Saying hi from Melbourne, Australia


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New member
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Oct 27, 2023
Long time lurker whom @HomerJAU inspired to look at MCH music. Have an Arcam 5.3.4 setup with Monitor Audio speakers and SVS subs, running Dirac Live Bass Control (which is highly recommended).

Most often played are Loreena McKennitt: The Visit and DSOTM 4.0. Recently acquired stand-alone DSOTM Atmos disk and do wonder why it ranks so low in QQ poll.
And how long before I can make posts without moderator approval? Understand the need to check bona fides of new members, but this is starting to annoy and reduce my enthusiasm for posting upon joining
Welcome! I’m also based in Melbourne and have Monitor Audio Gold speakers.

For me, The Dark Side of the Moon in Atmos is a demo disc. I voted 10, but voting on polls is such a personal thing and is based on subjective “preference”. I also think that many people might not have a system that is properly calibrated. It took me a while to get my system to sound as it should. I’m using Audyssey MultEQ-X and REW to double check the results.
Hi to all Melbourne members. I've also recently joined, but I don't have Monitor Audio Gold speakers.

My system is only 5.1 with good Whatmough speakers (designed in Melbourne).

I agree with albertop that a properly calibrated system is needed to truly judge a surround recording.

I'm puzzled by HomerJAU's comment about content because the criteria for both 10 and 0 are include "Great content" and "Bad content".

I wish content wasn't included as content is up to personal taste, whilst sound and mix quality is much less subjective, and sound and mix quality is the info which is most useful for someone deciding whether or not to buy a recording.

PS - If there are any "voting guidelines" I wasn't able to find them. (Sometimes it is very hard to find something until you know where to look. So I may have missed the obvious.)
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I wish content wasn't included as content is up to personal taste, whilst sound and mix quality is much less subjective, and sound and mix quality is the info which is most useful for someone deciding whether or not to buy a recording.

PS - If there are any "voting guidelines" I wasn't able to find them. (Sometimes it is very hard to find something until you know where to look. So I may have missed the obvious.)
I agree with you. Most of us try to evaluate based on the three categories and then average them. Officially AFAIK there are really no hard and fast rules. On occasion I've bumped up my vote higher because I love the music, at least once I gave a low vote because I hated the particular mix. For the most part if you don't like a particular artist or album you won't bother to purchase it and therefore will not vote. There is not even a requirement that you own the recording that you are voting on!

There has been criticism that there are far too many 8 votes. By rights the voting should be based only on the surround quality of the mix, and maybe overall sound quality as well.

The polls have been set up the way they are from day one and would be hard to change now. I don't bother to look at the poll results that much, the comments are far more valuable. At times someone's negative comment is actually a plus to others (e.g. drums in the rear).
I struggle a bit with participating in the polls and choose my spots carefully. It is the dilemma of content vs. mix. Content is often listed as a criteria, but to me that can be so subjective based on emotional response compared to the mix.

What I try to do is what I did with the Larks’ Tongues poll that went up recently. I gave it an 8, but explained that the mix was a 10. It was the quality of the songs that knocked the score down, some of which have never wowed me.

Hopefully, when taking that approach someone can say, “Well, it’s my favorite album so the content part of the review isn’t relevant to me because I disagree. But the mix, which got a 10, is important to me as I consider whether or not to buy it.” Wishful thinking, perhaps.

And welcome. I’m not in Australia but I watch so much AFL, AFLW and cricket, I think I could easily make the transition to being happy there just for sports alone. (We did briefly consider moving to Hobart years ago.)
Long time lurker whom @HomerJAU inspired to look at MCH music. Have an Arcam 5.3.4 setup with Monitor Audio speakers and SVS subs, running Dirac Live Bass Control (which is highly recommended).

Most often played are Loreena McKennitt: The Visit and DSOTM 4.0. Recently acquired stand-alone DSOTM Atmos disk and do wonder why it ranks so low in QQ poll.
Greetings from Far North Queensland! I love the DSOTM standalone, even though my system doesn’t play the lossless version. I don’t have any attachment to previous releases and I reckon this release is the best I’ve ever heard the album.
Having joined over a month ago, here is some feedback. Great response in this thread but let down by being still shackled in 10 posts kindergarten (no notice anywhere, until I asked?) and a plea for funds as a welcome message.

I understand the need to prevent spammers, but putting a 10 posts limit says "we don't trust you". And while we don't trust you, please give us some money ! But the benefits are mostly irrelevant for you as a newcomer.

Not exactly the welcome I expected. It has taken me a few weeks between my first posts and now to get over this hump.
Having newly joined here recently as well, I also found the 10 post moderation a little inconvenient, but you can easily overcome it if you engage in one busy thread :) Just see it as a motivation not to lurk any further but become part of the discussion. And regarding the ads for joining as a paying member - yeah, you feel a little urged, but better like that than having an ad as the fifth post in every thread like some forums do. And for sure a site like this needs some enthusiast support to cover expenses.

So don't be put off by some automatisms, but instead enjoy the amount of warm responses you already received as a newbie (which you already expressed above) - I think that is a feature to highlight, that you are taken seriously as a conversation partner from day one by even the most senior members here. There is few places left on the Internet where it is like that.

And if you reply on this post, you already got out of moderation 😉
Having joined over a month ago, here is some feedback. Great response in this thread but let down by being still shackled in 10 posts kindergarten (no notice anywhere, until I asked?) and a plea for funds as a welcome message.

I understand the need to prevent spammers, but putting a 10 posts limit says "we don't trust you". And while we don't trust you, please give us some money ! But the benefits are mostly irrelevant for you as a newcomer.

Not exactly the welcome I expected. It has taken me a few weeks between my first posts and now to get over this hump.
It's more or less the same in every forum, and the good news is that you only need one more post to be able to post freely.
Welcome again, and best wishes
I’ve been on this forum long enough that the “initiation rite” part of it has vanished from my memories, but I’ve found the site to be, overall, a wealth of information and a great place to do some shop talk about a topic that none of my neighbors give a rip about.

To paraphrase some Chicago politicians, Post early and post often. Yeah, the costs to operate it are real, and they need and deserve donations (I’ve donated in the past, but not yet to the point of earning a supporter badge, but we’ll see how this year’s finances look) to continue.
There are a few new members that are not following the voting guidelines in other polls. Example: voting '4' because they don't like the content!!
I'm definitely guilty of that, but I wasn't aware it's against the rules for the polls. It even lists "content" as one of the things you should score the disc on. So if it isn't whether I like it, what aspect of the content are we meant to score?
Long time lurker whom @HomerJAU inspired to look at MCH music. Have an Arcam 5.3.4 setup with Monitor Audio speakers and SVS subs, running Dirac Live Bass Control (which is highly recommended).
Which Arcam? I have an AVR31 and vintage late 1990s Castle speakers in a 5.0 setup.
Most often played are Loreena McKennitt: The Visit and DSOTM 4.0. Recently acquired stand-alone DSOTM Atmos disk and do wonder why it ranks so low in QQ poll.
Lack of the original quad mix probably hurts the DSOTM Atmos disc poll scores, and it's a very valid complaint to make against it in my opinion. And it has been released before in the Immersion set, hence Roger Waters approved it for release so the usual constraint on Pink Floyd releases shouldn't apply.
I'm definitely guilty of that, but I wasn't aware it's against the rules for the polls. It even lists "content" as one of the things you should score the disc on. So if it isn't whether I like it, what aspect of the content are we meant to score?
I'm the opposite, I tend to downplay content quite a bit. I won't cast a low vote simply because I don't like the content. Normally I won't purchase something that I really dislike. On the other hand if I love the content my vote will be skewed a bit higher. On one or two occasions I did cast a very low vote because I hated the surround mix. Sticking strictly to the guidelines my vote would have been much higher.

I tend to disregard the packaging, although subconsciously my vote might skew higher or lower because of it.

It would make more sense to me to be voting only surround wise, or surround + sound quality. Or else separate votes for each category.

I would tend to disregard how well or how poorly a release does in the poll. It is more important to judge by the comments!

As John Diefenbaker used to say "dogs know what to do with polls (poles)!