Recommendations for migrating my HDD from a 2019 AMD Lenovo laptop to a desktop with Intel chips


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The curious part is that I have no music in my PC laptop, I am just interested in the programs
Chances are, that won’t work, although there’s always a chance that it will. Changing hardware, especially processors, makes MSWin freak out. It might work after several reboots, or it might not. Many programs require their install programs in order to set themselves up for the hardware they see. It’s a bit of black magic. I still have a TV tuner card that shows up in hardware manager, but the install program says it’s not there.

Data files - pictures, music, spreadsheets, documents - they all move around fine, as lomg as there is a program to read them. Programs under Windows - not so much. That damned registry is not your friend, and regedit can brick your system beyond recovery.