HiRez Poll Pineapple Thief, The - YOUR WILDERNESS [DVD-Audio/Blu-Ray Audio]


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Rate the DVD-A/BDA of the Pineapple Thief - YOUR WILDERNESS

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  • 1: Poor Content, Poor Surround Mix, and Poor Fidelity

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Oct 31, 2008
Middle TN
Please post your thoughts and comments on this 2016 5.1 surround mix of the album "Your Wilderness" by the Pineapple Thief, available as a 2CD/DVDA-V deluxe edition from Kscope.

This deluxe edition is now out of print. However, the 5.1 mix is now available again on the live Blu-Ray release "Where We Stood".

Deluxe Edition with DVDA-V:

"Where We Stood" Blu-Ray:


(n) :) (y)
No reviews yet, so here it goes.
First off, this is a very dynamic album. I turn my receiver up louder than usual for this particular disc, and that's a good thing!
It's a very discrete mix, and the wildcard element in the music is of course the fantastic drumming from former-Porcupine Tree drummer Gavin Harrison.
There is something that nags me a little bit concerning the fidelity of this disc though.
It doesn't have that high fidelity brilliance that I hear from a lot of great high-res discs.
Other than that, I have no issues with the music, and I certainly have no issues with the very discrete and well thought out surround mix from Bruce Soord.
Therefore, I give this disc a '9', breaking down my vote this way:

Content: 3/3
Surround Mix: 3/3
Fidelity: 2/3
High-Res Disc: 1/1

BTW, Neil did a wonderful job authoring this DVDA/V disc.
He utilized Carl Glover's amazing photography and design work in the disc authoring so it helps to further immerse you in the experience.


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Listening and I think Bruce Doors has pulled together one of his most accomplished Surround mixes to date.
The music is great, plenty of light and shade. Quite like guitar solo at the end of take your shot.
High marks for this one.
A shame the mix is limited to the booklet
As the postman handed me the parcel I thought I must have made a mistake and ordered an LP release by mistake but when i opened it and read the sticker on the front it mentioned the 5.1 DVD so I thought 'well that's ok then'. Then I unwrapped it and realised it was just a big book and the 2 cds and DVD where inside the front, very nice packaging indeed, just about justifying the price. I have listened to it twice now and I like it very much, but in voting I couldn't bring myself to give it a 10 only 9, the content is a bit downbeat at times much like no-man which I own but cannot enjoy, it's so depressing, and I found the bass to be a bit muddy in places but that may just be my system, on the whole a very good sound and as rtbluray said I had to crank up the volume a bit, I had just listened to Porcupine Trees Deadwing, which I love, so the Pineapple Thief was up against it a bit but it came out well in the end and I'd recommend it.
A shame the mix is limited to the booklet

A very strange decision was also made about Bruce Soord's debut solo album. Only pre-orders were eligible for the 5.1 download.
He did step in and increase the amount of days one could wait to purchase the album and still get the 5.1, but it wasn't indefinite.
For the life of me I can't understand the thinking there - to restrict your 5.1 mix from fans that really want to buy it.
Weird decisions about 5.1 distribution seem to be following him around.
A very strange decision was also made about Bruce Soord's debut solo album. Only pre-orders were eligible for the 5.1 download.
He did step in and increase the amount of days one could wait to purchase the album and still get the 5.1, but it wasn't indefinite.
For the life of me I can't understand the thinking there - to restrict your 5.1 mix from fans that really want to buy it.
Weird decisions about 5.1 distribution seem to be following him around.

Well he doesn't own the recording rights for either of those albums (his solo album and "Your Wilderness")
Kscope (the record label) does, and they have made the final decisions in both of these instances concerning how these albums are released and the formats available.
Well he doesn't own the recording rights for either of those albums (his solo album and "Your Wilderness")
Kscope (the record label) does, and they have made the final decisions in both of these instances concerning how these albums are released and the formats available.

You may be right, but Bruce heavily implies the decision was at least partly his in this post:

Going with a 9 on this one. It almost feels like a 10, but I have to save 10s for those truly special surround discs. This one is pretty much bare bones; only the album. No 5.1 videos, no bonus tracks. Some extra content would most likely have nudged my rating up a notch. Anyway, as for the album itself: excellent mix, fidelity, and music. I can't say for certain if it's TPT best album, but for me, it definitely rates near the top.
This is a very good disc, it's a shame the bonus disc wasn't mixed in 5.1 and included on the DVD though, I can imagine some of those synth sequences in surround! Bruce, does it exist as a surround mix???
This is a very good disc, it's a shame the bonus disc wasn't mixed in 5.1 and included on the DVD though, I can imagine some of those synth sequences in surround! Bruce, does it exist as a surround mix???

Fully agree with you Simon. I still did not make up my mind completely, but I like more the bonus disc than the main album!
Hey César, I'm pretty sure Bruce will be keeping an eye on this thread, maybe if it does exist in 5.1 we can persuade him to offer it as a download or something, I'd love to hear it! ;)
This is a very good disc, it's a shame the bonus disc wasn't mixed in 5.1 and included on the DVD though, I can imagine some of those synth sequences in surround! Bruce, does it exist as a surround mix???

The bonus disk took me by surprise, wasn't expecting much from it but it is a very nice addition to the deluxe set.
It is to bad that it was not included as a 5.1 on the deluxe edition and I would agree if it came as a download I would be game for ordering that as well.

Received my deluxe set this afternoon. :):) Looks nice. Probably check it out later...now that I'm over crying about the Sabbath release not including the Quad....DAMMIT! OK, I'm not over it...
Listened to this a few times now and it's a superb surround mix. Love the dynamics, the space, bass spot on. The hi-res stereo is brilliant too.

A solid 9 from me. It would have got a 10 if the bonus disc had also been mixed into surround and included on the disc.
I'm glad to hear the great reviews. I broke down and ordered this when I saw it was nearly sold out. I've been enjoying the album in stereo and really like it. I am really looking forward to hearing it in surround and it sounds like the bonus disc is good as well.

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I have been wavering between a 9 and 10 on this but will give it a 10 to balance out things on overall scorecard as this is a very good release and Bruce did come through with giving us a lossless Dvd Audio which I am very grateful for.
I would have preferred a cheaper option to purchase it as this deluxe ending up costing me $72 but ultimately the music is something that is right up my alley and it has gotten alot of airplay as could play in the car and home setup so thats a big plus being a Dvd Audio.
I have to also give Bruce Soord top marks as the fidelity on this is excellent and suits the music very well and the mix is very discreet.
To bad that the bonus disk was not mixed in 5.1 as well as it was a very worthy addition to this deluxe set.
Damnit! Finally got around to order this, only to find out it's sold out :(
Giving this a 9...love the spaciousness of the mix and the clean sound. For content, it's not my favorite TPT...I think some of the other titles are musically more adventurous, and if any were announced for surround, I would await them with the same enthusiasm I held waiting for Tales from Topographic, for example.