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New member
Sep 23, 2023
Bellaire TX
About a month ago, I brought an old Marantz 4230 into the house from the garage and hooked it up to four large Advent speakers. The SQA-1 had a defective right front channel so I found another on eBay and it was functional on all 4, I started listening to some SQ albums I had saved up. Reading on QQ about the various decoders and differences, I acquired a Lafayette SQ-W that arrived weak in the LF channel (any repair suggestions?) and as of yesterday, a Fosgate Tate 101a that seems to be “firing on all cylinders” so to speak. Test driving with a 45rpm Angel Sonic of Waldteufels waltzes.


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About a month ago, I brought an old Marantz 4230 into the house from the garage and hooked it up to four large Advent speakers. The SQA-1 had a defective right front channel so I found another on eBay and it was functional on all 4, I started listening to some SQ albums I had saved up. Reading on QQ about the various decoders and differences, I acquired a Lafayette SQ-W that arrived weak in the LF channel (any repair suggestions?) and as of yesterday, a Fosgate Tate 101a that seems to be “firing on all cylinders” so to speak. Test driving with a 45rpm Angel Sonic of Waldteufels waltzes.
Sorry I don't have any brilliant suggestions. I'm sure those will follow due to the knowledgeable talent around here. Mainly I just wanted to give a fast welcome aboard!

Looks like you've got some nice stuff in the background too.
Sorry I don't have any brilliant suggestions. I'm sure those will follow due to the knowledgeable talent around here. Mainly I just wanted to give a fast welcome aboard!

Looks like you've got some nice stuff in the background too.
Yes, my gateway drug was Scott tube stuff.
Now I am hooked on LWE feedback speakers from late 60’s😅
Yes, my gateway drug was Scott tube stuff.
Now I am hooked on LWE feedback speakers from late 60’s😅
There is a spot in your member profile to list all your gear. Certainly optional but I can tell you've got some good stuff to put there. Good if others are trying to help you figure problems out.
I acquired a Lafayette SQ-W that arrived weak in the LF channel (any repair suggestions?) and as of yesterday, a Fosgate Tate 101a that seems to be “firing on all cylinders” so to speak. Test driving with a 45rpm Angel Sonic of Waldteufels waltzes.
I would try a little DeOxit on the Function switch and Output volume control.

The SQ-W uses a lot of electrolytic coupling capacitors, not a bad idea to replace them. Wima film types are available that will fit. Those in the output stage are most suspect.

Lafayette SQ-W

I had an SQ-W for awhile. They are said to be the best of the full logic type decoders. I re-capped and then sold mine.

The Fosgate Tate 101A is much better than the SQ-W. I recently purchased one plus I own several Audionics S&IC's. There are a number of threads here about about the Tate decoders.’ve-joined-the-tate-family.27706/


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