SQ to QS for Audition 3


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1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
QQ Supporter
Apr 22, 2005
Cabras, Sardinia, Italy, Europe, World, Solar syst
Hey everybody

Few years ago I tried to experiment with Audition and I found out we could convert SQ to QS, which won't mean much for decoding but it could be fun to play our SQ records as if they were QS.

There is no script for this, I don't know if it will available or not, but it's a multitrack session. Of course you need Phasebug installed.

The SQ2QS I did last time was lost, so actually this is a completely new version.

Once you open the .ses file you can insert a SQ encoded wave file in the Track 1. If your computer is connected to your quad system you can try playback directly the file thru your preferred QS/RM decoder or export the file to make a CD for later playback.

Hope you have fun

So - if I have a SQ encoded LP rip at 96/24, I can export this to a "QS" encoded 96/24 file?

Pretty cool...