Snood's Garage Sale Adventures continued.........


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Staff member
Nov 8, 2013
SO today Snood taking Momma Snood out for some burger. 🤗 On way out of sub division Snood see garage sale sign and say ahhhhh what the hell. Snood go down some streets and goes oooooh me remember these guys for like 20 years ago. Same place bought some old John Waters dvds (don't judge Snood). So looking around and one of the ladies wants to have a conversation with Snood and Snood is like damn why do me have to be so freaking hot. :ROFLMAO: Answer = It was still 85 freaking degrees outside :ROFLMAO:

Ok didn't find anything but on way out saw these un opened sealed reel to reel tapes - 3 Scotch 270s and 3 Maxell 35-90s (one of the Maxells was opened but looked unplayed and almost new inside and out - marked black on the back.

3.00 sticker on each then noticed a Neil Young - Everybody Knows....... & Glen Campbell Greatest Hits - both used also Eddy Arnold and a Charley Pride 10th (Charley did not have the original reel - have no Idea whats on the reel inside). The reels for the recorded stuff look koo cept the neil lead in is a lil crumpled for about 2 inches............

Lady said she could go 2 bux each on the sealed blacks and 1.00 on each of the Neils, Glenn etc - 15 bux if Snood went umm hell me dunno. ok? Maybe might pique someones interest on QQ :unsure: Snood asked the lady if she actually had a Reel to Reel player and she said she had sold it at the last garage sale :eek:.......said those were all the reels she had.

Sooooo ummmm any good? :unsure: Snood figured wasted 15 bux, but give it a try - if ya need more pics lemme know

Burgers were good..........screwed up order a lil, but Snood got 5 bux back for that so kinda like all these for 10 then lol....also the diet coke was not from garage sale and dig my 70s style counter tops :giggle:



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You got an excellent deal. Now you need to get a R2R recorder. I have quite a few unused Reels of Maxwell UD 35-90 (its good!), and most of the stuff I recorded to R2R in the mid-late 70s & early 80s was on that tape (and still plays OK on my Akai R2Rs), but its only in stereo :(
You got an excellent deal. Now you need to get a R2R recorder. I have quite a few unused Reels of Maxwell UD 35-90 (its good!), and most of the stuff I recorded to R2R in the mid-late 70s & early 80s was on that tape (and still plays OK on my Akai R2Rs), but its only in stereo :(

Yeaaaaah, nahhhhh......Snood not going down that rabbit hole Duncan enough stuffs to keep me busy 🤗
Dood, I mean Snood....I seriously have idea how you keep falling into these cool, cheap situations. I prommise you, no one in central Illinois has a god damn idea what R2R is....jeez.....

Well GOS, me wish me could get up earlier on Saturday, but Friday is usually my drinking night :SG and did not go to bed til 6am last night. After football season might make Saturday my drinky night so can start getting up get up early to see if any koo garage sales in the hood. Early meaning 10 or 11 AM lol.......... only stopped by maybe one or 2 garage sales since the big marantz haul. Although the last one, bought another Lava Lamp which my mom fell in love with for 2 bux. Snood has about 5 now..........but thing is Mom has it next to her chair she loves it, but dammit if it it not the best most active Lava Lamp Snood has ever seeeeeen. Big one, black base, Clear liquid Red Lava but it is beautiful when it gets going......

About every other day me ask Momma SNood if she getting bored with it and would like to trade it for another and she will yell get away from my Lava Lamp!!! LMAO :ROFLMAO: So at night when she is watching her shows she has the lights off with a Hue colored light lamp going that goes from color to color and her lava lamp going....all she would need is some Pink Floyd and it would be perfect, but instead she watches Barnaby Jones, Cannon, Murder She Wrote and Hogans Heroes with the light show going on :love:
The Snood just can't resist those TAG Sales. Good for you. Better find a GOOD USED Open Reel Deck ........ I have a ROOM full of Open Reels collecting dust .... and three OR recorders [1 QUAD] likewise luxuriating in 'dust mites!'

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Well GOS, me wish me could get up earlier on Saturday, but Friday is usually my drinking night :SG and did not go to bed til 6am last night. After football season might make Saturday my drinky night so can start getting up get up early to see if any koo garage sales in the hood. Early meaning 10 or 11 AM lol.......... only stopped by maybe one or 2 garage sales since the big marantz haul. Although the last one, bought another Lava Lamp which my mom fell in love with for 2 bux. Snood has about 5 now..........but thing is Mom has it next to her chair she loves it, but dammit if it it not the best most active Lava Lamp Snood has ever seeeeeen. Big one, black base, Clear liquid Red Lava but it is beautiful when it gets going......

About every other day me ask Momma SNood if she getting bored with it and would like to trade it for another and she will yell get away from my Lava Lamp!!! LMAO :ROFLMAO: So at night when she is watching her shows she has the lights off with a Hue colored light lamp going that goes from color to color and her lava lamp going....all she would need is some Pink Floyd and it would be perfect, but instead she watches Barnaby Jones, Cannon, Murder She Wrote and Hogans Heroes with the light show going on :love:
Stay strong Snood you're a good son. I miss my Mom. I sometimes think I should call her.
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Congrats on your finds Snood. I scored a bunch of classical quad LPs at this weekends book sale in the rich neighbourhood. A buck each for rarely played Angel and Seraphim quads I didn't have yet. I damn near spent a C note saving so much money! It was rainy and cold and there was not a big crowd going Gimme Gimme. I could actually enjoy browsing without FOMO and chat with fellow browsers too. Wish they were all like that. I never find reels at those prices and am slightly jealous!:p
Congrats on your finds Snood. I scored a bunch of classical quad LPs at this weekends book sale in the rich neighbourhood. A buck each for rarely played Angel and Seraphim quads I didn't have yet. I damn near spent a C note saving so much money! It was rainy and cold and there was not a big crowd going Gimme Gimme. I could actually enjoy browsing without FOMO and chat with fellow browsers too. Wish they were all like that. I never find reels at those prices and am slightly jealous!:p
You guys are making me want to try some yard sale hunting, I've done it a few times, but rarely find much of interest.:unsure:
You guys are making me want to try some yard sale hunting, I've done it a few times, but rarely find much of interest.:unsure:
It pays to go to older, richer neighbourhoods. Modern neighbourhoods have modern crap and baby stuff, no sense of history. Neighbourhoods with 1940's houses and older with attics and basements (for those of you not in FLA) are your go to places. Poor weather and timing can be a good factor and ALWAYS ask questions like "Do you have *** or maybe *** that you might consider selling?" If you see records, ask for turntables. If you see 1970's or older gear, ask for open reel decks and tapes or 8 tracks and players. You never know what they think is not worth putting out or missed in time for opening. My book sale is in the section of town where the PM and GG lives. All older homes and money. Usually well attended. Check with your local library or university for sales. These usually benefit students or library upgrades. They usually are year round and weather only stops lazy people from showing up. All in the gain category for me! I hate crowds.
But lest we forget, Snood did acquire a number of [priceless yet TRASHY] John John Waters Waters' DVDs at prior tag sales....while his unsuspecting mum sat patiently in the car munching on 'tasty' hamburgers!

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See the source image

Female Troubles

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That's right, Snood .... piss your money away on SMUT. Betcha can't wait for the 4K remasters?

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Yours Truly,

👂 👂 👂 👂 with a keen 👃 for mouth~WATERing gossip!
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But lest we forget, Snood did acquire a number of [priceless yet TRASHY] JohnWater DVDs at prior tag sales....

See the source image

That's right, Snood .... piss your money away on SMUT. Betcha can't wait for the 4K remasters?

Now that is some fine cinematography right there, not to mention a killer soundtrack.
I can only hope for an ATMOS re-release soon.