CD-4 digital files? test "disc"?


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Well-known Member
Oct 7, 2016
I was thinking; I really need to concentrate on getting my Sansui QRX-7001 up to 100% but I only have one CD-4 stylus (a JICO aftermarket one for an AT-15SA cartridge) and also only a handful of CD-4 discs - I want to say one Shostakovich and two test discs. The issue that I'm having is that while my Marantz CD-400 seemed to work right out of the box, when I went through the basic CD-4 setup with the Sansui, I never really got a pleasing quad sound no matter what I did with the little knobs.

Rather than playing these over and over while testing, wouldn't it be great if I could play back a digital file through a DAC and send it into my receiver that way while I'm testing, to save the wear and tear on my hardware? It would have to be higher resolution than 44.1/16 to reproduce the CD-4 carrier, I realize that, but I have several DACs that should be suitable.

Anyone know if anything like what I'm looking for exists?

Any 88.2 or 96 kHz sampling rate DAC should be able to do the job. Do you have the test files already??
Probably somebody here would have some suitable files.
I was thinking; I really need to concentrate on getting my Sansui QRX-7001 up to 100% but I only have one CD-4 stylus (a JICO aftermarket one for an AT-15SA cartridge) and also only a handful of CD-4 discs - I want to say one Shostakovich and two test discs. The issue that I'm having is that while my Marantz CD-400 seemed to work right out of the box, when I went through the basic CD-4 setup with the Sansui, I never really got a pleasing quad sound no matter what I did with the little knobs.

Rather than playing these over and over while testing, wouldn't it be great if I could play back a digital file through a DAC and send it into my receiver that way while I'm testing, to save the wear and tear on my hardware? It would have to be higher resolution than 44.1/16 to reproduce the CD-4 carrier, I realize that, but I have several DACs that should be suitable.

Anyone know if anything like what I'm looking for exists?

I recorded all my Quadradisc (400 titles) without problems and I play them from Data-DVD oder media-player without any loss.
Of course there are many traps:
24/192kHz WAV is needed or you get triangles instead a fine sine. Audacity is a useful tool with it's repair function.
Don't connect any HDMI, the handshake will limit your output to 20kHz! Use RGB.
And you need a new wire (need 2 out and 2 In = 4) soldered just behind the first amplifier after phono input, the RIAA equalizer. I did with 5 / 3 amplifiers from JVC and Panasonic without problem.
With my old XP compi that was no problem, but win7 and higher has limiters for In and Out. So I use now an external analog - USB made for musicians (Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 = 150$) and I'm very satisfied, no hum, direct USB = wav.
Sorry, can't send you a sample, because yahoo limits all attachments to 25MB.
If you want to do it, ask more info.