Lou Dorren: A new CD-4 Demodulator!!! [ARCHIVE]


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I can wait, my JVC is performing very well right now. Once you break in one of those microline stylii, they track great. Take your time, Lou, as long as you don't forget us entirely.

The Quadfather
Considering we, the end users, have had to put no money forth to help fund this project, even if Lou has to shelve the plan for a while to focus on other things, are we out anything??

Not a thing.

Delays were inevitable, or in laymans terms, shit happens. I'm happy to sit and wait patiently.

Matter-of-factly, the longer it takes, the more money I'll have saved up! ;)
Take all the time you need, Lou.

I still find it incredible that we are even talking about this 30+ years down the line!

I must wonder really about the comments from CD-4 fans after my letter to Lou. I have written not an aggressive one, even with some passages of humor. But it is a fact, that I am often asked, when the Demodulator will be ready - not only from fans in Germany. And so it is allowed of course to ask Lou , how the situation actual is after some delays. I don't think, that this is a "lese Majeste". I think, Lou has understand my letter right. Also I know, that this project is one of him private beneth his main workings. I would also pay a pre-payment to subsidize this project. And we all are very thankfull, that he has started this specific feature. But after some times an asking must be always allowed. With the actual answer of Lou I can now inform now all the other CD-4 fans which I know - especially those with an pre-order. By the way, I wonder also, that only 100 items was pre-ordered. There must exist some more CD-4 fans in the QQ forum. But it may be, that in the actual economic and financial situation some have not enough money even for a "nice price" item. Another possibility for a further announcement could be, to write in Japanese forums some about the new demodulator. Japan will be beneth the USA and also Europe the 3. big market for Quadraphony with CD-4fans till now. But this would all be the matter of Lou, in which I don't like to make another interferences.
At the High End 2009 in Munich there was demonstrated from the magazin Audio quadraphonic music from SQ (as also here in another thread was reported). When we have received the new Demodulator, I will ask the wellknown journalist by the magazin, if they will do it again with CD-4 as rebirth with Lou's new demodulator. Beneth that, I willl inform also other magazines from this CD-4 phoenix. May be, that there will as result a further inquiry. Such public relations I have made since decades. Now all satisfied?

With all due respect Dietrich, I really don't think that you do have a right to question Lou's timeline. He has asked for no money up front, from anyone! He has included our members in the development of this component, and he has been more than open with his progress.

Others can certianly add their thoughts, but my understanding is that Lou's kind offer was to individuals within the QQ community. If you chose to remarket his demodulator, then it is you who owe your customers an explanation; not Lou. As a few others have noted, the development time allows us to save up some more US dollars.

I am as anxious as most, and I have a place in my quad system set aside for Lou's demodulator when it arrives; but I can still sleep at night, and I would suggest medication for those German enthusiasts who cannot. I repeat: we appreciate what you are doing Lou; your progress documentation is well-appreciated, and you don't owe anyone an explanation.
Hello Quadzilla, a real funny sight you have, what is allowed in the forum and what is forbidden. I think all of the members of the forum have the right to write to everyone, who is also member - if he is unskilled worker or general manager. And I have found no a word in Lou's answer to me, that he is offended. I have asked objective and he has answered objective. So we know now, that we must have respect for situation, that he has further on only private and so restricted time for the devepoment of the demodulator. Why now big indignation from those, I have not asked, that I "useless poor wretch" has the cheek to write to Lou or Mister Dorren. I make not a self remarket for the demodulator. I have made only publicity in our quadraphonic circle for the item and have made some pre-orders for those, who don't own a PC. I will also help , when the real payment is required. When I must read here further accusations against me, I don't make further answers. Those discussion may finally feel Lou annoying and that is the last bad situation, which we don't need.


Fan of quadraphonic surround since 1973.
Collecting other fans and give them informations with our Quadro-Action since 1980 till now and further on.
Deitrich, Perhaps something is being lost in the translation. It might be that you are coming across sounding worse than what you are feeling. It might be best just to drop the subject. I don't think bad of you, and we all want to know when it is going to happen, but Lou doesn't have unlimited time to work on this, if he's like me, he has a lot of irons in the fire. Easy does it.

The Quadfather


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i respect the quadfather - a real hardcore quad-dude - lots of years inside the machines and his posts read like prose -- but dietrich - didnt you know that there is at least one silly old bitch in this forum - - dietrich you have a right to ask Lou what the hell is up with the machine - and i would think lou can tell you to "go eat yourself" if he wanted to do so - you are putting the info out in germany about the upcoming prize of the new demod and obviously are speaking up for a group of fans of cd-4 - lou needs those fans because fans = $. you are being quizzed - endlessly - by these buddies - you made light of the situation - i.e. - being the go-between for your friends and this forum - the humor of the use of kids on christmas morning - i get it - even with the bad typing (or really pretty damn good - if you consider how many languages i can type or read or speak) so if some of your nail-biting is lost in translation with the occasional dumbass - who are they to say anything to you if Lou didnt?

and Lou, bro, $510 bucks? :eek: the dude in Germany is right - that aint much dough - and 100 pieces ordered? - nah, that thing is worth a grand - and let people like the german guy keep the orders coming in -- it might not be about the money to begin with - but sell a few thousand of them at a grand and theres some more mattress stuffing for you!

i didnt bother to write "sign me up for one" because i had a - i-will-believe-it-when-i-see-it-attitude - but $510? - i figured that would be a deposit! sign me up for 2! then i can play all 6 of my cd-4 albums...eh....maybe.

i will apologize for my aggressive tone for myself - i am sorry for my aggressive tone.
Hello Lou!
What kind of bias currents are we talking about with a strain gauge cartridge like the EPC-450C-II? And what voltage levels do these devices then output? (I guess this is a function of (partly) the bias.) And no RIAA curve implementation in the elecronics, but is some compensation of the frequency response of the transducer required?

Hello Discrete Quad record owners,


The bias current is 5 ma per side. A restive load with carbon film resistors is preferable. Must be very low noise. No RIAA eq is required and one side must have it's signal inverted.

Lou Dorren
Thank you, Lou.
One side inverted; Do you mean an instrumentation amplifier topology?
I understand the strain gauge has a inherent 6dB/oct rolloff, matching to some degree, but not quite, the RIAA curve. Any comments on this?
(I am asking all these questions because I am trying to get a EPC-4xx somewhere (e.g. ebay).

I must comment on the RIAA deviation of the strain gauge cartridges, as if these have a first order rolloff, I cannot understand anything other than they have a ca. 6 dB error at e.g. 5 khz compared to 1 kHz. :confused::confused::confused:


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