Mark Knopfler's Guitar Heroes "Going Home" charity release (Dolby Atmos mix out via streaming, deluxe CD/BD-A, and lossless download)


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Intriguingly, Guy Fletcher posted this comment on his Q&A site:

Unfortunately, the Blu-ray was produced way before the video was completed. We only wrapped the video last week. I have asked if there’s a possibility of a re-run of Blu-Rays with the video. I’m glad you appreciate the Atmos mix. It was always something I wanted for this.
I was really happy yesterday. I went for a walk with my Apple Music App and my Atmos Beats wireless headphones.
I listened to Guitar Heros in Atmos via the headphones and sounded so good, I could hear more definition in all the guitar parts than I could hear in Atmos Apple via the home rig.
I think we all have to admit, besides just being a great song, it is the fun of trying to hear the hundreds of layers of guitars.
