JMK Hi-Res Surround Bluray


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600 Club - QQ All-Star
QQ Supporter
Feb 16, 2009
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I did a quick search and couldn't find mention of this release here, so I thought I would start a thread to be sure everyone is aware.

It is described as electro-acoustic instrumental music. From the website:

This project is the result of my increasing interest in immersive music composition and reproduction. Some years ago, I upgraded my studio to full 5.1 capability and started imagining and producing all of my music in surround. This collection of compositions is the result of these new developments.

I’ve always had an interest in combining acoustic instruments and synthesis. This collection of tracks was not computer generated. Each track began with modular analog synthesizers and then augmented with acoustic instruments. This hybrid approach infuses the music with a human feel, which I regard as an important component of all music.

After years of creating music in surround, I realized I had amassed a large catalog of tracks. I shared a few mixes with a friend of mine who convinced me to “put it out there.”

Thus began my quest to figure out how best to release high-resolution, surround music, which is not a mainstream format. The search led me to Mark Waldrep owner of AIX Records, who has released award-winning music in this format for almost 20 years. After we decided to partner, Mark created the videos and graphics for the project.

This project embodies the independent spirit of making music. I hope it inspires others to take chances in creating and releasing music that is not based on popularity but is created out of passion.

JMK is an independent musician, composer, mixer, producer, and synthesist living and working Los Angeles.

I learned about this release from Dr. AIX's (Mark Waldrep's) mailing list. Here is what Mark had to say:

John began experimenting with music in 5.1 surround and the results were so compelling that friends who heard his tracks encouraged him to release them to a wider audience. And so he found me and my little label as a kindred spirit. I think his music, his engineering, his mixing, and unique ability to fuse analog and electronic sounds very interesting. I suggested we collaborate and so I produced computer animations to accompany each of the tracks. So the Blu-ray disc contains the 12 tracks in 5.1 surround and stereo with CGI animations AND a third mix in headphone surround. What could be better than experiencing John's music as if you were sitting in the middle of his studio. He pulled out the "Fritz" binaural head and captured the 5.1 surround mix from the sweet spot in his room. All you have to do is put on your headphones and you are there.

There are samples on the website, and a video too showing the visuals. Looks interesting!
I did a quick search and couldn't find mention of this release here, so I thought I would start a thread to be sure everyone is aware.

It is described as electro-acoustic instrumental music. From the website:

I learned about this release from Dr. AIX's (Mark Waldrep's) mailing list. Here is what Mark had to say:

There are samples on the website, and a video too showing the visuals. Looks interesting!

I just ordered this BD~A/V 5.1 via the JMK website. $24.95 with free shipping.
BTW, Dr. Mark Waldrep [AIX Records] will be debuting this album as a demo at this week's Axpona convention in Chicago, IL.
It's been a long time since AIX Records has had a new high-resolution, surround production to talk about. Our new JMK release is an amazing recording and very aggressively mixed project. It features a 5.1 surround mix, a stereo mix, AND a headphones surround mix. I asked John to capture the playback of the whole album through his PMC speakers using his Sennheiser KM-100 "Fritz" binaural head. It really brings you into the sound of his room and is very compelling surround. There are samples in stereo at the website and the ability to order the album.

I demoed it at the recent AXPONA show and the impact was very positive. In fact, I sold out of the units that I brought to the show. It's an electro-acoustic album with many layers of acoustic instruments as well as tons of analog synths that bounce around the room. John has a state-of-the-art studio with an API console and all of the toys. He's a drummer and composer with tons of experience — and it shows.

I created all of the animations that accompany the tracks. I'll be very interested to hear what customers think of this new direction. I'm headed to the Post Office right now to send off the first 40 orders. Thanks for the support.

Mark Waldrep
AIX Records

Just ordered, not bad $24.95 + $15 to ship to the UK so came to £32.21 - though I'll probably get stung for import duty & the tax gathering charge, which will be almost the same!

So was it anybody from QQ who bought the BD-As at the show? Or does that mean there are surround music fans out there who haven't heard of QQ?!
Just ordered, not bad $24.95 + $15 to ship to the UK so came to £32.21 - though I'll probably get stung for import duty & the tax gathering charge, which will be almost the same!

So was it anybody from QQ who bought the BD-As at the show? Or does that mean there are surround music fans out there who haven't heard of QQ?!

I subscribe to Dr AIX's newsletter and according to his survey at this year's Axpona Show in Chicago, with the exception of video displays touting surround, Surround Music, per se, was non~existent with the exception of AIX Records' room at the show.
Just ordered, not bad $24.95 + $15 to ship to the UK so came to £32.21 - though I'll probably get stung for import duty & the tax gathering charge, which will be almost the same!

So was it anybody from QQ who bought the BD-As at the show? Or does that mean there are surround music fans out there who haven't heard of QQ?!

My plan is to make the entire album available on including a FLAC version. I'll try to get this accomplished this weekend. Stay tuned. I sent out 42 copies yesterday. If you receive a copy, please don't hesitate to let me know what you think. I'm pretty excited about this release.
It's not cheap to ship even 3.1 ounces around the world. Even to Canada that cost to the Post Office was almost $10. To the UK $13.50 and I have to fill out a Customs form. I wish I had clout like Amazon but sadly I can't provide international free shipping. The downloads will be available soon.
If its any use/consolation I just paid $17.35 to have a $12 CD shipped from the US to the UK, as I can't get it from anywhere else, no cheaper postage options were available.

It's not cheap to ship even 3.1 ounces around the world. Even to Canada that cost to the Post Office was almost $10. To the UK $13.50 and I have to fill out a Customs form. I wish I had clout like Amazon but sadly I can't provide international free shipping. The downloads will be available soon.
Hi All,

Thanks for checking out the project. It's good to find a place where people are interested in High Res 5.1 surround music.


I'm wondering if anyone who ordered this disc has had a chance to audition it in full 5.1 surround? I've sent out about 60 copies to new customers and would love to know your reactions. A gentleman in Toronto Canada wrote requesting a replacement disc.

He wrote, "Just received the new JMK Blu-ray yesterday but unfortunately it doesn’t play on either of my OPPO players. It seems to start but only goes a few seconds and the counter goes back to zero. Also I am unable to forward to try any other tracks. There is no sound during any of this. Please advise how you would like me to proceed and if I have missed anything. Thanks"

I was all set to send him another copy (one that I unwrapped and verified on my own Oppo player) when I realized he was in Canada. It's expensive to send even a small package to Toronto. So I wrote back, "I've checked a new copy of the JMK disc in my Samsung and Oppo machine and it worked without any problems. I'm about ready to resend you a new copy but realized you're in Canada…which is expensive to send. I'm more than willing to swallow the cost but wondered if you can check the disc in another player? Or see whether it's scratched or otherwise damaged. It would be very surprising to have a brand new disc fail. It's worth checking before I send out a replacement."

Boy am I glad I wrote that last email. Here's his final response, "Good news. My fault, but I hadn't checked all the cables as I had recently moved some equipment around and found the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience and I'm truly enjoying what I'm hearing."

This is a disc that is definitely worth checking out in full surround. And if anyone has any questions, you might just hear from jmk. The artist/engineer/composer has joined the group.
Hi Mark & John,

My disc arrived in the UK today (no import duty/tax handling charge :banana:).

I work from home a lot and I like working and listening to music, so I pick albums/genres to work to that fit with what I am doing at the time. I came off a 'crazy' conference call, the post was delivered, I opened the package, and thought electronic music that'll fit nicely, so I gave it a spin. So it sounds good, a nice immersive mix, with some nice effects in sound bouncing (and not over done (y)). Nice music. Its the kind of album that I like to listen to in the early hours. I'm looking forward to finding out how the headphone surround version works out, probably after going down the pub tomorrow night. So a definite :upthumb. Anymore releases pending?



So for those of you pondering over getting it, if you like the music of Ambra, BT, Lichtmond etc. you'll like it. I followed it with the new Hawkwind album!
I put this one to PC today with intent of making a disc for the car. I honestly have not listened to the entire program, but I can tell you that it sounds awesome and the surround is excellent.

The first track is a bit smile inducing, as the surround effect is quite stunning. I am looking forward to listening at full volume on the Oppo and checking out the graphics as well. I will report back but if you're on the fence and up for something different, this is a high quality surround disc that's in print and there for the ordering.

The HiRez Poll entry for this disc can be found here:
I'm wondering if anyone who ordered this disc has had a chance to audition it in full 5.1 surround? I've sent out about 60 copies to new customers and would love to know your reactions. A gentleman in Toronto Canada wrote requesting a replacement disc.

He wrote, "Just received the new JMK Blu-ray yesterday but unfortunately it doesn’t play on either of my OPPO players. It seems to start but only goes a few seconds and the counter goes back to zero. Also I am unable to forward to try any other tracks. There is no sound during any of this. Please advise how you would like me to proceed and if I have missed anything. Thanks"

I was all set to send him another copy (one that I unwrapped and verified on my own Oppo player) when I realized he was in Canada. It's expensive to send even a small package to Toronto. So I wrote back, "I've checked a new copy of the JMK disc in my Samsung and Oppo machine and it worked without any problems. I'm about ready to resend you a new copy but realized you're in Canada…which is expensive to send. I'm more than willing to swallow the cost but wondered if you can check the disc in another player? Or see whether it's scratched or otherwise damaged. It would be very surprising to have a brand new disc fail. It's worth checking before I send out a replacement."

Boy am I glad I wrote that last email. Here's his final response, "Good news. My fault, but I hadn't checked all the cables as I had recently moved some equipment around and found the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience and I'm truly enjoying what I'm hearing."

This is a disc that is definitely worth checking out in full surround. And if anyone has any questions, you might just hear from jmk. The artist/engineer/composer has joined the group.

Yes, I did listen in surround!


I will try to have more words this weekend, I'm going to spin it again, and check out the other audio options.

I'm a huge fan of Jean-Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Mike Oldfield, Daft Punk, etc so I really connected to the music here. I reached out to Jon to start a spotlight link so I'll post more thoughts there.

I quickly checked out the headphone mix thru my venerable (10 year-old? Time flies!) Panny DMP-BD30 running stereo analog to my old Pioneer VSX-D912 receiver - this bare-bones configuration relegated to a bedroom. Then spun the disc in my 7.1 home theater on my new Oppo UDP-203 running thru a Denon AVR-X4200W. No playback issues with either setup.

Just one more thing. This mix moved MY HOUSE with the low-end frequencies! Make sure you have secured important items in your home before turning it up...
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