These will be totally inacurate i'm afraid (i wrote SQplus so i know).
It's recently been discovered that this early Queen radio broadcast was SQ encoded. I've run one track through SQDecode and made a short DVD Audio and it does decode quite nicely.
If you can suggest something which does the job as a easily as SQDecode but gets the decode right then I'll happily use it. I'm even prepared to spend money. What I'm not prepared to do is a complex sequence of steps (which can easily be done wrong) as appears to be needed with Adobe Audition.