DVD/DTS Poll Toy Matinee - Toy Matinee [DTS CD/DVD-A]


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Rate the DTSCD of Toy Matinee - TOY MATINEE

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  • 1 Bad Mix, Bad Sonics, Bad Content

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Bob Romano

Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Apr 26, 2002
Viva Las Vegas
Please post your comments, thoughts and observations about this title...(y) (n)
I have the DVD-Audio disc, but I did a quick comparison with the DTS track - so I considered myself eligible to vote.

I've had this disc for awhile, but not listened much as of late. Put it in tonight and had a good listen. The mix is really good, not much movement of sound, but the rears are used well and often. The mix was done by Mr. Scheiner...

The sound quality here is very good. It is very open and dynamic (just a little less clarity between instruments on the DTS tracks). One thing about the sound, it really sounds like the 80s. Not a bad thing, it just jumps out at you that this isn't a 2005 release.

As far as the song themselves, they are very good 1990 pop/rock. Not the kind of thing I've been listening to lately, but certainly well done. I think this will stay in my changer for a little while, it deserves to be heard some more.

Oh yes, I give it a 9 - one point off for the dated sound.
BananaSlug said:
I have the DVD-Audio disc, but I did a quick comparison with the DTS track - so I considered myself eligible to vote.

I've had this disc for awhile, but not listened much as of late. Put it in tonight and had a good listen. The mix is really good, not much movement of sound, but the rears are used well and often. The mix was done by Mr. Scheiner...

The sound quality here is very good. It is very open and dynamic (just a little less clarity between instruments on the DTS tracks). One thing about the sound, it really sounds like the 80s. Not a bad thing, it just jumps out at you that this isn't a 2005 release.

As far as the song themselves, they are very good 1990 pop/rock. Not the kind of thing I've been listening to lately, but certainly well done. I think this will stay in my changer for a little while, it deserves to be heard some more.

Oh yes, I give it a 9 - one point off for the dated sound.

I tend to pretty much agree with you too.
Listening to it now it sounds really dated...in fact I'm not really a fan of most of the music on it at all.But it is well done and the surround is good.If you like the music then it's worth getting.
This album is a permanent favorite; used to use the stereo CD as demo material when I sold audio gear in 1990 the year it was released. The songwriting has a level of craft that put it ahead of many other CDs of it's time and lot of music released today.

The stereo mix was marvelous and the DTS 5.1 mix did rather pull it apart in unusual ways IMHO. There seemed to be less concern of preserving the spirit of the original mix, but once you accepted that, new interplay was appreciated.

The DVD-A release improves on this, so I stopped at 9 for this one.
IMHO a total pop/rock gem that was great in stereo and fabulous in DTS surround. I gave it a "9" - it gets regular rotation on my system. Excellent production and a very interesting mix of timbres that don't get in the way of some well crafted pop songs. It's a shame this album didn't find a bigger audience back in its day but it beats the crap out of most of the pap and sham that pop/rock has devolved into during the past decade. Total ear candy...
I just got this today, thanks to the posative reviews here. I have been putting off buying this title because i had never heard of it before. But am very glad i finally broke down and bought it. The mix is definately excellent, a 10, and the music is quite good too, a 9. Overall i vote a 9. :)
I am going to listen to the DTS audio before voting since I have the DTS DVD-Audio version, just purchased recently. The DVD-Audio is shown as 44.1kHz/24-bit on my Pioneer DV-588A. I have never seen that before.

DVD-A Mix is a 10 very good use of surround all around I dont know if its a diferent mix on the DTS disc.

Music is quite dated though give that a seven.

overall presentation is a solid 8 (disc menus play options etc..)

total 25/30 so i suppose thats an 8 overall.
dated but wonderful songwriting and densely layered stuff so I still give it a 10 - also one of the best surround discs I own as far as separation goes. Pick it up!
One of the first DVD Audio titles I ever purchased and with good reason, along with 'Nightfly' and "'Hell Freezes Over' its one of the best sounding disks
I own. Patrick Leonard, Kevin Gilbert, and Bill Bottrell created a layered soundscape, yes its 80's but its damn good 80's.

It even gets the nod from studio wiz Bob Katz on his website.
My ears and Katz. Works for me.

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This is one of those discs that seemed to be everywhere for a long time, and I always told myself "I'll pick that up eventually." Then 5.1 died and they all went away quickly, and I never had the chance to snatch it. So I finally got a copy... from a clearinghouse in South Korea! And having just finished, I am glad I made the effort. I loved Kevin Gilbert, and played the heck out of this when it was first released. As with all good 5.1 mixes, I think it really opens up the sonics of the original mix, placing needed air into what was a very dense mix. Great job on the remastering, and the DVD-A layer is stunning (to use a well-worn phrase). I gave it a 9. Worth tracking down if you don't already have it.
So this came on dvd-audio as well as DTS disc? Would anyone be able to tell me the UPC codes So I would be able to determione if one is the DVD-Audio disc? I wwantthe DVD-Audio disc notthe dvddts. People have told they had thedvd-audio it turned out to be DTS instead. I figure UPC codes woudl be the best way to determine if one is te dvd-audio or not? Unless htere is another way.
Green [email protected]
So this came on dvd-audio as well as DTS disc? Would anyone be able to tell me the UPC codes So I would be able to determione if one is the DVD-Audio disc? I wwantthe DVD-Audio disc notthe dvddts. People have told they had thedvd-audio it turned out to be DTS instead. I figure UPC codes woudl be the best way to determine if one is te dvd-audio or not? Unless htere is another way.
Green [email protected]

It should have the DVD-Audio logo on it. Easiest way to tell.
Yeah, mine has the DVD-Audio logo featured prominently on both the front and back covers. SKU is 69286-01030-92.
Yeah, mine has the DVD-Audio logo featured prominently on both the front and back covers. SKU is 69286-01030-92.

I can second this - and I happen to possess both US and UK pressings. As it seems the only thing different is the DVD-A and dts logo placement... Actually, I've never seen a dts CD version of this album.
I have the DVD-A US pressing too.
The mix is really nice - exactly what you expect from Elliot, punchy and very discrete.
The songs are not too strong though, I felt - not one I would listen to on a regular basis but nice for a change & one of those that I always thought would grow on me but somehow hasn't.
It's very difficult to explain - some of it just sounds so contrived & almost forced, yet other parts are sublime - the acoustic riffs in the opener, for example.

An 8 - we are voting on the mix & sonics, so scores well there. Navigation is good - gets you where you need with no messing.
(Note to self - use Auto-play Disc more than you do!!)
I just cannot go higher when the songs just don't quite cut it for me.