How many titles from Dutton Vocalion?


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Likewise, I have 99.9% of all D~V's pop, rock, jazz, easy listening and even some of their original DDD 5.0 Classical titles. ALL have been played, some, of course, MORE than others but I haven't done an exact count of just how many individual SQ/CD~4 titles D~V has rescued from the vaults of Columbia [SONY], RCA and UMG including some of their STEREO only SACDs from GRP [Jazz]. At least, numbering in the HUNDREDS!

And what amazes me ... throughout D~V's reissue program over the past few years ..... not a mastering faux pas in the bunch .....considering even today, there are a lot of Surround reissues that still have a few errors in their execution!
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And what amazes me ... throughout D~V's reissue program over the past few years ..... not a mastering faux pas in the bunch .....considering even today, there are a lot of Surround reissues that still have a few errors in their execution!

What do you consider a mastering faux pas? There's something going on with the rear-channel backing vocals on some of the songs of the Ronnie Milsap Pure Love release. They're overbalanced and strident. Their entrance on the title track is a good example. But maybe the higher resolution has exposed issues with the original recording/mix and this is nothing to do with DV.
I haven’t bothered counting my surround media, but I suspect it’s around 200 discs. I have a pile of “to be listened to” discs that grows and shrinks over time, but everything that’s not in that pile has been listened to. Right now, the pile has ten movies, six CDs, and two MCH (Atmos) blu-rays. It’ll shrink by two CDs tonight, I’m pretty sure.
I'm at 96 somehow. 60 on Dutton (classical) and 36 Vocalion, according to the HRAudio DB.
The real surprise for me has been how wonderful the Dutton Epoch classical titles sound. Sometimes I try to read a book while listening to their classical titles, but the quality and mixes are so good that find myself ditching the book and concentrating on the music.
11 D~V titles

I'm pretty selective these days on what I purchase to avoid as much as possible one and done listens.

I also gave up the completionist/ collector mentality early on which proved to be quite liberating.

Only eleven? Your strength of character is remarkable. Can I nominate you as Quadaholics Anonymous Chairperson?
I had the Billy Paul, which I sold not long after listening to it. Good mix and music was fine, just not what I like to listen to when dedicating the time. Surround music isn't background noise for me. I have my thoughts for that. lol

At the rate I cycle through my collection, I'm probably already past the point of hearing everything I own again before I die. And it's not like I have that much.

**oops -- just checked my orders, I have 5 classical discs from DV. They were from a later order which is how I forgot.
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Since installing my new system which consists of 4 matching full range speakers each with its own built in phase aligned subwoofers and two elevated/angled self amped SIDES, I am amazed at just how much REAL bass is coming out of the REAR SURROUNDS especially when those early Quad remix engineers placed drums in the rear channels.

And since we now know those early SQ/QS and even CD~4 encoded discs were NOT served well by 1970's decoders, with D~V's exceptional remastering from those Quad analogue masters, we are finally able to hear every nuance discretely encoded into those discs which begs the question: should a separate subwoofer be inserted into the rear channels for those who don't have full range REAR speakers?

My best guess is YES ......
Against my better judgment, I just checked my Discogs and my shelves...
  • 67 Vocalion
  • 25 Dutton Epoch (incl. 2 not on Discogs)
  • 1 Dutton Laboratories (Epoch sampler)
So, 93 Dutton releases, including some double discs. Note that not all are hybrid multichannel SACDs; some are standard stereo CDs. I generally don't go for the "easy listening" releases, so those who do could easily dwarf my collection.