HiRez Poll Chicago - QUADIO [BluRay Audio]


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Rate the BDA of Chicago - QUADIO

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Forum Curmudgeon
Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
Please post your thoughts and comments on this June 2016 release from WB/Rhino that includes every quadraphonic album released by Chicago in the 1970s, CHICAGO QUADIO. This remarkable BluRay Audio set includes all 9 albums in replica packaging in a jewel box sized box with 24/192 Stereo and DTS Master Audio 24/192 four channel. (These discs do not have an LFE or Center audio channel, and these mixes are the 1970's quad releases which are different than the 3 DVD-A 5.1 Chicago releases of the early 2000's)

[NOTE: Chicago IV, the double live album, was never released in quad so it is not included in this box set]

Scans are attached to the first few posts in this thread that show the jacket cover and disc from each individual album.

Place your vote on the ENTIRE PACKAGE as a single entity, which is is. Should the individual titles be released as individual discs they will get their own poll entry.

PRE-RELEASE DISCUSSION THREAD: https://www.quadraphonicquad.com/forums/showthread.php?22044

Front Box QQ.jpg
Back Box QQ.jpg
Bottom QQ.jpg
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Well I feel that I have to complain about the false advertising on this package and on the discs themselves. Despite the markings, these discs do NOT illuminate my CD-4 Demodulator light at all. I would imagine they are all defective! ;)

On a serious note, please keep this poll thread on track and only about your opinions of the audio on these discs. If you want to comment about shipping, arrivals, or anything not related to rating the discs, you can still post in the pre-release discussion thread located here: https://www.quadraphonicquad.com/forums/showthread.php?22044
Happy to be the first to comment! I love this set and gave it a 9. I have to be forgiving and understand that these quad mixes were done over 40 years ago so they will not sound like a mix done yesterday. For Chicago II, I must say I like the 5.1 mix more mainly because the remix from the multis shows how well recorded this was originally and somehow all the stereo and quad masterings I feel sound a bit hard, or shrill. Starting with III however, the sound markedly improves and every quad mix is very nice. Mind you, I make the comments on II (same with CTA) understanding that Columbia often has tendencies to be bright masterings during this era, everything changes the very next year, 1970.

Chicago was a band with heart, and this really comes through. There is some magnificent songwriting here, and the great talents of 3 diverse vocalists. Simply a great band back in those days!
Short take:


Although the linked photo shows only a monaural signal. I can imagine the waves blowing in alternate directions in a humorous fashion.

I, for one, and grateful that these are the 40 year old mixes. It seems that very few modern mixers have picked up on the concept of highly discrete elements coming from all directions, which I quite like. This set is stunning sonically and is a fantastic archival preservation of fantastic classic quad mixes. I could quibble about the lack of a new booklet or some other such, but why? All we have wanted on this forum is good clean surround, and this is it, just as we have requested. Heck, Jon even seems to have fathered the title of the box in a 2011 Hoffman forum post:


Unless you hate the music of Chicago, this is essential surround sound listening. There is no fluff in the compilation, and it is a complete record of the band's quad material. I voted an easy 10.
Love this set, and I'm wearing it out. Even my wife is enjoying it. She loves Chicago X. Thank you Rhino & Chicago, and everyone else who had a hand in making this happen! An easy and heartfelt 10 from me.
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Some of my comments are repetitive from the other thread, but this set is so good that it deserves repetition - preferably in your Blu-ray player:

C.T.A. The BR-A DTD-MA of C.T.A. renders the original DTS Quadio totally obsolete. The improvement in sound on the BluRay is absolutely staggering. There is more clarity, depth and ambience. There is less "grain", subsequently it does not fall apart at high volumes or cause listening fatigue as does the straight DTS. I can hear things on the BluRay that I did not on the DTS. C.T.A. finally as it was meant to be heard. Worth the price of the entire set on its own.

II, V, VI I had these on SQ record back in the day and listened to them through a Lafayette SQ-W full-logic variblend decoder. No contest! That old decoder just couldn't handle the complex passages and display the degree of channel separation that actually exists in these recordings. I am shocked at how open they now sound with full channel separation.

III Never had this album before getting this set. It is a very interesting recording that definitely benefits from the quad treatment. It will be played a lot more.

VII Another made for quad recording. The only disappointing track for me is Call On Me which I think could have benefited by putting the horns in all four channels. Sooooooooooo, I played the stereo layer through Logic 7 and PLIIx. Bloody fantastic! Sounded as good as the 5.1 mixes on the DVD-Audios of II and V. Then I just listened to it in straight stereo. Still great. The few stereo tracks that I've heard have excellent depth and, in some cases, seem to exhibit a degree of what I've heard called "side-wall imaging."

X Another album that I've never owned before. Being one of those who believe that CTA was the epitome of Chicago's music, I expected to be disappointed by the music on X, but I am not. Definitely more pop oriented, but very well done. Another great sounding quad.

I haven't listened to VIII as of yet.

Finally, it seems that some members on the Hoffmann thread believe that the bass on these Quadios is a bit overdone. I can see how they might feel that way, but any issue they may have is easily corrected with judicious use of the tone controls. These so called mastering "issues" do not bother me. A well mastered recording allows the listener to adjust tone controls to his/her taste and achieve excellent results. Such is the case with this Quadio set. Besides, Pete Cetera plays one heck of a mean bass Rhino brings it to the forefront. Always loved his playing on Poem 58, the bridge on Questions 67 and 68, that signature intro to I'm A Man, etc.
Okay folks not a massive Chicago fan... Have their "best of" don't listen to it too much... My Cdn cost for this package is $169.00 plus tax from my local retailer. A little high for my liking. BUT all these positive comments make me think I should not miss this opportunity especially since I own no other Chicago MC discs... I need some convincing to dig a little deeper in my pocket... Above and beyond all the positive comments that have already been said, feel free to convince me. thanks
Okay folks not a massive Chicago fan... Have their "best of" don't listen to it too much... My Cdn cost for this package is $169.00 plus tax from my local retailer. A little high for my liking. BUT all these positive comments make me think I should not miss this opportunity especially since I own no other Chicago MC discs... I need some convincing to dig a little deeper in my pocket... Above and beyond all the positive comments that have already been said, feel free to convince me. thanks

Well, I can't begin to convince you to buy it...for $169. But if you do like most of us in US, you could get it for less than $115. Just sayin...

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Okay folks not a massive Chicago fan... Have their "best of" don't listen to it too much... My Cdn cost for this package is $169.00 plus tax from my local retailer. A little high for my liking. BUT all these positive comments make me think I should not miss this opportunity especially since I own no other Chicago MC discs... I need some convincing to dig a little deeper in my pocket... Above and beyond all the positive comments that have already been said, feel free to convince me. thanks

I'm in the same boat as you. If I manage to get everything done this month that I need to get done, I'm going to reward myself with this set.

I knew nothing about Gentle Giant, but I took the plunge for "Power and the Glory" based on the enthusiasm here. It was worth it. I've been spotify-ing my way through Chicago's classic catalog to see if I am similarly inspired.
Okay folks not a massive Chicago fan... Have their "best of" don't listen to it too much... My Cdn cost for this package is $169.00 plus tax from my local retailer. A little high for my liking. BUT all these positive comments make me think I should not miss this opportunity especially since I own no other Chicago MC discs... I need some convincing to dig a little deeper in my pocket... Above and beyond all the positive comments that have already been said, feel free to convince me. thanks

You can get it for $120cdn: