Rush - Replay X3


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Bob Romano

Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Apr 26, 2002
Viva Las Vegas
This is a new remastering of three of the early videos from Rush...

In the package you get:
Exit Stage Left
Grace Under Pressure
A Show of Hands
a bonus cd with the Grace Under Pressure soundtrack

(originally $34.99, no $24.99 on sale at Best Buy)

I am a huge Rush fan so I am really pleasantly surprised by the sound mix. I always thought that Exit Stage Left was just a muddy mess but now it, as well as the other two shows, just shine in their 5.1 mixes. This not just the usual "band in the front crowd in the back mix". The guitars and keys are mixed in both the front and rear with what seems like the guitar toward the back a little more. The sound is really big!! Geddy's vocals are in the fron L/R but isolated in the center as well. The only sound from the center is vocals with some bleed from the stage. I think overall the mixes here sound really excellent!!! Also, you get PCM stereo, DD5.1 and DTS 5.1

Also as expected, the video looks much much better than the VHS versions though and they are still 4:3.

If you are even a casual Rush fan I recommend this box set highly. If you are a big Rush fan then this is a no brainer!!!
My kids picked this up for me for Father's Day. Should be a good day of listening on Sunday! Better get a good selection of beer in.

Geez, I feel old now! When someone's kids buy them Rush for Father's Day ... the first time I saw Rush, they played at my HIGH SCHOOL! :eek: I gotta sit down for a while. Mike.
Geez, I feel old now! When someone's kids buy them Rush for Father's Day ... the first time I saw Rush, they played at my HIGH SCHOOL! :eek: I gotta sit down for a while. Mike.

I was actually thinking the same thing after I posted it. The oldest is 21 which makes it even worse.
Thanks to all!

I had this sucker in my hands yesterday and put it back as I had yet to read a review on it. I was a little dissapointed with the "Rio" DVD as the crowd took over the rear sound stage. It was a little too much for me in the background.
I am pleased to hear that the 5.1 on this is what I would like to expect. I will run back to Best Buy before the price goes up.:smokin
Thanks to all!

I had this sucker in my hands yesterday and put it back as I had yet to read a review on it. I was a little dissapointed with the "Rio" DVD as the crowd took over the rear sound stage. It was a little too much for me in the background.
I am pleased to hear that the 5.1 on this is what I would like to expect. I will run back to Best Buy before the price goes up.:smokin

Alex was in his "I hate surround" mode then. He's changed his tune.:smokin
Thanks to all!

I had this sucker in my hands yesterday and put it back as I had yet to read a review on it. I was a little dissapointed with the "Rio" DVD as the crowd took over the rear sound stage. It was a little too much for me in the background.
I am pleased to hear that the 5.1 on this is what I would like to expect. I will run back to Best Buy before the price goes up.:smokin

I hate the RIO DVD. R30 is a lot better and this new release which is "vintage Rush" should be the best no doubt.
You all just gave me a great thought!

I will have either my 24, 21, 17 or 15 yr. old run out and get me this for Father's Day.

Unfortunately, I too am a victim of passing years.

However, there is still hope. ALL of my above listed sons listen to and PURCHASE music of our era. That in itself says alot about how lucky we were to experience some of the best music ever made and played on stage.:smokin

We now listen to this music together as it is re-invented in 5.1:banana:
You all just gave me a great thought!

I will have either my 24, 21, 17 or 15 yr. old run out and get me this for Father's Day.

Unfortunately, I too am a victim of passing years.

However, there is still hope. ALL of my above listed sons listen to and PURCHASE music of our era. That in itself says alot about how lucky we were to experience some of the best music ever made and played on stage.:smokin

We now listen to this music together as it is re-invented in 5.1:banana:

Hey, all I do is go over to my 90 year old mother's house and watch her listen to her SACD's and DVD-A's and that makes me think that I have a lot of time yet.

Get one of the other sons to pick up the new Neal Young for you.
I was actually thinking the same thing after I posted it. The oldest is 21 which makes it even worse.

I got my copy last night, and the little cutie in the music department at Future Shop told me that her "Dad loves these guys". It is official my friends ... we are OLD. It was on sale though! Mike.
It's Sunday and I finally broke the plastic and watched Exit..Stage Left followed by Grace Under Pressure. It was truly a "religious" experience. R30 is good but this is excellent. Exit is worth the current asking price alone. Just pick it up if you haven't already. This is Rush back when they were kings.
R30 shows they still are kings; being a recent production the quality is expected and shows. Their playing is tight, fun and just great.

The Replay package is good fun; Alex wisely spent the time and effort on the audio because the video (1981 standards) is about as good as it's ever going to get. Great mix on that one.

Need to watch the newer ones as I had all these on laserdisc. Nice touch to have the Grace Under Pressure soundtrack on CD, Heck, I played the hell out of a cassette made from the laserdisc as my alternate versions special!
Funny... I thought the "Exit... Stage Left" CD sounded better than the concert on DVD. Some didn't like the ESL CD because it didn't sound like it was a concert (it sounded too "studio clean") but I kind of liked it. I wonder if different performances were used in both instances?

I always liked the "A Show Of Hands" concert a little better. Better video, better audio and songs from "Power Windows" and "Hold Your Fire."

I should burn these to DVD-A and listen to them audio-only. But, I don't recall hearing instrumentation in the rear speakers.
I completely missed these guys during their run in the 70's and 80's but glad I found this set at a local store here recently. I had purchased R30 last year and think it is terrific as well. This group received no radio play in the US and although I knew they existed 30 years ago, I didn't own a thing I can recall before last year. I like this group as well as Yes now. For 20 - 25 year old concert recordings this is impressive, nice mix and great fidelity for a live recording.

I think back in the day, late 70s in this case, it would depend on where you it the pre-Clear Channel era. I certainly recall the more progressive FM rock stations playing a great deal of Rush, WSHE Ft. Lauderdale (home) and W??? Columbus, OH (college) in my case. If they aren't on the programmer's "hit list" now, they woudn't stand a chance of getting heard outside a few college stations. Maybe Rush just hadn't infiltrated the heartland of the homeland (that's "2000's speak" ;) ). John S.
Why did this thread suddenly stop in 2008?? IOW, why isn't this release in the polls or getting more attention?

wikipedia says:
For Replay X 3, each filmed concert has been remixed in 5.1 surround sound by Rush guitarist and co-producer Alex Lifeson.

I'm listening to A Show of Hands DVD from this set and the bass is very strong and Geddy's vocals are indeed isolated in the center so this is a true discrete 5.1 mix and not just an upmix even if the instruments in the fronts are just duplicated in the rears, IOW Alex is a bit drowned out and the is no panning of Neil's drums.

I always liked the CD of this and hearing it in 5.1 is a real treat. It's not a Steven Wilson A Farewell to Kings or anything but this CD was very near and dear to my heart during my youth so it's nice to see the video as well as hear the 5.1

So many great songs on this DVD, Neil's lyrics are a highlight for me and Geddy's voice was strong.
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