Guidance on recapping


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Jun 6, 2011

I am about to receive delivery of a Sansui qrx-6001 I bought on e-bay nearly two months ago. It was held up by a Canadian postal strike, then took an age to get to the UK by ship.
Anyway, I want to be ready to start re-capping it when it gets through customs.
I can't seem to find a guide to re-capping on this site, but i'm sure there must be one. Quadrockasuarus kindly pointed me towards 'saving the sansui' which gave details on setting the 25volt line, but I need info on re-capping. Do all the caps need replacing or only some types? or only signal path caps?
I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.


Hi Gary,

You should replace all electrolytic caps. Be sure to pay attention to polarity!! Power supply is always a good place to start. Those circuits have a lot of the larger size caps, which seem to be the ones that go bad first. Main amp out boards also have larger size caps and are a good target for re-capping. One tip that I have learned the hard way, re-cap only one circuit board at a time, then do a full test on the unit to be sure there are no problems. I once re-cap three board together and then had a problem on one channel. Doing that bulk re-cap made it much harder to track down the problem.

Sorry, I don't have any info on the Sansui amps, I'm an Akai man.

Thanks guys, really helpfull responses as usual. It looks like I have a bit of work to do but I can't wait to get cracking. By the way, I thought the 'Holy Grail mods only worked on the QRX 9001, but looking at the service manual for the 6001 (which I downloaded off the web), the QS board numbers are the same as those mentioned inj the qrxrestore link, so I take it I can get the benefit of the 'Holy Grail mods on my machine, am I right?