How is your hearing (Doctor Test)?


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
QQ Supporter
Jul 9, 2015
San Mateo CA
Well I guess I took a deeper plunge into the title of audiophile. For awhile now after reading, talking, etc about sounds, and accessories, equipment and especially little thin cords I decided to go to the Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist and get the real scoop.
I went today, he asked questions, when I told him I was here for vanity reasons and I belonged to a music listening forum which had strong debates, he laughed and said "I know all about that". Looked at both ears, said they look good, no scaring, the right amount of wax, the left side had a small piece of hard wax, he scraped. He said that even if the ear canal is clogged with wax the sound goes through just as good. More damage is done with Qtips than anything else.
He said now that my ears are perfectly clean, I don't have to but by putting one drop of mineral oil (no other drop of anything) and rub vigorously the outside of ear the little knob. What this does once your ears are cleaned, provides a slippery canal where ear wax does not build up as easily. Do not do it if you have not had your ears professionally cleaned by a Doctor as it actually can make what ear wax you have slide in the wrong direction.
He did an old fashioned hearing test with a tuning fork and I passed with maybe my right ear hearing slightly better than my left. Good thing for those individual speaker adjustments on the remote.
On Monday I am going to have an actual hearing test that will show my personal hearing in black and white with the numbers.
I have good hearing as far as I know, and I also have good insurance.
I like being on QQ and always trying to further educate myself when certain topics come along as I try to stay away from snake oil topics and even though I could never afford multi thousand dollar cables it would be even better to not wish I could afford.
This is just another topic in this fun hobby of music and the love of music, and also the love of equipment related to music. :SG
Well I guess I took a deeper plunge into the title of audiophile. For awhile now after reading, talking, etc about sounds, and accessories, equipment and especially little thin cords I decided to go to the Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist and get the real scoop.
I went today, he asked questions, when I told him I was here for vanity reasons and I belonged to a music listening forum which had strong debates, he laughed and said "I know all about that". Looked at both ears, said they look good, no scaring, the right amount of wax, the left side had a small piece of hard wax, he scraped. He said that even if the ear canal is clogged with wax the sound goes through just as good. More damage is done with Qtips than anything else.
He said now that my ears are perfectly clean, I don't have to but by putting one drop of mineral oil (no other drop of anything) and rub vigorously the outside of ear the little knob. What this does once your ears are cleaned, provides a slippery canal where ear wax does not build up as easily. Do not do it if you have not had your ears professionally cleaned by a Doctor as it actually can make what ear wax you have slide in the wrong direction.
He did an old fashioned hearing test with a tuning fork and I passed with maybe my right ear hearing slightly better than my left. Good thing for those individual speaker adjustments on the remote.
On Monday I am going to have an actual hearing test that will show my personal hearing in black and white with the numbers.
I have good hearing as far as I know, and I also have good insurance.
I like being on QQ and always trying to further educate myself when certain topics come along as I try to stay away from snake oil topics and even though I could never afford multi thousand dollar cables it would be even better to not wish I could afford.
This is just another topic in this fun hobby of music and the love of music, and also the love of equipment related to music. :SG

A VERY intelligent move, Markie. The reason I don't attend LOUD CONCERTS anymore is that I cannot tolerate raucous high decibel bombastic NOISE anymore. I do have a 'midrange' hearing loss in my right ear but my ears are wax free. I remember attending a PRINCE concert years ago in Manhattan and I could literally hear speakers BLOWING and when I went to get up, I almost keeled over from loss of equilibrium.

It may sound a little silly, but the older one gets maybe it is wise to wear some sort of ear plugs [protection] if you're a frequent ROCK/Heavy Metal concert attendee....because once you lose your PRECIOUS hearing, the only resort is a hearing aid which luckily I've not yet resorted to.

There is a history of hearing loss in my family on my Dad's side but luckily I inherited my Mom's hearing and she could hear a pin drop at age 83.
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Regarding one ear being better than the other, my left ear has always been slightly better than my right and my left eye is also dominant. So I often wonder if having one ear hear better than the other might be the way certain people are just built.

I've attended very few rock concerts because the decibel level is dangerous. If I do go, I use earplugs. I also use ear protection when operating high decibel equipment such as leaf blowers. I often wonder if some albums are mastered so hot because the artist/engineers/etc. have high frequency hearing loss.
You know, this is a great idea... the next time I see a doctor I'm having my hearing tested (I listen to a lot of loud music, but I also have to use a stethoscope daily)... but I havn't seen a doctor in years (luckily), so who knows when this will happen! (I think maybe I'll make it part of my 50th birthday celebration next year :p)
When he asked me what ear did I think I heard a little bit better out of, I said my right ear, and he asked, are you right handed and I said yes, he said SOMETIMES, a persons entire body can be dominant towards one side.

Here is a test that my eye doctor uses to determine the dominant eye...if any: Put both of your hands together forming a tube. Bring the tube up to your eye. That's your dominant eye.
When you work in loud environments, hearing testing is mandatory along with hearing protection. Workplaces have come a long way since the old days in papermills when workers were barefoot and didn't wear shirts because of the heat and humidity. More Carnage involving feet and fingers back then, sure hearing also suffered from steam leaks.
When you work in loud environments, hearing testing is mandatory along with hearing protection. Workplaces have come a long way since the old days in papermills when workers were barefoot and didn't wear shirts because of the heat and humidity. More Carnage involving feet and fingers back then, sure hearing also suffered from steam leaks.

True, but, IMO, the biggest threat today, especially for our youth, is the constant wearing of earbuds against one's eardrums with exposure to high decibel levels. They have NO idea what damage they are doing to their precious hearing!
I remember my dad had a frequency range hearing test record or tape when I was around 15 or so and I could hear high frequencies up around 18kHz and he could only get to around 14kHz or so. He was about 40 at the time. I bet I can’t hear anywhere near 14kHz now I’m 63! I can still feel 20Hz though!
40 years of industrial maintenance work, banging rivets in aircraft, playing trumpet in many bands, lots of headphone time, and neuropathy damage from getting attacked by fire ants has all taken its toll on my hearing. That's why I am a dedicated bass whore, I need 24 inches of thigh slapping, chest slamming, blood pumping, nuclear brain damage kind of subwoofage.
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I can HEAR Russia from my back porch.......and I live in New York!

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I had my hearing test today.
Normal in the from 250Hz to 4Khz (Normal hearing through 3Khz) sloping to moderately severe, I start to fall off at high frequency at -30db to -70db.
Soft high pitch, children, consonants, room noise when somebody is talking to me in a higher pitched voice, like child or woman.
There is not a normal for my age, just these results, actually better than I was thinking.
Retest in one year.
So now I know.