Films (Almost Entirely Surround)


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Saw this in theater 1st run! Tried to show this to my 10 YO G'daughters some time back. Didn't make it past the statue penis scene. I mean, isn't that prime age for this movie? And me?

Although GOONIES has a respectable cult following, IMO, it's a mediocre movie and Warner's hardly lavished any 'love' for this title as evidenced by the lackluster review. Maybe if Amazon blows it out for $10 around Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday, I'll add it to my collection.
Although GOONIES has a respectable cult following, IMO, it's a mediocre movie and Warner's hardly lavished any 'love' for this title as evidenced by the lackluster review. Maybe if Amazon blows it out for $10 around Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday, I'll add it to my collection.
Oof I respect your opinion. Not 4k but usual 1080p on VUDU for the same price. It took me a long time to warm up ti BTiLC. I put them both into same category.
Haven't seen this one since Network TV but I remember loving it:
ERIRE 2.jpg

One of those too good for just TV:
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Most of my brief "reviews" mention the surround mix. I intentionally try and keep it brief (maybe too brief) as I don't want to spoil a movie for anyone. I dig 4-earredwonder's posts too. He's usually miles ahead of other outlets for upcoming releases too.
Since I already have web search, all I'm looking for here are people with actual experiences to share specifics of benefit to members here, with the products they help other people shill, That's the least I'm asking for. I don't need the genius of somebody looking on the back of a box and seeing the word, "surround sound", then posting "hey, this has surround sound" with the picture, and thinking that's some sort of favor to people here. That's not content, that's just more waste of bandwidth. Hint: it's not "spoiling" to tell us the quality of the surround mix, the reason you found the surround an unexpected bonus, or whether or not there is something to do with the surround offerings on the disc that would make it a smart purchase. It's actually...what we come here for.
Since I already have web search, all I'm looking for here are people with actual experiences to share specifics of benefit to members here, with the products they help other people shill, That's the least I'm asking for. I don't need the genius of somebody looking on the back of a box and seeing the word, "surround sound", then posting "hey, this has surround sound" with the picture, and thinking that's some sort of favor to people here. That's not content, that's just more waste of bandwidth. Hint: it's not "spoiling" to tell us the quality of the surround mix, the reason you found the surround an unexpected bonus, or whether or not there is something to do with the surround offerings on the disc that would make it a smart purchase. It's actually...what we come here for.

Dilly dude...Please don't portray your ramblings as something that represent US......or in this case "we"..what you "need" or "want" is just that...a singular desire...not a group request...the best advice I can give you....if the direction of this thread isn't what you had hoped it would be...2 choices...lower your expectations...or don't frequent the thread...
I just finished the blu-rays of HBO's "His Dark Materials." 8 episodes, which is all of the first season. The story is well told, and held my interest. Having read the trilogy several years ago, I must admit that the series seems different from the exact plot-lines in the first book. But I could be wrong. Hard to recall all the details but it seems like the character of Lord Asriel is morally much darker in the HBO series than he was in the books. Picture quality is good (HD not UHD) and the surround sound is very competent as in it won't surprise you either way. I recommend it because the story is very good, IMO. The movie "The Golden Compass" starring Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman was also based on the first book. That movie should have been a much bigger hit than it was, again IMO.
Since I already have web search, all I'm looking for here are people with actual experiences to share specifics of benefit to members here, with the products they help other people shill, That's the least I'm asking for. I don't need the genius of somebody looking on the back of a box and seeing the word, "surround sound", then posting "hey, this has surround sound" with the picture, and thinking that's some sort of favor to people here. That's not content, that's just more waste of bandwidth. Hint: it's not "spoiling" to tell us the quality of the surround mix, the reason you found the surround an unexpected bonus, or whether or not there is something to do with the surround offerings on the disc that would make it a smart purchase. It's actually...what we come here for.
Most of my posts are after watching the movie and pretty much all of them comment on the surround mix. Where I found a mix to be good, I usually use words like "decent" which may be a bit vague but at least the reader can see that at least one person thought it was pretty good. As a quick summary from memory, some of the better mixes I've heard are: Roma, Kong: Skull Island, mother!, Ready Player One, Mission Impossible: Fallout. You'll probably see a few more if you wade back through my posts. Hope that helps!
DillyDipper, I can recommend a Network TV series that was not only intelligently scripted and exceptionally well acted but had what I consider a simply amazing discrete sound design:

Ha Ha, yea I watched that whole series. Mads Mikkelsen, Hugh Dancy, Laurence Fishburne, & Gillian Anderson all stellar in that; but an acquired taste for sure 😋 ;)
Blade Runner 2049 (BD):
1. I didn't like the story the first time around but it got its hook in me over the past few years and so I picked it up cheap and gave it another spin. Happy to report that I really enjoyed it this time.
2. I was going to get the 4K but this video claims the HDR is non-existent so got the BD instead:
3. Really good surround moments with a satisfactory amount of action going on most of the time. Some great lows too.
4. Three shorts on the BD were pretty cool, particularly the animated one, and bridge the gap between the original and this sequel. Only Dolby Digital 2.0 with low image bitrate though. Shame.

Doctor Sleep - Director's Cut (2019) BD:
1. Snood speaks the truth: This was an enjoyable watch! I gave up on the book about 50 pages in so wasn't holding out much hope but I really liked it.
2. Some really good surround moments with panning between the rear channels and around all five speakers.
3. Possible overuse of the heartbeat sound effect but it was a real thumper so will give your subs a workout and I dug it.
4. Rebecca Ferguson: Wow, what a face.
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4K Remastered by Kino Lorber and a great Popcorn movie which has gained somewhat of a cult status since its unimpressive initial debut. Pic and surround sound are spot on. Pretty relentless and love the sardonic ending.
