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Oct 20, 2013
Salisbury, MD
Is there a piece of equipment that can hook up to my computer or receiver that is able to separate different aspects of a song. For example, could I pull out a lead guitar, rhythm guitar, keyboard, percussion, vocals, whatever and remix it myself? I hear so many songs that i can "hear" (envison) in suround and would love to make it surround myself. I am not looking to sell or profit in any way. This is a labor of love that I just want to try.
Next question...is it afforadable or something only a record company would have?
I was sort of assuming that since there is software like Dolby PLII that does fake surround that there has to be something to extract different things. Anyway, if anyone kniws of anything please share so I can look into it.

Thanks in advance for any input!
You'd be inventing the wheel on that one, my friend! Once a song has been mixed, there's no UNmixing it.
Sure, there are things out there like Spectral Editors, Phase cancellation and a whole myriad of plugins for Pro Tools, Audition, etc. But nothing that will pull things apart cleanly without any artifacting or weird phase issues. At this current time in technology, it's virtually impossible.

The only way is to go back to the Multitrack!
There is the concept of upmixing and some are quite skilled at the process. Results largely depend upon how the original stereo mix was done. It has been said that if it starts to sound plausible in DPL II then it's a good candidate for upmixing. Google SBU or Surround By Us for information on tools and requirements. Having been there, I can tell you it will NOT be plug and play. If you lack the patience and technical knowledge for problem solving, it will be quite frustrating.
There is the concept of upmixing and some are quite skilled at the process. Results largely depend upon how the original stereo mix was done. It has been said that if it starts to sound plausible in DPL II then it's a good candidate for upmixing. Google SBU or Surround By Us for information on tools and requirements. Having been there, I can tell you it will NOT be plug and play. If you lack the patience and technical knowledge for problem solving, it will be quite frustrating.

and adding to this-- there's also the most used/best plug in: Penteo's "Perfect Surround".

What you have to realize is that ; if you want something that you can ISOLATE from a stereo recording, it'd have to do with ANY changes/experiments that involved mixing a signal into the stereo/mix bus with an "out of phase" effect added to ta specific instrument/voice.

And there may be other ways but I do not know them..happy hunting!
It's like trying to unscramble scrambled eggs and then put the egg back in the shell the way it was.

You could separate parts in different frequency bands (e.g. tuba and flute).

You can remove a single pan position. But the remaining mix is mono, and the parts panned close to the removed part will be diminished in volume.

You can put each stereo track on a phase splitter and two pan pots and shift the entire stereo mix around.