David Gilmour - Remember That Night BD Bass Issue


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Since 2002/2003
Oct 18, 2002
College Grove, TN
Okay, last night I opened the 2nd Blu Ray copy of David Gilmour - Remember That Night to see if my issues with the 5.1 sountrack were a fluke. Nope.

#1: The audio clips (small gaps) during some tunes like the title track and this is very annoying. The std DVD soundtrack plays fine. Samsung firmware upgrade? Maybe, this is the only TrueHD 5.1 disc I have problems with.

#2. Where's the bass? The first Blu Ray copy convinced me my smallish CSW sub was blown; that was the wrong disc to use as a reference point! But I did get a decent Klipsch that we like much more. :eek:

Specifically, the bass guitar energy is MIA; just played the DVD and it's the same over there. Track 3 'Time' is a good example of what I'm talking about. You know your sub is working because there are percussion elements and a keyboard bass part using the sub to energize the room very effectively. At this time bassist Guy Pratt is strumming muted bass strings until it's time to come in.

When that moment occurs, it just never happens! The previous parts stop and his bass should be taking over but never arrives. Crank the sub to +12 but there is NOTHING there. Return to normal and the KB bass part (played on the 1 of the count) tells you that is the only thing fed to the subwoofer.

Now that I see the std DVD was mixed this way as well, I'm scratching my head as why a big well produced show is chronically bass shy. Remember Music Minus One? That was a series of recordings where "your" instrument was left out so you could play along. Love Guy Pratt and want to HEAR him!

Once again, this is the only disc (Blu or DVD) that gives me such a pain. Has anybody else experienced this?
Okay, last night I opened the 2nd Blu Ray copy of David Gilmour - Remember That Night to see if my issues with the 5.1 sountrack were a fluke. Nope.

I don't have an answer to this one, but I am interested in the problem. Have you adjusted the level in the receiver bass management? Could it be the classic 10 dB error?

Specifically, the bass guitar energy is MIA
MIA? :confused:
Thanks for the replies. Yes, I went through the whole 10db research angle at the time. This disc mix is WAY out of line as compared to everything else I play.
UPDATE: A firmware upgrade cured the hiccups playing the audio for this title and the playback lockup issues (after 3-4 chapters) that we had on Across The Universe. We really liked it so I also bought the soundtrack.

As to the bass, it occurs to me that since I was so irritated with the early tracks not playing well, I hadn't heard the bass guitar on the rest of the Blu Ray version. Now that the general playback is fixed, I can report that the bass guitar energy is at good expected levels throughout. Track 3 Time still has almost no bass guitar just the dee keyboard bass for effect. Maybe it was thought that the the bass guitar would muddy the effect or lessen the impact, but that's what happens in a different way anyways. Case closed.
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'Remember That Night' is an excellent Blu presentation.

Well worth the $25 it cost at Future Shop. Best Buy wanted $32, but had no stock.

Beautiful packaging (for those who care about that part).

A well filmed virtuoso performance all around. A great Dolby TrueHD 5.1 Surround track.

I noticed a few compression artifacts, but nothing to grump about.

It's a GottaGet.

The bottom end kicks.
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