High Falootin - Do You Even Care, debut album in HD surround & stereo at bandcamp


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Jan 8, 2010
High Falootin of Madison, WI have released their debut album Do You Even Care on Bandcamp. This includes a download link (in addition to the immediate portable download) for HD 5.1 surround sound & stereo mixes as well as a loud CD and other portable formats. The HD and 5.1 content is available in FLAC, ALAC, and formatted DVDA disc image for burning.


There still isn't enough old school rock music available in surround sound. This will help with that. :)
I constantly get confused by Bandcamp and the 5.1 Flac files. I downloaded the Flac, and when I Unzipped, it was stereo only. Where are the 5.1 files? Anyone?
OK, I did see the comment about log in from the text file. I copied the "link" and it opened a page called MEGA, but then told me I don't have access and or the link is no longer valid.
OK, I figured it out. Seems a little odd, the way you have to copy and paste parts of the text file. :confused:

It's the best way I've come up with to 'trick' a mainstream media outlet into providing 5.1 HD surround sound for download. :D

I'm listening though if there are any comments about anything I can make easier!

I'm thinking this is preferred to selling different levels of quality for different prices with the 5.1 mix only available in a $150 deluxe edition right? :)
It's the best way I've come up with to 'trick' a mainstream media outlet into providing 5.1 HD surround sound for download. :D

I'm listening though if there are any comments about anything I can make easier!

I'm thinking this is preferred to selling different levels of quality for different prices with the 5.1 mix only available in a $150 deluxe edition right? :)

No offense intended Jim - I just find some of these things a bit complicated. I still haven't been able to download these files though. I click download and it ran for quite a while, then it told me I was over "some" quota and asked me to buy something. I have no clue how to get these downloaded like I normally do. :mad:@: And, of course, this is the way to go..downloads for cheap. I'm for it.

over quota.jpg
No offense intended Jim - I just find some of these things a bit complicated. I still haven't been able to download these files though. I click download and it ran for quite a while, then it told me I was over "some" quota and asked me to buy something. I have no clue how to get these downloaded like I normally do. :mad:@: And, of course, this is the way to go..downloads for cheap. I'm for it.

It looks like you are importing them to your cloud account as opposed to downloading them to your computer. I see the Mega file transfer page in your screen shot. Are you simply exceeding your Mega account size as the message suggests? I'm guessing it's not that simple or you wouldn't be posting this of course. I can only suggest downloading the files to your computer instead. (You'll want that at the end of the day anyway.) I just tested the page myself and downloaded the 5.1 folder. Decent speed too - only took 20 minutes.

Alternate theory:
You don't have a Mega account. You clicked on the 'import to my cloud drive' button instead of the download button. Then Mega gave you that error message instead of something more intelligent like "you need to make an account first".
It looks like you are importing them to your cloud account as opposed to downloading them to your computer. I see the Mega file transfer page in your screen shot. Are you simply exceeding your Mega account size as the message suggests? I'm guessing it's not that simple or you wouldn't be posting this of course. I can only suggest downloading the files to your computer instead. (You'll want that at the end of the day anyway.) I just tested the page myself and downloaded the 5.1 folder. Decent speed too - only took 20 minutes.

Alternate theory:
You don't have a Mega account. You clicked on the 'import to my cloud drive' button instead of the download button. Then Mega gave you that error message instead of something more intelligent like "you need to make an account first".

Well, I would never want to download to my cloud drive, as far as I know, I don't have one...or better yet...I don't even know what that is. So, I chose the download button - but when I clicked it, it never did the usual where I could see a download in my browser, bottom left (which would be on my laptop, not within some program on the net). It went straight to the mega thing and blew up.

Oh well - I tried again this morning and it still thinks I want to download within the Mega thing. I'll try again tonight...if all else fails, I'll just give up. It wasn't much money.
Just occurred to me I should try a different browser. I'll try that tonight. Or maybe my adblocker is somehow interfering...though it never has before.
Using MIcrosoft Edge, and downloading a single song at a time. I tried downloading 2 at a time, but MEGA again gave me errors. Seems to work this way.
Well, after all that... :) I'm giving a quick listen to the 5.1 Flacs at 96/24. Very, very nice work Jim...seriously. I'm impressed. The 5.1 sounds soooooo much better than the standard resolution stereo. :banana:
Using MIcrosoft Edge, and downloading a single song at a time. I tried downloading 2 at a time, but MEGA again gave me errors. Seems to work this way.

I don't know why it became OK to include a joke internet browser with Windows at the level of silly that that all is. Maybe try Firefox moving forward? You'll want that for other reasons too. :)

I don't think Safari is anything to write home about either but I think it at least does the basics. I've been using Firefox since forever now.
Chrome hides this 'update helper' app - I mean hides it like they're acting guilty about something - that likes to call home every 20 minutes. I thought that just crossed the line, so not a fan of that.

The zip feature crashes half of the time on every single cloud account page I've ever used. I don't know what the stumbling point could be for what should be a mundane thing. But that's why I included a note about that. Sorry about the crudeness in the delivery here! I'll come up with something better in time. At least we're above the level of selling only mp3's for full price or putting 5.1 mixes exclusively in ultra expensive editions so I'm just going to have to fall back on that for now.

I really do appreciate the comments and I'll see if I can add some instructions to make things clearer/easier for now. :)

Looking forward to brutally honest reviews (good or bad) if anyone wants to be a critic. :D
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I am trying to download now in Firefox logged on with a MEGA account, but keep getting File too big to be reliably handled in memory error. After installing the MEGA plugin the download is working for the 5.1 folder :)

edit: now getting an over quota error :(

edit 2: thought I was clever and removed the transfers, logged out and reopenen the folder without logging in, but still get the over quota error LOL. Works on IP address :)
I am trying to download now in Firefox logged on with a MEGA account, but keep getting File too big to be reliably handled in memory error. After installing the MEGA plugin the download is working for the 5.1 folder :)

edit: now getting an over quota error :(

Robert - what I had to do is,

* Double click the final folder that contains the 5.1 files (that should open a new window, showing each song 1-14)
* High-light 1 song, click "download ZIP"

It will begin downloading in a new window (that is, if you chose to "see the progress" or something like that)
I literally had to wait for that single song to finish...then it asks me to save, or save as, or cancel. I selected save, then it went to my PC download folder.

Unfortunately, in my download folder, it assigned a rather generic name, which doesn't tell you which song it is. so, you just have to do them all...1 at a time, to get all the ZIP folders in your PC. Then, you have to unzip them...again, 1 at a time. I tried to unzip all, but it wouldn't work. I hope I'm somewhat clear.
If you double-click right on the individual song files (one at a time) they will download as single FLAC files with no zip archiving.

I just tried a few test downloads - both individually and with the zip feature. It just worked both ways and the download was fast.

I investigated the Mega page regarding downloading vs. importing to your cloud drive account.
If you click the import button and do not already have an account, you get an error message telling you that you need to log into your account or create one if you don't have one. As expected.
Double-clicking on a folder navigates to that folder's contents as expected and as noted.
Double-clicking on a file (FLAC or ALAC) downloads that single file with no zip archive. (I need to include a note about this function as it isn't completely intuitive!)
Clicking on the download as zip button makes a zip of the current directory (folder) you are in.

The dozen times I've tested the 'download as zip' function with the 5.1 folder it worked every time and the download took about 20 minutes.
I tried the 'import' function (I made a test account to import to). It prompted me to log into my account as mentioned. The transfer was instantaneous.

I clearly see a Mega page in the screen shot above with the quota errors. I don't know what sequence of events you need to do to get that error!
My only guess is it's an unsupported browser thing (like trying to use Internet Explorer - or "edge" they call it now - or perhaps Safari).

Mega lists both the stock Windows IE and Apple Safari as only "partially supported". They do appear to support Windows though. This isn't a Mac-only thing. It must be crashing with these browsers.
I recommend Firefox (which I'm thinking would make a lot of other problems go away as well for browsing in general).

I am trying to download now in Firefox logged on with a MEGA account, but keep getting File too big to be reliably handled in memory error. After installing the MEGA plugin the download is working for the 5.1 folder :)

edit: now getting an over quota error :(

edit 2: thought I was clever and removed the transfers, logged out and reopenen the folder without logging in, but still get the over quota error LOL. Works on IP address :)

OK. Hmmm... again then.
You have a Mega account.
Using Firefox.
Trying to 'import' to your account.

Are you running Windows? I know it's low hanging fruit and all...
Maybe Windows still needs extensions installed to deal with files over 2GB or 4GB (I forget the limit)? (The 5.1 folder is 3.28GB.)
All I can suggest is to either import them or download them song by song for a workaround and apologize for the inconvenience.
(Not trying to sound like an Apple ad either. My interest in them starts and ends with the pro computer line with no exceptions.)

Please let me know any more details in case it leads to something I can fix!
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