Ozark Henry - Paramount blu ray audio mixed by Ronald Prent


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Robert van Diggele

2K Club - QQ Super Nova
QQ Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Woerden, The Netherlands
While searching I came across a pure audio blu ray called Paramount by Ozark Henry. This title has been released in March 2015. It aeems to be a career overview with tracks recorded with an orchestra. The album has been mied by Ronald prent in 5.1 and Auro 3D.

Does any QQ member has this title?
http://www.bol.com/nl/p/paramount/9200000037400478/ Here are some reviews, but also from people who do not know what pure audio bd is, so they seem a bit disappointed at having no video.
I have this disc on loan and will post some scans.. I've been meaning to mention it....

Classical with vocals...
I have this on loan from a "GUY" I know online... :D

Here are some scans:

The music is I suppose "classical crossover" - he does a cover of Heroes as an example (with an orchestral backing)...

The mix is excellent and discrete - what else would you expect from Ronald Prent?

The disc comes with a cardboard slipcase and is in a SACD style case.. (y)
People you have to hear this disk, it is reference quality. How can you go wrong with this, Ronald Prent/Darcy Proper team, wow, they know how to record,mix/master and I was just blown away after listening to this. It is very,very good. You can get this at most Amazon's and cost me around $23
I know this will sound like a cliche but don't know how else to put it but Ronald Prent has done the mix that you are right in the middle of the orchestra, very very cool.
Again just WOW,WOW,WOW, this was a title I didn't know and really surprised me.

Here is the Ad for it, the snippet around 03:30 is song called Grace, really like this one.
His version of Hereos isn't bad either.


Strange... 10 minutes after ordering this disc from Amazon.ca for $21.81, I click on the link and now and it only shows it as available from a 3rd party seller for 34.97 plus shipping. Maybe I bought the only copy Amazon.ca had in stock.

Sorry to my fellow Canadians who click on the above link.
I have played this 1-2 times and also heard it at a demo conducted by Ozark Henry in NYC. I think the recording of the voice quite good and there is a nice sense of space with a good deal of (intentional) immersion. Switching from 5.1 by adding R/L height (and, at the demo, R/L rear height) channels opened up the acoustic even more. However, I felt it lacked a cohesive representation of the orchestra but that is coming from a guy who has a strong feeling about how an orchestra should sound and there is no reason to presume that the producers had the same target in mind.

That said, I enjoyed the songs and performance more with each rehearing.
Looks nice. Has anybody ordered this from amazon.com/.ca and can confirm whether this is a region-A-coded blu-ray? i don't want to spend 30$ incl shipping only to find i cannot play this on my region-B player… the version linked from his website seems to be a normal CD from what I can tell.
I got my copy of the Paramount Pure Audio Blu-ray from Amazon.com and it plays on my Region B-Locked Cambridge Audio Blu-ray player no problem.
Well, well. This is really interesting stuff. Really immersive. Grace is a powerful tune. I am going to enjoy getting to know this album.