Stereo Radio - Decoding (any matrix decoder)


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
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Since 2002/2003
Feb 20, 2003
Midwest USA
At the moment, my only way to use matrix decoding on Stereo radio is to use the streaming option to my PC decoded w/DPL (listening briefly to BBC 1 radio and some of my local FM station streams [popular music], I don't notice much sound routed to Surround).

I have noticed that there's more Left/Right panning of some sounds in songs played on our 2 Urban format radio stations (KPRS and KMJK) as compared to songs played on our Top 40/CHR format radio station (KMXV).

I'll have to listen for an extended time to these 3 stations and see if the increased panning use also results in more sound routed to Surround.

What is your experience listening to regular stereo mixes on local radio stations with a matrix surround sound decoder?

Kirk Bayne
At the moment, my only way to use matrix decoding on Stereo radio is to use the streaming option to my PC decoded w/DPL (listening briefly to BBC 1 radio and some of my local FM station streams [popular music], I don't notice much sound routed to Surround).

I have noticed that there's more Left/Right panning of some sounds in songs played on our 2 Urban format radio stations (KPRS and KMJK) as compared to songs played on our Top 40/CHR format radio station (KMXV).

I'll have to listen for an extended time to these 3 stations and see if the increased panning use also results in more sound routed to Surround.

What is your experience listening to regular stereo mixes on local radio stations with a matrix surround sound decoder?

Kirk Bayne
In multi-channel mode, I only listen to multi-channel mixed music. I only listen to stereo in stereo. Stereo music scattered in multiple channels sounds distorted.
I use DPLII a lot - almost all the time in cinema mode for TV, and most of the time in music mode for 2-channel music. It's generally great, in my opinion.

Never used it for FM radio or lower-bitrate internet radio though. When I've tried it, it seems bandwidth limits make too much of mess of the signal for DPLII matrix extraction to be pleasant or worthwhile.

I actually end up usually using the all-channel stereo option for such radio just to fill the room, what with quality not being that high to start with.
I decode everything, I wouldn't consider listening in 2-channel unless there is no other option. No real side effects with the Audionics S&IC, or with Vario-matrix. I have never liked any form of Dolby!
Not always the best sound from FM stations, but no unpleasant artifacts.
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