Fixing The Spinners Quadio channels levels


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Greg Z

Active Member
QQ Supporter
Sep 7, 2017
Instead of highjacking the hirez poll I am starting a thread where it belongs.
Here we can discuss fixing the problem with the levels on the latest Rhino Quadio
Blu-ray of The Spinners.
The front left channel is low on every song and there are a few rear channels that are too high.
Here is my attempt at fixing them.
I used DVD Audio Extractor to extract and decode the quadraphonic audio from the disc.
I used Sound Forge Pro 14 to adjust the levels and save the resulting files. This is what I have
come up with. I set the levels by eye to start, got some suggestions from others, readjusted
and listenened to the resulting files to confirm that the vocals were now centered.


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If the goal is to center the vocals, then I have some different edits than Greg Z here. I also wrote out Greg Z's proposed edits here for ease of access, as it can be confusing moving through their 10 images.

Greg Z's proposed front channel edits:
01: +5.88 dB
02: +7.54
03: +4.99
04: +4.99
05: +6.42
06: +3.24 (and -5.24 dB for rear right channel)
07: +4.58
08: +3.73 (and -3.49 dB for rear right channel)
09: +5.88
10: +3.24 (and -3 dB for both rear channels)

My proposed changes:
01: +5.88 dB
02: +7.54
03: +4.99 Definitely closer to +8 dB
04: +4.99
05: +6.42 Definitely closer to +3 dB
06: +3.24 (and -5.24 dB for rear right channel) Definitely closer to +8 dB for the front left channel, and I personally think the rear right channel is already the correct level, as the bass and the little bit of lead vocals are centered among the back channels
07: +4.58 I think it's a little closer to +4 dB
08: +3.73 (and -3.49 dB for rear right channel) I believe it's closer to +5dB for the front left channel, and -2.99 for the rear right (which would center the rear lead vocals)
09: +5.88 I believe it's closer to +5 dB
10: +3.24 (and -3 dB for both rear channels) <-- I am currently agnostic to the lowered rears here

My proposed changes (easier to read version):
01: +5.88 dB
02: +7.54
03: +8
04: +4.99
05: +3
06: +8 (and don't lower rear right channel)
07: +4
08: +5 (and -2.99 for the rear right channel)
09: +5
10: +3.24 (and -3 dB for both rear channels) <-- I am currently agnostic to the lowered rears here
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Just got my disc today. There's definitely a problem with the Front Left channel. It's way too low and dare I say the rears are a little too hot. On my 'scope though, the front is 100% favoring the Right Channel.
looks like Rhino is going to fix it - just got this email -
Hello Quadio Lover!​
We spotted an audio glitch in your Spinners Quadio release and have issued a full repress to ensure you get that fully immersive four-channel sound.​
We're sending you a fresh copy for your listening pleasure, due to ship out before the end of the month.​
Keep an eye on your mailbox and another out for breaking news on our next set of Quadio releases.​
Happy Holidays,​
The Rhino Team​
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at