How many of the Tull reissues do you own?


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Apr 23, 2013
Central Illinois
Seems there is always chatter from some who missed out on a specific Jethro Tull Anniversary Set, and now regret it, etc. I got nervous and dug all mine out to make sure......

Here are the titles I own:

0190295757915 - Heavy Horses (unopened)
0825646487080 - Aqualung (unopened)
0190295471804 - Stormwatch (unopened)
0190295201616 - Benefit (unopened) most recent version
0190295932862 - Stand Up (unopened)
0190295847876 - Songs From The Wood (unopened)
0190295611484 - This Was (opened)
0825646035519 - Too Old To Rock "N" Roll: Too Young To Die! (opened)
2564621627 - WarChild (opened)
0825646157204 - Minstrel In The Gallery (opened)
0190295127497 - A La Mode (opened)

Seems I'm only missing Thick As A Brick. :(

Am I missing something else??
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All of them. Longtime Tull fan and I've been buying these sets as they have been released
I own them all except Passion Play (too pretentious for me) and Too old to dies too young etc
I have them all except the book-sized reissues of Aqualung and Benefit. Also, I was never able to source a corrected copy of the Thick As A Brick DVD.
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I just looked think I have a wee bit of a 'Tull problem :p :ROFLMAO:

- I have all the surround releases, and that doesn't include the large Aqualung Box (which isn't on my database for some reason!), or the latest Benefit - plus the vinyl!
I only have Aqualung but you and I differ on one thing (well probably a bunch of things), when I buy something I open it even if I am not going to play it anytime soon. For one thing, I want to make sure everything is OK and that nothing is missing, but secondly I just like unboxing. LOL
I have very little inventory that is unopened.
And you know what? I think I had a weak moment back when I lost my job and sold it. Now, I can't believe I did that. :(
Bummer, brother. It’s probably my least favorite, but I’m glad it’s on my shelf. I’m missing Thick As A Brick.
0190295757915 - Heavy Horses (unopened)
0825646487080 - Aqualung (unopened)
0190295471804 - Stormwatch (unopened)
0190295201616 - Benefit (unopened) most recent version
0190295932862 - Stand Up (unopened)
0190295847876 - Songs From The Wood (unopened)
Here is what you are missing - the auditory delights within.
All of them so far, though not all of the re-releases (just the Thick fix one)

I'll pass on the post-"A" ones, probably.

It's interesting how mix quality varies in these. In particular Songs from the Wood doesn't sound great, something is off about the EQ or the mix itself, I can't pin it down. I'm always disappointed in some way when I play it. And I really like that album.

Minstrel on the other hand is excellent.
I think a big oversight on my part is, not giving the extras a chance. Though, it's hard to really find the time to listen to all the extra stuff on these deluxe sets. I guess that's why I sort of look forward to retirement and maybe I can revisit all these amazing sets and dig into the booklets, and extra tracks, etc.