A technical question for Bob Vosgien about Aretha Quad


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
Hello Bob,

you had the "luck" of doing the transfer from analog to digital world of the new Aretha Franklin quad mix for the Rhino release.
The question is: what is the frequency response of the original quad master?

Now the reason for the question.
Back in the quad days, WEA titles were done on cd-4, quad 8 track and some on quad reel.
The frequency response on cd-4 LP was limited to +- 16KHz in the SUM signal in order to make room for the DIFFERENCE signal, which was frequency modulated. AFAIK this was carried out directly by the cd4 cutting electronics.
The thing i have seen is that this limitation did apply also on all the others quad versions, both 8 track and reel. Seems they created a brickwalled master at 16k top for all uses.
So... the brickwalled master at 16k is really the main quad master, or this was only a feature of the duplication masters used for the tape duplication?
Q8 never had a higher frequency response, due to the limitations of the 8-track format itself.

It was probably cheaper to filter the master during the master recording process, rather than add a step during disc mastering.

Back at that time, the accepted human hearing range was thought to be 30Hz - 15KHz.
Good gravy- is your name Bob????

Q8 never had a higher frequency response, due to the limitations of the 8-track format itself.

It was probably cheaper to filter the master during the master recording process, rather than add a step during disc mastering.

Back at that time, the accepted human hearing range was thought to be 30Hz - 15KHz.
Q8 never had a higher frequency response, due to the limitations of the 8-track format itself.

There has been a lot of 8 tracks done very badly (and i mean 11KHz top...), not counting the clearly done just plain wrong (8k top), however this was a problem of some replication plant; i've personally transfered some industrially-made q8 with F.R. up to near 18KHz.