HiRez Poll Beck - SEA CHANGE [DVD-A/SACD/BluRay Audio]


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Rate the DVD-A/SACD/BDA of Beck - SEA CHANGE

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I to put off buying this title for about 3 years after it's initial surround mix .

Then after buying the DVDA I wanted more like this . The E.S. surround mix is xcellent in my opinion , and I love that he keeps the center channel kinda moderate , never overbearing .

The music is quite enjoyable , sadly so . The bonus video tracks are all in DD 5.1 and there are plenty .

I haven't bought the blu-ray as it would be overkill , I do also have the SACD btw bought it sometime after purchasing the DVDA . And for DVDA it's rare to see the picture change up subtly as it does on this title.

This is probably the one of the two best DVDA Universal had released, (Gaucho would be also).
Gotta vote 10 for the MUSIC and SURROUND .(y)
Not a Beck fan originally, but after hearing the SACD multi, it quickly became my fave demo disk!

My 91 year old dad likes it -- what can I say? He thinks "the vocalist has a nice voice." This, from a WWII vet.

Didn't know there was a blu ray . . . hmm. <sits on hands not trying to find it to keep bank balance tolerably good>
fwiw I did a v.quick comparison (of Track 1 only) of the various versions of this one for the
FB surround group earlier in the year.

briefly, i found the SACD Stereo on the SACD & Adv Res 2.0 on the DVD-A to be the same mastering as the 192/24 2.0 PCM on the BD-A.

the 5.1 on the SACD & DVD-A was the same mix and mastering.

however I noticed that the Front Left & Front Right of the PCM 5.1 on the BD-A had their phase reversed relative to the Front Left & Front Right of the 5.1 of the SACD & DVD-A.

also, I saw that the LFE on the BD-A PCM 5.1 was not identical to the LFE of the SACD & DVD-A (though that may have been a red herring and setup dependent my end) in all other respects the 5.1 of Track 1 was the same across all 3 formats.
hahaha, nice one Adam. All the old posts are fascinating, but after all these years, this is STILL a 10. For me, this is not a depressing listen, I just get lost in the drama of the sound. One of my all time favorites. :)

bah forget about the old posts! let the golden age begiiiiin.. ;)
Thanks! Now, of course, I'm intrigued about the visuals and extras. Hmm . . . the blu ray is still available on amazon, I note.

you're welcome :)

there are no extras on the BD-A iirc and the interface is the usual HFPA affair. the DVD-A has some added content in the form of music videos and onscreen menu-wise is more interesting to look at than the BD-A.

tbh I don't think you can go too far wrong with any of the 3 Surround disc options, you can easily rip the DVD-A if that is important, the SACD arguably the easiest to just load up in your disc player completely headlessly and the BD-A, well, it still seems easy to get new at RRP so maybe go for that?
(though the reversed phase Fronts of the BD-A are something I've been meaning to have a proper look at, either the BD is 'at fault' or the SACD & DVD-A were out of phase all along, IDK. just need time to check the rest of the album and compare the phase to the other channels I guess).
...(though the reversed phase Fronts of the BD-A are something I've been meaning to have a proper look at, either the BD is 'at fault' or the SACD & DVD-A were out of phase all along, IDK. just need time to check the rest of the album and compare the phase to the other channels I guess).

If something is at fault with the BD-A, then it's a happy accident. It's the best-sounding BD-A I have (to my ears).
tbh I don't think you can go too far wrong with any of the 3 Surround disc options, you can easily rip the DVD-A if that is important, the SACD arguably the easiest to just load up in your disc player completely headlessly and the BD-A, well, it still seems easy to get new at RRP so maybe go for that?
Would love to know where the BD-A of this can be purchased at RRP?
Time to finally add this to my collection, went with the DVD-AUDIO version specifically for extra features. First time reading this thread and notice here, along with other site reviews that members find the album depressing.
Its the main reason why I've not purchased it previously, I'm a fan of the Odelay album though and should have bought this sooner. There is usually a day where blue music fits, but not too much for me. I'll edit with a rating after I receive it.