AXPONA 2018 is Coming to Chicago Area (April 13-15, 2018)


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Clint Eastwood

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
QQ Supporter
Jun 11, 2014
Int Space Station
AXPONA is coming up and it's time for Gos 3.0 to represent Quadraponic Quad at this sound's close to him and we need some on site reporting..and who better than native son Gos Illinois are answers to most questions the rest is up to you...I'm thinking hourly "live" reports from the you go
AXPONA is coming up and it's time for Gos 3.0 to represent Quadraponic Quad at this sound's close to him and we need some on site reporting..and who better than native son Gos Illinois are answers to most questions the rest is up to you...I'm thinking hourly "live" reports from the you go

And in a show of solidarity, it would be nice if one Clint Eastwood would accompany GOS 3.0 as his personal assistant.......Clint can carry his bags, guide GOS 3.0 in his purchasing decisions, capture LIVE FEEDS via SKYPE and ensure that GOS eats 'gluten free' balanced meals 3x's a day. :ugham:
AXPONA is coming up and it's time for Gos 3.0 to represent Quadraponic Quad at this sound's close to him and we need some on site reporting..and who better than native son Gos Illinois are answers to most questions the rest is up to you...I'm thinking hourly "live" reports from the you go

Dang! Probably I should least for 1 day. :)
Yes, and ask everybody where their 5.1/7.1 set-up is....................... tell them its the latest thing, and ask them to find out why their marketing guru's haven't spotted it, so they're missing out! :ugham: Well it would be fun to wind them up................

Dang! Probably I should least for 1 day. :)
AXPONA is coming up and it's time for Gos 3.0 to represent Quadraponic Quad at this sound's close to him and we need some on site reporting..and who better than native son Gos Illinois are answers to most questions the rest is up to you...I'm thinking hourly "live" reports from the you go

The only problem in going to these expositions is that you come away realizing that your current home system just isn't good enough. The sights and sounds one is exposed to is beyond state of the art. Speaker systems which rival the cost of a small home or condo, turntables the size of dishwashers with $20K cartridges and $60K step up transformers which produce sonics rivaling live performances and separate components which reduce one's receiver to an old table radio.

I know this feeling because when I used to frequent my very high end store years ago, I replaced all my PUNY home components with monstrous speakers, ridiculously priced pre pros and CD players which themselves cost $10K.......and more.....resembling objects de arte!

Not to mention curved video screens 144" and UP with hand assembled Norwegian projectors (BARCO) which no longer utilize expensive replacement bulbs but lasers which lasts thousands of hours....and do 3D like it was meant to be seen.

And if you really want to do a surround system correctly.........double and triple those prices because most of this highest end gear is for stereo enthusiasts, only. And if you want to do Dolby Atmos or Auro prepared to sell your firstborn...or in my case, my adorable :kitty:, Miss Pussy!
Yes, and ask everybody where their 5.1/7.1 set-up is....................... tell them its the latest thing, and ask them to find out why their marketing guru's haven't spotted it, so they're missing out! :ugham: Well it would be fun to wind them up................

If George Klissarov from exaSound is at AXPONA, he is likely to be demonstrating his e38 8-Channel DAC at the show.
As he did in 2016 with the company's earlier e28 8-Channel DAC.

George K and his company are big Surround Sound fans.
Always fun to sit in during one of their Surround Sound demos at the audio shows! :)

exasound multichannel demo.jpg
Will GOS be at AXPONA?
If he is, I'll see him there!

I went in 2016 and filed this report for Positive Feedback.
AXPONA is one of the "big three" audio shows in the US these days. Definitely worth attending if it's in your neighborhood.

Gos better be you are traveling over 2,000 miles and Gos lives about 130 miles away....aside from all the cool things at the expo...he could meet you...he knows what you look like from THIS ARTICLE...I mean it's the least he could do for us on the forum...all he needs is a little encouragment(y)..I know that if he doesn't go..he will kick himself(hopefully in the groin area)later on:)
Brian - will you be there all 3 days? If not, which day? :)
My best option is Saturday...

Saturday is a good day to attend AXPONA.
It is the day with the highest attendance and all of the companies will have their demos in full gear.

Fridays have lighter traffic and are a good option to spend more time with a company if you are shopping for a particular product.
On the other hand, Sundays aren't always productive since some companies may be wrapping up their demo and getting ready to ship it back to their main office.
That means you may not get to hear some of their products and music demos as the day goes on during a Sunday.

I'll definitely be at AXPONA on Saturday.
Hope to see you there!
Saturday is a good day to attend AXPONA.
It is the day with the highest attendance and all of the companies will have their demos in full gear.

Fridays have lighter traffic and are a good option to spend more time with a company if you are shopping for a particular product.
On the other hand, Sundays aren't always productive since some companies may be wrapping up their demo and getting ready to ship it back to their main office.
That means you may not get to hear some of their products and music demos as the day goes on during a Sunday.

I'll definitely be at AXPONA on Saturday.
Hope to see you there!

Brian...Gos will be there on Saturday:banana:
The audio makers are getting ready for AXPONA in the Chicago area. Just 14 days from now (April 13-15)
Here's the story from Merging Technologies on their AXPONA planning.....

Merging_Axpona_2018 - 450.jpg

14 Days To Go: Merging at AXPONA Mar 30
by Michael Broughton, The Audiophile Source

It’s 5:30am in the morning. It’s two weeks before the beginning of Axpona 2018. I have just responded to a communique from NativeDSD in regards to the show. Hit send, then proof read. Ooops! Note to self: not a good idea to attempt this so early in the morning without coffee.

Just finished making a French Press of Sulawesi. This bean is from Indonesia a full body somewhat dark exceptionally smooth bean, A sip or two and ahhhh, all is right with the world. Rewind: attempt #2 to communicate intelligently with important people on the other end of the line. Send out email apologizing profusely for having butter fingers. Yes, we will be playing an extensive section of NativeDSD DSD256 music selections at Axpona 2018. I shake my head and sigh at myself and yes, the Merging Technologies room is 1540 not what I wrote in the previous email.

The Merging Technologies components we will be using are the Merging + Player, the Merging + NADAC, and the Merging + Power. This will be the third show that Merging Technologies of Switzerland has hired me to produce for them. I have been working audio shows since the Nineties and I must say these are as musical components as I have heard. I have the Merging + Player at my home right now burning it in and I am happy as a clam as they say. This piece is extremely musical. To think it just gets better if one were to add the NADAC and the Power unit. And then of course there is the growing NativeDSD DSD256 selections of music. At the Denver show in 2017 NativeDSD surprised us with a collection of 5 previously unreleased Recordings to be debuted during RMAF. One of my favorites from that show is the Dragon Quartet.

From the first few moments of this piece I was drawn into the fabric of the music. I thoroughly enjoy the energy of the strings as the notes ebb and flow. There is so much life to this music it’s difficult not finding yourself waving that imaginary baton as one listens. Just beautiful!!!
Several rooms at AXPONA where they will be demonstrating DSD 256 music files from NativeDSD.
Worth adding to the list of audio demos to check out:
  • Bricasti Designs – Room 316
  • ATC/Lone Mountain Audio – Room 362
  • Playback Designs – Room 396
  • MSB Technology – Room 430
  • The Voice That Is – Room 446
  • Vinnie Rossi – Room 486
  • Bryston – Room 496
  • Merging Technologies – Room 1540
  • iFi Audio – Ear Gear Expo #354
  • KimberKable (+ IsoMike) – 15, Club Lounge
  • Astell & Kern – Ear Gear Expo #229
