The continuing tale of 2 SQuiD-2020 s


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Well-known Member
Sep 27, 2012
Philly PA
After living with SQuiD #2 for some time, I decided something wasn't quite right. Since a generous QQ member sent me a couple of power switches, I went back and installed one in SQuiD #1, and proceeded to do some testing. It seems that the logic on at least one of the rear channels of #2 wasn't working quite right, and one side always seemed louder or different. #1's logic seemed to be working properly. So, despite no front main outputs on #1, that unit is now in use. I am just using the tape front outputs instead of the 'preamp' front outs. Lots more movement overall and balance between left rear and right rear now.

So, I still have #2 to decide what to do with. I resoldered those annoying pins three times, so I am not sure if doing it again will make any difference, but I suppose it can't hurt to try.
Yeah, I would go back to the pins at least one more time :/

I forget, why does #1 have no front outputs?
Hi Jeff,

glad the switches arrived & you got one installed ok in your unit

- I will check through the schematic (give me a couple of days) for the 2020 & see if I can help pinpoint you as to why the tape front o/p should be louder than the front pre-amp o/p.
Yeah, I would go back to the pins at least one more time :/

I forget, why does #1 have no front outputs?

Don't one point it had one good and one weak output, then both good, then neither! I'm just bypassing it by using the TAPE front outputs, which seems to work fine.
Also, does someone know with certainty, what bulbs are used for the 2020 VU lights. On mine, one is out, which is not extremely noticable. But Ive considered replacing it.

had a quick look at the schematic, the only difference between normal outputs Vs the tape outputs seems to be the stage gain & selector switches Top RH selectors (2 ch / 2-4 ch / SQ / etc) - so I would clean these with deoxite cleaner (they are tricky to do because they are nearly sealed apart from front area).

Are you familiar with taking the front off the unit ? - if so then squirting cleaner into switch are will be a lot easier.

Let me know how you get on.
