Steven Wilson - new solo album


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Last night, I listened to this and think that there are some really good songs on it. I need to listen to it again before I pass a final judgement but so far, it's different than his first solo release. I haven't watched the videos or played the two extra "Stereo Only" tracks. I really don't care for the weird menu structure.
.......If you choose play album it will play with black screen and titles in upper left side without stopping - time counter is not active.......
I'm not seeing that issue on my player when I choose "play album". The time is incrementing correctly for me, but not when I choose individual tracks.

I also hate that you have to know what tracks have videos.... you have to get to them from the track list menu... no separate video menu....arghhhh:mad:
  • Also the track names are too small - hey I'm blind (Damn the Torpedoes tracklist is too small also) - or do I just need to upgrade my TV - yeah that's the problem - get a bigger TV.

You don't need a bigger TV, you need to move your chair closer to the old one.
Saves you the money and you'll have more cash to spend on new surround discs.
Just my worthless advice! :)

I just got my copy of "Grace" in yesterday but haven't had the chance to play it yet.
(I got the BD version)
Looking forward to hearing it.

The menu system is very clunky when played on my htpc and using Totalmedia Theater player. Most of the problems have already been mentioned. It made it very difficult just to listen to the album. Because of this I've ripped the tracks to my hard drive and re-authored it as a dvd-audio and individual flac's for playback. I think bluray has potential, but needs to be authored better. I noticed on my pc when playing the tracks that have a slideshow I have to actually click to get to the next slide, why not just have them scroll and get rid of the annoying slideshow control menu which covers up the images on the screen? Why just the black screen and no slides when playing the entire album? Too many buttons to push to move around the disc, which makes it even harder to play when doing it on an htpc.
You don't need a bigger TV, you need to move your chair closer to the old one.
Saves you the money and you'll have more cash to spend on new surround discs.
Just my worthless advice! :)

Then I wouldn't be the optimal distance from my speakers, so I can't do that....:eek:

P.S. I Actually haven't got a new T.V. because I've been spending so much recently on surround discs... (and a blu-ray player :phones).
I put up the BD Friday night and played 2/3 of it for the lateness of the hour. What I heard was great! The navigation seemed a little odd, but I didn't monkey around with it, opting for Play Album. Have played the CDs driving 3-4 times on CD 1 and twice on CD 2. Am very happy with the ambitious scope he has taken on this time.

I'd say Insurgentes was "hang on while I figure this out" and that Grace is "I've got it figured out now". I predict much more repeat listening on this one.

Deform To Form A Star hits me like Mad Mad Moon (even typing the title gets to me, knowing how moving the song is). More as we go along.
I had the same problems... But I just stripped the 12 DTS-MA tracks and reauthored to a plain BDA.
(Sorry Steven! :mad:@: ... But I did buy it! :phones)

I love it... it's a real cool, dark chill out album.
I do like it rather a lot!

As Timbre stated above:

I'd say Insurgentes was "hang on while I figure this out" and that Grace is "I've got it figured out now".

I agree totally!

I predict much more repeat listening on this one.

Me too!

I guess, I'm the only one that feels "Insurgents" is a better, repeated listening. After the first playing of "Grace For Drowning", I got bored. The videos are awful, along with the demos & menu structure.
I have to say, that I really don't get what all the fuss is regarding the authoring of this disc. It's not conventional but certainly not problematic to navigate. You choose play, you get the album with pretty much just the music (a small scribble at the top of the screen with the song title) - which I suppose would please those who only want the music. If you want to drill down further for images, video, lyrics and demos you select by title (albiet one at a time). You can also use the pop up menu button to escape or just use the next button on your remote.

As far as the actual musical content of the disc - a typically spectacular mixing job from SW - the music composition is interesting and engaging - performances likewise. I realize that there are many here who prefer their audio discs to be just that and for artists to stop wasting time with superfluous imagery. For me, not so much a problem as long as the content (audio or video) is compelling. My only gripe with this project is that the Lasse Hoile imagery/videos are bordering on self parody at this point. When I opened the booklet and saw the doll in flames I had to chuckle to myself and the videos - well, to be kind their not very good - they are like that Woody Allen parody of the Ingmar Bergman funeral scene - except they reveal the efforts of a deadly serious first year film school student.

So for the music and mix (which I bought this for in the first place) - I give it a 10. For the execution of the rest, a 6. I'd like to see someone really take advantage of the capacities of Blu Ray. SW could be that person but he needs to lighten up a bit and get rid of the dolls.
I finally unwrapped this one and put it in the $175 Toshiba Blu player and pressed the play button a couple of times and walked away. No screen menus, no distraction needed or wanted. Just switched to Blu-Ray at the AMP and whoa!!!. This thing is musically good, dark and powerful beyond my expectations. Instantly accessible unlike Insurgencies. I guess those crunching opening chords on" Harmony Korine" didn't help me settle into it a bit at first.:mad:@: ... I had the AMP a bit wound up. Sounds like another Wilson 10 to me but I will continue listening and report later in at the Hi-Rez poll. Hey, this thing is decoding amazingly @ DTS-HD + Neo 6 (6.1). Great mix. At times dreamlike.
bought the Blu-Ray, love most of the music and have to admit that I like some of the videos as well. Yes, it is somewhat pretentious filmschool-stuff, but atmospheric nonetheless and suits the music.
I guess, I'm the only one that feels "Insurgents" is a better, repeated listening. After the first playing of "Grace For Drowning", I got bored. The videos are awful, along with the demos & menu structure.

For me INSURGENTS is much much better. I listened to total album only once, may be my opinion will change.
I thought the same thing at first listen. However GFD is a grower. There are alot of things going on here that start to make sense after repeated listenings.
Just received Insurgents. First listen: typical high quality sound. Very good music but like so much Steven Wilson material I am going to have to listen several more times to come up with a definitive conclusion. I am surprised there is not more discussion surrounding this album on here.
Just received Insurgents. First listen: typical high quality sound. Very good music but like so much Steven Wilson material I am going to have to listen several more times to come up with a definitive conclusion. I am surprised there is not more discussion surrounding this album on here.

There was at the time of release, it is different from his subsiquent solo releases but good none the less.

I also like the docufilm DVD version. i think this is teh point where it really started to kick off for Steven, not that he was not busy before.
Maybe we should start another thread for the 2015 new album, which begins to take shape:
Not only it has an interesting concept behind (a young popular attractive woman who dies and no one notices after three years) but also comes with more novelties, such as a woman singing together with Steven (watch the video for the rationale behind) and a boys choir! Musically the snippets sound amazing and to me it's a surprise seeing Steven play more and more the bass guitar.
Another one to look forward!