Big Quad Haul


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Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Jul 9, 2003
Portland, Oregon
Last month I picked up a quad collection in the Seattle area, it belonged to a friend that died last year. The quad vinyl collection wasn't anything special, but the Q8 collection and equipment was at least large (a whole cargo van full) with some gems, including a few titles that I did not know existed. Unfortunately, no QRs. He bought everything on the used market, mostly at thrift stores and such, he was unknown in the quad community and didn't do any trading, he didn't do the internet and preferred that the public not know about his stash. He was a pretty interesting guy, a Boeing machinist, his wife a school teacher, both nice people. I've sorted out all the Q8s, making notes on all the different versions, and slowly going through the quad equipment which included receivers, reel-to-reel decks, Q8 decks and a few boxes full of quad decoders (there is also some stereo stuff). It's going to be a bit before I offer things for sale here, and equipment-wise, I may only do local pick up on the large units, but it's going to take quite a while to put new foil and pads on over 1700 Q8 tapes. I'll also be submitting new information for the quad discography.
Last month I picked up a quad collection in the Seattle area, it belonged to a friend that died last year. The quad vinyl collection wasn't anything special, but the Q8 collection and equipment was at least large (a whole cargo van full) with some gems, including a few titles that I did not know existed. Unfortunately, no QRs. He bought everything on the used market, mostly at thrift stores and such, he was unknown in the quad community and didn't do any trading, he didn't do the internet and preferred that the public not know about his stash. He was a pretty interesting guy, a Boeing machinist, his wife a school teacher, both nice people. I've sorted out all the Q8s, making notes on all the different versions, and slowly going through the quad equipment which included receivers, reel-to-reel decks, Q8 decks and a few boxes full of quad decoders (there is also some stereo stuff). It's going to be a bit before I offer things for sale here, and equipment-wise, I may only do local pick up on the large units, but it's going to take quite a while to put new foil and pads on over 1700 Q8 tapes. I'll also be submitting new information for the quad discography.

Nice score. And right in my backyard! Damn the luck! :)
Nice. Unfortunately, there will be more and more of this in the coming years as we all check out! :mad:@:
I have to admit (and I think I've posted this before), I'm jazzed by the idea of someone coming to my estate sale after I'm gone and their eyes popping out at my unexpected quad vinyl collection - everything for 50 cents!
Super cool, I look forward to hearing more about the Q8s and gear. Mines going to my sons who damn well better figure out what all this angst and joy is about!

From QQ deep space
It happens to us all eventually. I'd love to benefit though likewise if the opportunity presented. I found in the last couple of days that one of our extended group of Jethro Tull fans had passed and we didn't even know. Such a sad thing to happen. RIP Laurie