New York City flooding


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
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Aug 2, 2018
United States
My heart's out to anyone bailing out from yesterday's terrible flooding in New York City. With an infrastructure built to handle 1.75 inches of water per hour, the city at times received in excess of 2 inches per hour. On the positive side, Ralphie(@4-earredwonder) personally made it through unscathed (although not all of his friends and family, or mine for that matter, can say the same).
My heart's out to anyone bailing out from yesterday's terrible flooding in New York City. With an infrastructure built to handle 1.75 inches of water per hour, the city at times received in excess of 2 inches per hour. On the positive side, Ralphie(@4-earredwonder) personally made it through unscathed (although not all of his friends and family, or mine for that matter, can say the same).
My sister-in-law reported some leakage of water from the roof, but fortunately went unscathed. NYC seems to get flooding several times a year these days. :(
I'm glad to hear 4ears is ok and wish everyone else well in NYC
It frankly reminded me of that old Bill Cosby skit NOAH ..... "How Long Can You Tread Water?"

But thank you all for your concern!

There's a gorgeous autumnal moon out tonight and there is once again peace in the historic Hudson River Valley!
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It frankly reminded me of that old Bill Cosby skit NOAH ..... "How Long Can You Tread Water?"

But thank you all for your concern!

There's a gorgeous autumnal moon out tonight and there is once again peace in the historic Hudson River Valley!
C’mon Ralphie, we like you even more than we like Bill Cosby!
I didn't see anything on the BBC news, we just had the main piece on the US on the potential government shutdown. We probably get more news on the USA than you'd imagine on this side of the pond. I've just found the NY flooding coverage on the BBC website, the video shows the horrendous amount of water especially in Brooklyn.

Hope everyone is OK.
IT'S A FACT that New York City is sinking:

New York is sinking at a rate of 1-2 millimeters per year, the study found, under the weight of its sky-high buildings. A few millimeters might not sound like much, but some parts of the city are subsiding much faster, on par with the fastest observed rates at which tectonic plates rebound when glaciers melt.
NYC is slowly sinking and sea levels are rising even faster. Plans can be made to mitigate those impacts over the long term. But that huge amount of rain falling in just a few hours…how’re you gonna deal with that?
Cease building skyscrapers HIGHER AND HIGHER .....Yes, Manhattan IS built on bedrock but beneath that bedrock is terra firma and it's not so FIRMA!