New Nosound album "Allow Yourself" (5.1 FLAC files with Burning Shed preorder)


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Aug 30, 2012
I've been talking to Giancarlo, and the new Nosound album will be released with free 5.1 FLACs if you purchase through Burning Shed. No release date as yet.

There won't be a physical surround disc, just the files.

I have heard one track (in stereo) from the new album which I really like, and its different but definitely Nosound, I think its a 'step up' for the band
Hello everyone, I do understand that someone will miss the disc or the videos, but reality is that production costs (both in terms of licenses and time) are so big that then the retail price is high and that's a problem (less sales and less shops willing to stock a more expensive item). With this album we're confident will be a breakthrough, so I wanted to concentrate all sales and efforts on just two formats.

As I always want to use budget in the best possible way, I decided to go this way but offer anyway all possible mixes including 5.1 plus a SURPRISE I'm sure you'll all appreciate..and the 5.1 comes at no extra cost!

Also the money are better invested in doing real pro videos now, that can be played anyway in HD from Youtube on most tv sets, and again there's going to be a surprise for these...all will be revealed in three weeks time I think, so just wait a bit more :) And these surprises involve 5.1 in a sort of unique way...

As you know the surround market is not huge in terms of numbers but is the one I truly love because made of people actually liking the sound and production and music (something that doesn't happen very often), so I tried balancing everything to spend money in the most excellent production we ever had, and still offering our beloved 5.1 :)
So another 'surprise' (though Giancarlo did say it would be) is that he is also aiming to produce a binaural FLAC version from the 5.1 mix, some experimentation is underway.

PS: I have heard another track, and I really like it, don't expect guitars, more a minimalist approach, and the track is dark, eerie, and uplifting, really good vocals.
I've been talking to Giancarlo, and the new Nosound album will be released with free 5.1 FLACs if you purchase through Burning Shed. No release date as yet.
Hi, @nosound! Is this also the case for the ongoing releases of the remastered back catalogue? For example, you recently rereleased A Sense of Loss, but the Burning Shed listing does not mention 5.1 FLAC though there exists a 5.1 mix as previously available on DVD.
Hi, @nosound! Is this also the case for the ongoing releases of the remastered back catalogue? For example, you recently rereleased A Sense of Loss, but the Burning Shed listing does not mention 5.1 FLAC though there exists a 5.1 mix as previously available on DVD.

No this is at the moment only the case for the new release(s), because the old catalogue was available as surround extra disc (dvd or bluray) as a limited edition run, so in a way again would feel not fair towards who paid the premium price to get an exclusive material.

Also new album first press will be a limited run with extra package and the 5.1, to then go back to a more normal package and without the extra downloads.

Said that, I can't see why in the future we might not decide at some point to release those 5.1 files for all the back catalogue, but I can't see it happening soon. As I said already many times, I think if someone spends money for a some sort of limited/exclusive material then is not fair to 'keep pressing' it or make the same material available then to everyone for a lower price...although sadly this happens very often!
Hi Giancarlo, as always thanks for communicating directly with us surround nuts :)

I understand your stance on exclusive material and incentive to early buyers. On the other hand the early albums were released years ago and are OOP. People who got into nosound later on want to listen to the surround mix now might have to pay silly money on ebay or discogs. Releasing the mix as flac would suit them fine IMO. Also early buyers most likely appreciate the upgrade to lossless ( I know we do). Just my 2 cents bro.
Lots of good points on this! Most of new fans we got are in that part of audience who doesn't care (or even know!) about surround, but yes it was material released years ago so might be good.

I can't see it happening to soon, but maybe as usual if new album will hit the spot and rise the level of sales and interest, then maybe a some sort of limited release lossless archive thing could be planned :)
@nosound, on the subject of previous 5.1 surround releases, was "A Sense of Loss" ever released as an NTSC DVD?
I seem to remember it was only available as a PAL DVD and not everyone has the ability to play PAL DVDs (plus I think that release just has DTS audio as opposed to others which are either lossless DVDA-V or Blu-Ray)
Thanks for always keeping us in the loop!

@nosound, on the subject of previous 5.1 surround releases, was "A Sense of Loss" ever released as an NTSC DVD?
I seem to remember it was only available as a PAL DVD and not everyone has the ability to play PAL DVDs (plus I think that release just has DTS audio as opposed to others which are either lossless DVDA-V or Blu-Ray)
Thanks for always keeping us in the loop!


If I remember correctly, ASOL was the only one released on PAL instead of NTSC because I let someone else doing the authoring (!) no I think was never released as NTSC (but nowadays it should be pretty much easy for everyone to play any formats). Some of the original presses might be still available on Discogs etc., even if we always appreciate the support with buying the new versions as they count for our sales :)
(Wow. Another post wiped out, weirdly. Security issue???)
Anyway, I found a youtube link from Burning Shed for a video of Constant Contrast . This is first time ever listening, and there's substance here to like, I think.
I'll see what else I can scrounge up then decide if I'm up for a new purchase of Afterthoughts.
(Wow. Another post wiped out, weirdly. Security issue???)
Anyway, I found a youtube link from Burning Shed for a video of Constant Contrast . This is first time ever listening, and there's substance here to like, I think.
I'll see what else I can scrounge up then decide if I'm up for a new purchase of Afterthoughts.

Not sure about the post wiped out, but about videos Constant Contrast is taken from A Sense Of Loss, while from Afterthoughts (the one with Chris Maitland) you can listen to Wherever You Are

and Afterthought

On our Youtube channel there's a lot of free material including some live versions of songs from Afterthought

Hope you'll like it all!
Not sure about the post wiped out, but about videos Constant Contrast is taken from A Sense Of Loss, while from Afterthoughts (the one with Chris Maitland) you can listen to Wherever You Are

and Afterthought

On our Youtube channel there's a lot of free material including some live versions of songs from Afterthought

Hope you'll like it all!

Thanks! As time permits I'll definitely check them out!
Haven't listened to all links yet...but I've been looking for the Afterthoughts 5.1 DVDA/DVDV + CD in between chores. Anyone got a lead besides Amazon? This old retiree can't pay nearly $50. If nothing else I've seen a used one from the UK I may go for. I know it doesn't directly benefit nosound, but Burning Shed & the nosound web site don't list the DVD of Afterthoughts at all that I can see......
To be honest, I just hardly ever collect stereo music for years now, although I DO make some exceptions I'd rather 5.1, even if it's DTS.
...and thanks much to nosound for providing links to the videos! People here are super.
Haven't listened to all links yet...but I've been looking for the Afterthoughts 5.1 DVDA/DVDV + CD in between chores. Anyone got a lead besides Amazon? This old retiree can't pay nearly $50. If nothing else I've seen a used one from the UK I may go for. I know it doesn't directly benefit nosound, but Burning Shed & the nosound web site don't list the DVD of Afterthoughts at all that I can see......
To be honest, I just hardly ever collect stereo music for years now, although I DO make some exceptions I'd rather 5.1, even if it's DTS.
...and thanks much to nosound for providing links to the videos! People here are super.
Check this one out