IMPORTANT About the HiRez Poll Section - 2018 (PLEASE READ)


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Forum Curmudgeon
Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
Greeting Members.

As you know, the HiRez Polls are a very important part of or forum's resources. I would like to think that members use the information in these polls in their decisions to spend their hard earned money on overpriced, out of print discs. With that in mind, it is expected that members vote in these polls in an intelligent manner.

Those members who abuse the voting in these polls by voting '1's for all releases of a particular artist because they do not like the artist, or for any other reason, will lose their Poll privileges and possibly their forum membership. Please do not vote in polls for discs you do not own of have not heard. If you do not like a particular type of music, do not express your dislike by voting with a poor vote for discs of that type of music. If you don't like a disc because it's not the format you prefer, that does not make it a '1'.

I encourage you to vote for the discs you own and vote your true thoughts. The voting is historically based on the following framework:

- How good is this mix?
30% AUDIO FIDELITY - How does it sound?
30% CONTENT - Do you like it. Is it good music. Will you go back to it again?
10% OVERALL PACKAGE - Format, packaging, added value (extra discs), marbles, format, encoding, ease of play, menu layout, bonus content (videos, making of), documentation, and other things you like or don't like about it.

All previous votes, going back to 2005, are based on this formula, so changing it now is not practical or going to happen. Remember that these are guidelines, you do not have to adhere to the tabulation implicitly.

Using the above scaling, a '1' vote would mean that it sounds like crap, the surround mix is horrible or non-existent, and the content is un-listenable. A '10' vote would be a perfect disc.

Since the beginning of the Poll creation, I looked at them more as an overall review of a disc, which is why "CONTENT" is included. You are basically writing a review of the title, and every reviewer does not love everything that they review. If you don't like a particular artist but think the surround mix is great and the audio quality is superb, there is nothing wrong with not voting a '10'. It's YOUR VOTE. Do not be pressured to follow the masses, but please, do not vote low just to tank a poll for any reason. On the other side of the equation, please avoid voting a '10' just because you are glad to get a surround disc or you love the artist! :)

So, to wrap up, vote with the consideration that you will be helping future poll readers to decide on purchasing that disc. Your vote is important, and if you feel a disc is a '10' or a '1', your vote will be respected. However, if it is found that you are using the voting towards a different goal, you will lose abilities here in the forum. I really hate that it has to come to this.

Thank you all for taking the time to read through this. And thank you all for being members here at QQ.
Good points well made, Jon.
As usual - thank you for taking the time & the trouble to make this the coolest place online for all things surround.
I know I speak for most of us, if not almost all, when I say "we really, truly appreciate it".
i can't agree in regard of 30% of content.
if i don't like particular genre but mix and fidelity is brilliant, why i should deduct 30% from overall rating?
i have many titles which not my cup of tea but were done very well in all other aspects and if i recomend
this or that, i prefer do not let my musical preferences (which is very much subjective factor) to have
influence on my recomendation.
It's a guideline. It's not cut in stone.

However, a listeners preference is certainly part of an individuals vote. Not everyone would love Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music, and you certainly would not want the masses to vote that a '10', even if it sounded great and had a tremendous surround mix. Can you imagine someone seeing a title like that as a '10' and buying it blind?

That's why it's important to not just vote, but put some of your "thoughts and comments" in the thread to explain your vote. It's a combination of everything. However, you don't have to literally follow the guideline, just be consistent.
All I can say is that I really appreciate your efforts, and I am very sure lots of other people do as well. You should feel very proud of what you have created. This is one of a handful of forums I visit on a regular basis, and the ONLY one I ever bother to post in because the vast majority of the people that frequent this site seem to be genuinely nice. Let's not let one bad apple spoil the bunch :)
I joined the QQ forum after sitting on the side-lines for quite a while. To me it is about the music, information on surround sound discs, and equipment. Its a bit of fun, it shouldn't be about ego or domination, and there have been some well reasoned discussions on subjects that people find contentious, lots of things are subjective, and I've learnt stuff and had my views changed on a few subjects. So it is sad when some-one sets out to disrupt things as they don't like the resulting views. My own view is that without the likes of Steve Wilson, Neil Wilkes, and hopefully more from Eliot Scheiner, we wouldn't have anywhere like the amount of 5.1 music available - and that's what I want more 5.1 music - which is another reason for supporting the small independent & re-release labels.
Jon, the poll is QQ's statement of authenthicity and credibility to the world of surround - it's integrity should not be allowed to be diminished by "knuckleheads." I'm sure I'm not alone in expressing much gratitude for all of your efforts in maintaining this standard. Excelsior Up Up Away!
Silly question.....
Number one is PF DSOTM BD...which mix would it be...Alan Parsons' or James Guthrie? (Same as WYWH/Brian Humphries)
Since the BD features both...well....I'd like to think the AP and BH ones...
QQ is more than fun, it is essential! The only forum I visit daily, and a lot of days it's been too - I only realised the other day I've been coming here for 10 years! Don't let the bastards get you down Jon - we need this place!
I've been a member here for a few years and not posted too much. It is a bit difficult to add much when there are a lot of people here with knowledge and experience in audio far beyond my own! :)

Jon, the surround sound poll has been critical for myself and my sibling enter the fantastic world of modern high quality audio without friends or family in the scene. For the better part of the last five years, the poll results combined with the information on these forums have shaped buying decisions (curses on the people who coaxed me to get that way overpriced Rattle The Lock CD-bluray set today; though the mix is truly incredible...)

Thanks :)

(And this writing all came about because I was looking for an algorithm to use before posting polling data myself...)
This is helpful for me. Even if I despise the content, and consider it a 0, the release can still earn a 7 if it is stellar in the other categories. Is it possible for me to find a list of all of the polls our there, even the ones that have fewer than 10 votes? It would be helpful for me, encouraging me to vote for releases that have yet to reach the threshold. Also, how does one petition for a poll to be started? Thanks for all you do! Peace
This is helpful for me. Even if I despise the content, and consider it a 0, the release can still earn a 7 if it is stellar in the other categories. Is it possible for me to find a list of all of the polls our there, even the ones that have fewer than 10 votes? It would be helpful for me, encouraging me to vote for releases that have yet to reach the threshold. Also, how does one petition for a poll to be started? Thanks for all you do! Peace
Searching the index tab (far right) should show titles with fewer than 10 votes.
Posting in POLLs: [more formal announcement discussed by moderators but in the meantime...]
Please be advised that members have pointed out how many posts in POLL threads are about shipping or other details that are NOT about the album in question. We know it's really easy to forget but it's getting worse instead of better. I really question the value of keeping 6+ month old posts like these but will be moving them into this Surround Sound - Non-Specific Format Discussion area until something better occurs to me.

Before posting something in POLL threads, ask yourself if it's going to be about the actual album content/quality that future readers can benefit from in a purchase situation. If it's not, please find somewhere else to post it or consider Bill Bruford's credit on the SABB track Trio: Admirable Restraint. Thank you on behalf of the moderators working to improve everyone's POLL experience.
I really question the value of keeping 6+ month old posts like these but will be moving them into this Surround Sound - Non-Specific Format Discussion area until something better occurs to me.

Something better: it was mentioned recently that a good place for all of the 'Comments Inspired by' spinoff threads was Rumor Mill - Rumblings in surround, so I moved them all over there today.
The thought is that these might match up to existing posts made when the surround titles were announced. That research will be for another day. :)
Yeah, especially now that we've recently seen a release being rated as 1 despite saying, literally, that "mix is pretty good" 🤔

As I mentioned on the Roberta Flack thread, the poll tabulation software that HomerJAU wrote discards these votes as outliers (votes that derivate from the average by a large percentage) so they have no effect on the album's actual score in the standings. If you're doing this you're effectively wasting your vote.
Since we are at it, I would really like to have a guideline or some advice on how to vote on the new multiple mixes and formats releases.

As an extreme example, we now have releases like Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells, with:
- A new Atmos mix,
- A 5.1 mix made 15 years ago
- A quad mix done 50 years ago

Should we rate only the newly released mix? Or choose our favourite one?

Even more, I am currently only enjoying a 5.1 speaker array. Should I restrain myself and not vote for any of the new Atmos or Auro 3D mixes? Or may I vote on the "folded down" version?

Maybe this has been discussed already in its own thread but I could not find any...

Thanks for this!