2 Symbion Project albums now available in Quad (4chan wav/ 5.1 flac)


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Active Member
May 16, 2015
Seattle, WA
Hello all, not sure if this is the appropriate forum to post this, so please let me know if it's not cool and which is the right forum. thanks!

The newest Symbion Project album Arcadian is now available in both 4 channel WAV and 5.1 FLAC formats.
Additionally, the 2009 album Misery in Soliloquy (originally released in DTS quad surround on DVD) is now re-mastered and available digitally in both 4 channel WAV and 5.1 FLAC formats!!
They are $15usd each (or if you'd like to contribute more that's always appreciated as I make my living being a musician) or you can get both for $25usd.
For those that have already purchased Misery on DVD and want a free download of the updated digital version, write me at [email protected] and I'll hook you up!

The aesthetic of these albums are ~ electronic music with lush synths, strings, complex drum programming, and vocals from a variety of talented singers. Guest instrumentalist include classical guitar by Geoffrey Klok and French Horn by Gus Sebring of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The albums are a mixture of downtempo and idm, but with quirky pop sensibilities. I think fans of Massive Attack, David Sylvian, Portishead, Air, Pink Floyd, and Beck will like these albums.

Arcadian: https://symbionproject.bandcamp.com/merch/arcadian-quad-surround-4-channel-wav-or-51-flac
Misery in Soliloquy: https://symbionproject.bandcamp.com/merch/misery-in-soliloquy-quad-surround-4-channel-wav-or-51-flac
Quad Bundle of both albums: https://symbionproject.bandcamp.com/merch/quad-bundle-arcadian-misery-in-soliloquy-quad-surround

With a purchase of each you'll also get the stereo version of the album. Once purchased, I'll send you a link to download either/both the WAV and FLAC versions. The download sizes are 1.43GB (FLAC) and 1.8GB (WAV).
For Arcadian, there are also cool t-shirts and a lasercut metal logo available if interested: http://symbionproject.bandcamp.com/merch

Some details on the Quad versions of Arcadian & Misery in Soliloquy:
- 4 channel 44.1KHz, 24bit files; The 5.1 FLAC contains silent Center and LFE channels.
- The channel assignment for the WAV version is Front Left, Front Right, Back Left, Back Right. For the 5.1 FLAC its Front Left, Front Right, Center, LFE, Back Left, Back Right.
- The mastering for both albums is slightly quieter than the stereo versions to allow more dynamic range and less crushing at the loudest sections.
- The songs were originally mixed on ADAM P22a near-field monitors (ribbon tweeters). The mastering was done on both the ADAM's and a matched set of Yamaha HS7 near-field monitors.
- The songs were mastered based on full-frequency speakers with no sub, so you'll need to tweak your speakers levels to taste. I mixed/mastered with my location being equidistant from all 4 speakers.

Thanks again for all the support, help, and encouragement this community has given me over the years. It's really appreciated. Getting the opportunity to make surround versions of my music is both extremely satisfying for me creatively and knowing that there are passionate listeners out there who love the experience!

cheers, Kasson


  • MiseryInSoliloquy_AlbumArt.jpg
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  • SymbionProject_Arcadian_Cover_500x500.jpeg
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Arcadian is on my shopping list for sure! I have exhausted my personal budget for November, but I'm pretty sure I can squeeze it in for December. I love Misery in Soliloquy, and I very much enjoyed the surround mix from the new album you shared a while ago. Gonna listen to the stereo version on Bandcamp until I get the surround mix! :)
Hey guys! Does anybody know how to get the 5.1 files after buying them? After my purchase, I got directed to a confirmation page on Bandcamp with a little download link tucked away at the bottom, and it only gave me stereo files. A moment later, I received a "Thank You" e-mail with a download link inside, which also only had stereo files.

Perhaps it takes a bit until the e-mail with the correct download link comes? It's only been a few minutes, so I might just be too impatient :)
Same here, made the purchase after your post, no 5.1 download link in the e-mail - no 1.43 GB flacs to find.
So when I purchased the recent release, I received a thank you email. It had a download link, and if I recall, following that did not lead me to the Quad. A few hours later I received an email from Kasson and in the bottom of his email it had a direct link saying "Arcadian Quad Flac". That took me to the 5.1 files.
So when I purchased the recent release, I received a thank you email. It had a download link, and if I recall, following that did not lead me to the Quad. A few hours later I received an email from Kasson and in the bottom of his email it had a direct link saying "Arcadian Quad Flac". That took me to the 5.1 files.

Thanks for checking - I sendt a message to Symbion, I'm sure it will be fixed soon :)
Hi all,
yes, sorry about the confusion on the download links.
BandCamp does not support surround audio the same way it does stereo audio. I can only upload stereo songs to bandcamp which it then directly provides a download link to upon purchase.
For surround audio, I have to treat it like a "merch" purchase and host the (large) download files myself and manually provide download links for. It's not the greatest solution, but I've tried to be good about responding within a few hours with the links! Thank you all for the support of the new album as well :)

I've created a new location on bandcamp to host only my quad audio releases.
I'm working on adding more Symbion Project albums there over time and I've also begun to reach out to bands about doing surround mixes of their music (which they'd normally not do) and build up a little store of surround releases.
That link is: https://quadaudio.bandcamp.com/


Hi all,
yes, sorry about the confusion on the download links.
BandCamp does not support surround audio the same way it does stereo audio. I can only upload stereo songs to bandcamp which it then directly provides a download link to upon purchase.
For surround audio, I have to treat it like a "merch" purchase and host the (large) download files myself and manually provide download links for.

Hi there symbionproject,
I encourage bands to do the same with Bandcamp. If you host the files in a cloud account, you can include a text file or pdf with the download link and password as a bonus item with the Bandcamp download. Then it works on autopilot. If you believe you have been pirate shared too much at any point you can always update the link and update the text file for the Bandcamp download.

Then put a big announcement in the description that the download includes a link for HD surround and stereo masters.
I have played "Misery" a lot and was hoping for Arcadian to be as good - I am not disappointed - It's great! I love the surround mix and the sonics are very good, sounds awesome on my system. Great work :)

Ah, I'd not thought of this method - very clever!
I'll make it a point to update my bandcamp pages with this method. thanks a ton!

Hi there symbionproject,
I encourage bands to do the same with Bandcamp. If you host the files in a cloud account, you can include a text file or pdf with the download link and password as a bonus item with the Bandcamp download. Then it works on autopilot. If you believe you have been pirate shared too much at any point you can always update the link and update the text file for the Bandcamp download.

Then put a big announcement in the description that the download includes a link for HD surround and stereo masters.
Fantastic - glad the new album is meeting expectations! :)

I have played "Misery" a lot and was hoping for Arcadian to be as good - I am not disappointed - It's great! I love the surround mix and the sonics are very good, sounds awesome on my system. Great work :)
I've created a new location on bandcamp to host only my quad audio releases.
I'm working on adding more Symbion Project albums there over time and I've also begun to reach out to bands about doing surround mixes of their music (which they'd normally not do) and build up a little store of surround releases.
That link is: https://quadaudio.bandcamp.com/

Thanks for the new link and the surround mixes! Downloading now. This has been on my to-do list.
Hello all and happy new year! I've got an update that I'm hoping will make some people happier :)

Arcadian is now available for purchase as a downloadable ISO file (huge thanks to Bob Romano for the help!!!) for those who require DVD playback for surround.

By purchasing the ISO you'll be able to download the file (3gig) and burn to your own DVD for your systems (additionally VLC player will also load/play this ISO).
On the DVD you'll have 2 options:
1. DVD-A for 5.1 playback on those systems
2. DVD-V for playback on DVD systems with the option to choose between Dolby Digital and DTS

Hopefully this will might be suitable option for those that require DVD playback, but dont want to take on the huge shipping/tax payments associated with the physical-shipped media! PLus you'll get it quicker :)

Here's a handy link to find both Arcadian and Misery in Soliloquy:

I'll work to provide an ISO option for Misery in Soliloquy as well (currently it's DVD, or 5.1Flac/4chan WAV).

Thanks all! ~kasson
Hi all,

hope your 2017's are going smoothly! and for those that have picked up the surround Arcadian album, I hope you're enjoying it!

I just wanted to tease a little news that I'm about halfway through mixing my instrumental synthesizer album "Wound Up by God or the Devil" and like Arcadian, it'll be available digitally (5.1FLAC, 4-chan .wav, ISO).
I'll add the announcement here when it's available and it'll be distributed through the same bandcamp link that the 2 other available albums are at:

Ok, that's all for now... back to mixing! oh, I also just released a music video for "Arcadian" which you might enjoy: https://youtu.be/ftJpgvgUD5s

Hi all, I've just released a new quad album! Here are details from the post I just made in the swap meet forum...

Hello fellow quad-heads... I'm excited to announce that I've a new quad album available, in addition to my previous releases of "Arcadian" (2016) and "Misery in Soliloquy" (2009).
You can find all 3 albums and quad bundle here: https://quadaudio.bandcamp.com/

The new album is a 10th anniversary release of my 2007 album "Wound Up by God or the Devil." This album is a "Classical Synthesizer" album in the spirit of composers like Vangelis, Wendy Carlos, Philip Glass, and Jean-Michel Jarre.
There are no drums or singing, just the purity of analog synthesizer music. This album was inspired by soundtracks such as Bladerunner, A Clockwork Orange, Chariots of Fire, and Koyaanisqatsi.

Like my 2 previous releases, this is also in quad surround version (4.0) & remastered 24bit hi-def stereo!
It comes as a digital download with 2 options to choose from: 4-Channel WAV or 5.1FLAC (soon I'll have a DVD ISO option for download that you can burn to a DVD-R and use in your surround playback system if you're not able to use digital audio files). Both "Misery in Soliloquy" and "Arcadian" are in 4-Chan WAV or 5.1FLAC as well as a downloadable DVD-A/V ISO for Arcadian, and Misery is available in physical DVD format but shipping internationally is quite expensive.
You will also receive a download link to the newly remastered 24bit stereo audio files as well!

The quad versions of all my albums are $15usd.
There are 2 cheaper options to get this album. Purchase a "Quad Bundle" which gets you all 3 of my quad surround albums for $33.33usd, or if you've already purchased either Misery in Soliloquy on DVD/digital or Arcadian in quad format, email me your receipt and I'll send you a discount code to purchase Wound Up for $10usd.

Thanks for all your support for previous albums and I hope to continue creating and releasing albums in surround!
You can also preview these album via Spotify if that's your thing: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0qWdr3mxtmV6cf4YtlHcMI

cheers, Kasson
Another update for those interested in the quad version of Arcadian.
I now offer an additional format to download that I hope will help me reach more people.
Arcadian is now available in .mp4 format with the quad audio as .ac3 Dolby Digital.
Each song is a movie with the surround audio stream embedded and this format can be played back via TV's that have USB to mount media, Xbox360 and Xbox1, Sony PS3/4.
I don't have Apple TV which I know supports .mp4 but am unsure if it supports audio other than .aac. Does anyone know?

Either way, I think more people (like myself) have the ability to play surround audio via this format because we dont have higher-end systems that can stream 4-ch wavs or 5.1flacs, or have their PC/Mac attached to their surround systems to playback via VLC.

If anyone's interested in getting the Arcadian album, visit here:

and the download format options are now:
- .MP4/.AC3 Dolby Digital
- 4-channel wavs (24/44)
- 5.1FLAC
- DVDA/V.ISO (download and burn to a DVD-r)

The upcoming quad release of Kodomo's "Divider EP" will also be available in the .mp4 format as well 5.1flac and 4-ch wav.

