HiRez Poll Stone Temple Pilots - Core [DVD-A]


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Rate the DVD-A of Stone Temple Pilots - CORE

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The best thing about this is that it hasn't been hit with the loudness stick. It's not overloaded, so you can really crank it. It also has some solid bottom end, although I do crank up the subs a bit to taste. As far as the surround, some of the first few songs don't have a whole lot of discrete stuff going on, but as the album progresses, there is definitely some nicer separation later on. This does have a bit of the 'big stereo' sensibility, but with quite a few discrete sections here and there.
I changed my vote from 8 to a 9. I have the single DVD-A and the DVD-A box set, they are the same. I love this disc because the fucking music is so awesome and I am sitting here listening to a fully immersive album turned up to 72db and it is so awesome. If you are a high roller you might not like this, but just keep turning it up and it is fucking great.
This is not a disc you listen thru, if you don't like the song move on, simple.
I remember well when Core came out. First thing people said that Scott Weiland was ripping off Eddie Vedder.
Really? Never ever thought that.

A solid classic by any measure.

BTW GOS, I'm 60.

FWIW, if you can find the compilation CD Encomium, buy it.
Worth it for one cut. STP do an acoustic version of Dancing Days.

They were certainly thought as a bit of a Pearl Jam rip-off at the time. But I always much preferred them. I thought the songwriting was better. More clever guitar chord voicings; better lyrics and melodies.

Having said that, I’d love to get me some PJ in surround!
I noticed this disc getting dusty on the shelf today. Then I remembered that I'm usually put off by the big stereo mix on the first several songs.
Listening to it again and noticing that the dynamic range & fidelity is quite respectable.
Towards the middle of the disc the mix has more discrete moments. Especially the less popular songs.
Really great hearing this old friend again!
I noticed this disc getting dusty on the shelf today. Then I remembered that I'm usually put off by the big stereo mix on the first several songs.
Listening to it again and noticing that the dynamic range & fidelity is quite respectable.
Towards the middle of the disc the mix has more discrete moments. Especially the less popular songs.
Really great hearing this old friend again!
My theory is the more layered, varied, experimental tracks get a more discrete mix, because they're suited to it. As with Signals, by Rush, where Side A rocks, but Side B is where the surround fun is mostly had.
This was a bit better than I was expecting. The louder, straight-ahead rockers (Crackerman, Sex Type Thing, et al) didn't get much of a boost from the surround mix, while the mellower, more-layered tracks (No Memory, Where the River Goes, Creep for instance) seemed to benefit a lot with some very solid discrete mixing. Thumpin' bass throughout the experience. I'm giving this an 8, which I think is fair. If they can do this with an album like Core, I'd bet Tiny Music and Weiland's last album (the S/T one with "Between the Lines") would sound terrific in this format.
The louder, straight-ahead rockers (Crackerman, Sex Type Thing, et al) didn't get much of a boost from the surround mix, while the mellower, more-layered tracks (No Memory, Where the River Goes, Creep for instance) seemed to benefit a lot with some very solid discrete mixing.

Can't disagree here, except I feel like they could've done something more interesting with the megaphone vocal bit in "Crackerman". It's hard-panned to the left on the original stereo mix, but they put it in the center channel on the surround. I would've stuck it in the left rear!
Can't disagree here, except I feel like they could've done something more interesting with the megaphone vocal bit in "Crackerman". It's hard-panned to the left on the original stereo mix, but they put it in the center channel on the surround. I would've stuck it in the left rear!
Which version you talking about the original from 2001 or the one that came in the SDE a few years ago.....is there much difference?