HOLY CRAP! Adobe Audition 2.0 "ROCKS" in Surround Production!!


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Forum Curmudgeon
Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
I received my AA 2.0 upgrade last week, but just got around to installing it, and all I can say is "WOW!". Now I really need to learn how to use it. :D

Just by fumbling, I was able to figure out how to put the 4 files of a Q8 song rip into the multi-track view, listen to them together (!!), then place then in a surround mix (!!), and listen to them IN SURROUND on my PC (using a Creative X-Fi card), and watch the playback on the surround mixer section.

W:mad:@: W! This is GREAT!! Here are some screen shots:

The Main screen with the 4 channels displayed of a Q8 ripped song:


  • AA-Main1.jpg
    138.1 KB · Views: 288
Here's a shot of the "Surround Encoder". You assign each file from the list on the left to a postion in the sound field.


  • AA-SEnc.jpg
    106.1 KB · Views: 285
For playback in surround "live" from the surround encoder, you need a ASIO compliant sound card device. Here is the dialog to set that up:


  • AASencSettings.jpg
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Once the mix is complete, you can export it as a single WMA or WAV file, or you can export the (up to) 6 files as mono wav files.

More once I get more involved!

Of course, this may all be "old news". Anyone else tried this yet?
JonUrban said:
Here's a shot of the "Surround Encoder". You assign each file from the list on the left to a postion in the sound field.

NOTE: In the picture of the surround encoder, the wav file you see is a stereo wav of the selected channel, in this case the rear right channel (Track 4). You do not see the 4 (or 6) wav files as the files are played. I am not sure why it does this, but it's a bit confusing at first, especially since the source file is mono.

However, as you can see by the bar chart "meters", when you press PLAY in this module, you hear and see all of the channels discretely, enabling you to hear the presentation to determine if you need NR or other "fixing", without having to "burn and listen". This is very cool.
two question about AA2:
- what about a asio-less soundcard? Does this baby interface OK with Asio4all?
- multichannel *editing* is possible? For example, i decide to make a fade out at sample 10000. Do i need to do it manually for every single file or there's a way to apply the same "effect" to all tracks at the same time?
As best I can tell from the screen shots provided so far, not much has changed since Audition 1.5, (aside from the last screen shot you provided).

I just recently discovered how to create surround pans using the Multichannel encoder in 1.5.

Check out the Surround demo session that is included with the software, as you may learn a few worthwhile tricks from it as I did.
Hey, this looks great! How do you upgrade? I went to Adobe's website and I see only a trial option and a full purchase option; no option to upgrade from version 1.5.
Jon I have my Audigy Platinum and I could listen in surround during the playback with the 1.5a version.
Just the same as you did in the samples.
No ASIO support at the time.
The only thing make the recording good is that with the ASIO you can record multiple inputs at the same time (I did this in Cubase SX or n-Track).

BTW, my Audigy card was configured as a 4.0 outputs.
ASIO is necessary for those like me who do NOT have WDM drivers in their soundcards.
I will never, ever use anything from Creative Labs, as it internally rersamples to 48KHz regardless of your project, so that is additional DSP and SRC being applied even when I don't want it to.
So, RME for me.
Which meant I could never use AA 1.5 at all except in Stereo, as it refused to see my 26 in, 26 out Hammerfall as a multichannel device.
So - great news on the ASIO.
neil wilkes said:
ASIO is necessary for those like me who do NOT have WDM drivers in their soundcards.
I will never, ever use anything from Creative Labs, as it internally rersamples to 48KHz regardless of your project, so that is additional DSP and SRC being applied even when I don't want it to.
So, RME for me.
Which meant I could never use AA 1.5 at all except in Stereo, as it refused to see my 26 in, 26 out Hammerfall as a multichannel device.
So - great news on the ASIO.

The X-Fi is in the PC for DVD-A playback and monitoring. My MOTU 828mkII is used for conversions and such. :smokin
winopener said:
- what about a asio-less soundcard? Does this baby interface OK with Asio4all?
Yes, it does work with ASIO4ALL. One time my system crashed while using this, but I'm not sure if it was related :rolleyes:

HearToTemptYou said:
As best I can tell from the screen shots .., not much has changed since Audition 1.5
Well, what do y'all think of that new Adobe style look, which takes up quite more screen?
I like it - takes some getting used to, but it actually saves space once you get their workspaces concept sorted out.
Simply set up workspaces (or Window Sets) for whatever way of working suits you best.
Lucanu said:
Jon I have my Audigy Platinum and I could listen in surround during the playback with the 1.5a version.
Just the same as you did in the samples.
No ASIO support at the time.
The only thing make the recording good is that with the ASIO you can record multiple inputs at the same time (I did this in Cubase SX or n-Track).

BTW, my Audigy card was configured as a 4.0 outputs.

You know Lucanu,

I had AA 1.0 and AA 1.5 and I never tried this until now!!! :confused: :mad:@: I guess I'm slower than most! :D
Ge Someone said:
Well, what do y'all think of that new Adobe style look, which takes up quite more screen?

From what I've seen, it's looking more like Protools, which isn't really a bad thing.

I'm eager to get this new version of Audition my self.
While we're on the topic of AA- I have AA1.5 and wanted to try doing a cd project in it. I normally do a dts cd by full encoded wave and edit it into tracks. My q? is how to use the cue functions to create and burn from AA. I have a full wave project in and start-stop track cues but don't know how to get it to work How do I get this to burn a track cued cd. :xp:
Thanks for any help! I'm gettting some free time now and then to get in here but work is a killer right now. New Automation machines to speed up Production, but till we get the bugs worked out :mad:@: