"A Hard Day's Night" on Blu-ray 9/9/09 - i kid u not!


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If true, I would hope for audio options of the original, untouched mono soundtrack, and a new 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack of the music, in true 5.1, not the shit that was on the last "Amazing 5.1 audio" issue.
mmm same packaging as the lame sound dvd version..

and of course it wasn't only lame sound but,
wrong speed on many songs as the tv monitor scene made the filmaker roll the cameras at 25 frames to stop picture roll..

it was a good 16 x 9 picture...even if the original aspect ratio was the same as "Help"....better with slight cropping at the top than the old 4 x 3 picture..

Mr. Spock did a bootleg version with the original sound pitch corrected, but his picture of 4 x 3 had some problems.. at the edge of the picture

think I'll wait till the reviews come out...
The word got out years back that the original 1964 mono soundtrack was lost or destroyed, so any pure mono film track might have to be reconstructed somehow (if that's possible). Beyond that, there is the MPI 'stereo' dub (although only most of the songs, nothing else) and of course the most recent sonic disaster, which was useless beyond belief. The stereo dubbing of the songs (Ron Furmanek was involved with that, IIRC) kind of compromised the sonics a bit--the stereo jumps out at you, unlike the nice blend of the mono--so would it be any worse to do a 5.1 on those instead?

As for the picture, there is some controversy about how AHDN and HELP! should have been letterboxed. From my theater experiences, I expected somewhere around 1:75.1, but it's possible 1:66.1 might be closer to the truth. What we DO know is that the TV/original home video presentations in full frame aren't accurate, either, since that's not the way you would have seen it at a theater (not that I recollect). Of course in a perfect world, the image would be windowboxed, which is true full framing, so what's 'in the camera' would be what you see.

But yes, this is definitely a 'wait and see' title.....

ED :)
well they might have lost the original first generation soundtrack tape and been left with the horibly equed USA one..but there were still great film copies around with the original soundtrack eq still intact...e.g Channel 9 Australia played their copy on TV a few years back and the sound was great....the film company should have recalled all copies if they wanted to find a decent mono sound print...

on the other hand the French language film option sounds great on the 16 x 9dvd..
shame it's not English..
It's listed now at Best Buy, the Future Shop and HMV so I would say that it must be for real. Just hope they don't screw up the sound. I'll probably buy it on September 9th when it is released.
I have this weird version of "A Hard Days Night" on CD, it's the movie, from Criterion. A while back they released certain movies on CDs (!!) in I believe a sort of QuickTime format for playing on a PC. I haven't looked at the thing in years, but I might drag it out, as I think it actually has the mono soundtrack.


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I smell a quick cash in with zero attention to detail. Too bad Apple can't get their hands on the rights to this thing.
I smell a quick cash in with zero attention to detail. Too bad Apple can't get their hands on the rights to this thing.

I agree Dave. I'll bet it's just the horrible last release ported over to Blu to ca$h in.
I purchased the awful DVD and haven't watched it yet since I made the mistake of reading about it after purchasing it. I had such confidence in DVD quality that I often did that and rarely regretted it. I will wait to see reviews on the Blu-ray version but in general I find Blu-ray releases excellent, even older films. This might be a rare exception where the source greatly limits the quality, but I sure hope not. I don't ever start with the assumption that the company will just release an inferior product to cash in, that can't really work to their advantage. Profit margins are slim on Blu-ray products and the only way to make any profit in the long run is by offering quality and value and I believe that is what I have been seeing, an honest effort by the companies involved.

I don't ever start with the assumption that the company will just release an inferior product to cash in, that can't really work to their advantage.


In this case I see it as nothing else. The general public that doesn't eat and sleep Beatles minutia will think this is part of the big remaster/Rock Band campaign. It isn't.
I purchased the awful DVD and haven't watched it yet since I made the mistake of reading about it after purchasing it. I had such confidence in DVD quality that I often did that and rarely regretted it. I will wait to see reviews on the Blu-ray version but in general I find Blu-ray releases excellent, even older films. This might be a rare exception where the source greatly limits the quality, but I sure hope not. I don't ever start with the assumption that the company will just release an inferior product to cash in, that can't really work to their advantage. Profit margins are slim on Blu-ray products and the only way to make any profit in the long run is by offering quality and value and I believe that is what I have been seeing, an honest effort by the companies involved.


Hmm, should be interesting. Sounds like one to rent before buying... !