Larry Fast Chat with Larry Fast part 9


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Staff member
QQ Supporter
Since 2002/2003
Oct 18, 2002
College Grove, TN
LARRY: “Okay--all set up and confirmed on QQ. Now what? Thought I might put up a post to start a discussion.”

TIM: “Thanks for the update Larry, I’ll be watching for your posts. Just landed in Albany for Brand X concert tonight. Will be in Queens Saturday through Monday, then home.”

TIM: “Say ‘Tim said this was the place for serious quad & Surround people!’😉

LARRY: “Say hello to the Brand X guys. I've know Percy and John going back to the Phil Collins days. New Percussionist Scott Weinberger is a more recent friend over the last few years though both music and TV production connections.”

TIM: “Intimate show - 46 tickets sold! Paid rehearsal in Cohoes, NY for bigger gigs. Hung out at Merch table, signed the new live discs, took photos, JG confirmed our “handshake” when he injured his arm and didn’t play The Roxy in 1978.”

LARRY: “Glad that you got to see such an intimate show...”

TIM: “It was an unexpected treat and everybody was in really good spirits.”

TIM: “Evening ‘Larry,
question about a re-release of electronic realizations on Arista/Passport records as catalog PB-6001. Was this re-release also QS in coded? I see it listed in best quad discography as a maybe,it would be nice to confirm that one way or the other. Thanks, Tim”

LARRY: “Hi Tim. Yes, every release that used the 1975 stereo mix had the quad QS encoding "baked" in. Once the encoding was in the stereo mix, there was no reason or way to pull it back out again. It transferred into every format from the 1/4 inch stereo master if you had the proper decoding equipment--LP, cassette, stereo 8 track, CD. Even broadcasts from FM though satellite radio could, in theory, be decoded. To date, there hasn't been another full album stereo mix done since that original 1975 version so all stereo formats derive from that one. Hope that clears things up. -Larry”

TIM: “Happy new year ‘Larry! Thanks for the clarifications and I think it would be interesting for our members if I could re-post portions of this conversation back to August 2017.
There are some pretty cool things within this conversation that I believe the quad crowd would appreciate very much. 😉 Lots Of good technical details that speak well of your skills...
Would it be OK to post an edited version on the forum?”

LARRY: “No problem at all. Please repost.”

This concludes the series.