Your Opinions on These Titles


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1K Club - QQ Shooting Star
Since 2002/2003
Mar 8, 2002
Before I waste any more money on disappointing dvd-audio titles, I was wondering if some of you could give me your opinions of the following titles;

Elvis 30#1 Hits dvd-audio
Uriah Heep - Best dvd-audio
Wishbone Ash-Bare Bones dvd-audio

The Heep and Wishbone Ash are Silverline releases, many of which I have been disappointed in the lack of surround.
I think the Elvis is worth the cost, but not the two Silverline titles. As I wrote in another post the Silverline disclaimer should read: Caution, Contains Bogus 5.1, "Stunning, But Bogus!
By the way my Wishbone is up for sale on along with Tesla.
El1s is a keeper:p There is no menu on this disc and quality varys largely from song to song. The additional songs are wonderful.
my Opinions on These Titles are

1) Elvis #1 sound quality is great, hate the small case, it's a keeper even for me that i hate elvis more than life itself!!!!!
2) Uriah Heep hits vol 2 i love the old Heep stuff, this title is ok, only good thing is the cover of Argent "hold your head up" love it!!!!
3) Wishbone Ash Bare Bones nothing good on this one the songs and the fake surround mix sucks !!!!!!

i think i can do way much better than Silverline on the fake Stunning surround sound mixes with my "own made decoder" thanks Gerardo;)
Hey Gerardo,

I hate Elvis too, but like you I think this DVD-A is a keeper. I know this makes no sense, but..........

I currently do not own any Silverline titles (thanks for all the warnings group!) so I can't comment on those. I am a pretty big Elvis fan but still think the disc is worth having even if you're just a casual fan. I was really expecting the older tracks to still be mono but was pleased to see that they've worked some sort of audio magic on them and created a halfway decent 5.1 mix for them, not discreet, but decent. I would have preferred a more traditional greatest hits package and think the song selection could have been a little better, no "Kentucky Rain", "Little Sister", etc. But overall, this is one of a few MUST HAVE titles going right now. Bonus material and menus are non-existent but one listen to "In The Ghetto" cranked up in 5.1 will make you forget about those minor shortcomings. The King is dead, long live The King !!!