The Official Rhino Quadio, Atmos, Etc. Discount Code Thread!


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Steve Bruzonsky

800 Club - QQ All-Star
QQ Supporter
Jun 2, 2021
Gilbert, Arizona
I'm getting ready for the next batch of Rhino Quadios, plus other Atmos & other discs Rhino is announcing. If you spend $100 you get free shipping. And seems there are always discount codes that work as well. Think its easier if we have the latest discount codes (to try, as they may or may not work) posted in an easy to find thread. So here it is.

I was trying to find the discount codes for the last Atmos back a few weeks back, but its a pain to search through long threads like that one. So my great idea of a short thread in the Rhino section to list the codes. Especially as I don't have the patience to search to find it. I do recall discount codes for both 10% and even better 15% which worked last time around. And they might work next time around.
From a Facebook post I just saw

For those seeing the news of this release from SDE's website for pre-order, it's $11 cheaper from Rhino's site.
PLUS you can use an additional 15% off coupon CC24WMX15
Thanks for the code. I just used this code to order Fleetwood Mac - Rumours, Best of the Doors, and pre-ordered Seal II and Jethro Tull - Live Bursting Out and the 15% discount worked, and since the total was over $100, got free shipping too.
The Code ain`t accepted anymore. Does anyone have a new one?
I had trouble using the 15% code but was advised by members on here to re-register on Rhino using a different email address then it worked.
That's gaming the system. These codes are intended to be one-time use per customer. If you already used the current code, you really should wait until the next code is released to take advantage of it. Making a new account or checking out as a guest to use the same code again is cheating.
I just tried about a half dozen times on two 'different' browsers (Chrome and Edge) with pop-up blockers off and cookies cleared on my Win11 PC and failed each time. I tried on my Android using Opera and it went through perfectly on the first try. I'd rather they invest in quality products over better commerce websites any day. :)
I had trouble using the 15% code but was advised by members on here to re-register on Rhino using a different email address then it worked.
We will all need a new code when the May 3 Quadios are released. 🙂

I was holding out on Joni to make it a big bundle, get free shipping for over $100 and get 15% off!
So I just purchased 6 great classic albums in Atmos and Quad mixes for $110 plus tax.

In 1974 dollars, this would be less than 17 bucks. Less than $3 each.

Even in 1995 dollars that would still be only $53. Less than $9 each was about the lowest price for catalog titles on CD back then. Those Joni CDs would have retailed for $11.99 list price in the 90s. For just the standard stereo mix. (Miles of Aisles, as a double album, was probably a $15.99 list price)

If you would have gone into Tower Records during a month in 1995 when all WEA product was on sale, the cheapest you could have purchased these same 6 CDs would have probably been $62.94.

We might wanna take a breath and consider how much of a bargain even a lot of the 'expensive' releases really are.
The 15% off code still works. I've used it 3 times this year. And order $100 (after discount) and free shipping.


I used my one user name and password without changing. So it doesn't go by email. I just clear my browser cookies and the 15% off code works fine each time.

Just ordered the latest Quadio bundle, Seal Deluxe Edition (Atmos) and a keychain to go over the $100 using the coupon.
Where is shipping status on the Rhino website? I thought that I was able to trackshipments on there before, but now I can't find it.
I ordered the lot! Quadio, Joni and Seal. I had a minor heart attack when the code didn't work, until I realized I had copied a leading space, copied it correctly, and it worked! Whew!
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Discount code CC24WMX15 is not working for me. I have even cleared my browsing history and cookies and it still does not work. Does anyone know of a another code to use?
Where is shipping status on the Rhino website? I thought that I was able to trackshipments on there before, but now I can't find it.
Log in or go to Account from the upper lefthand menu, scroll to Order History, click View, then scroll to the order you want to track and click View again. Tracking numbers may be appended to items in the list as they ship, with links to the relevant carrier sites, but no guarantees. For example, my last order included the previous Quadio bundle and one other item. The other item has its tracking number appended, but the Quadio bundle does not, which I suspect may be because the individual discs shipped separately from one another.